Chapter 162
"I didn't do it on purpose..." Fang Zilan was at a loss and tried to explain, but Li Shengxuan smiled reassuringly, "You don't have to be nervous. I'm not asking for guilt, I just think it's interesting."

interesting?Fang Zilan now only feels that her intestines are full of regret.If she had known it would be so difficult to justify her own words, she would not have changed her words casually.

Li Shengxuan was still full of interest, and the corners of his lips curled slightly: "How did you come up with these dramas in such a short time? Or is this the real purpose of you agreeing to King Yucheng to act in social dramas?"

"Purpose?" Fang Zilan was dumb, and took a while to say: "I was just on a whim. Nowadays, the world is peaceful and the sea is clean and the river is clean. These two lines can't shake anyone's hearts. Your Majesty thinks too highly of me. What's more, if My purpose is here, I should wait until the day I go on stage to say these jokes, so I don’t need to embarrass myself today.”

"Embarrassed?" The smile on Li Shengxuan's face grew wider, "I think that what you did today is very dignified."

"Your Majesty, don't tease me." Fang Zilan lowered her eyes helplessly and pursed her lips, like a lost puppy, with her head drooping and her tail drooping, which is indescribably pitiful.

"I'm serious." Li Shengxuan leaned closer and stared at the person in front of him.She raised her head expectantly, her eyes sparkling, "Really?"

"You are not joking." Li Shengxuan's face looked much softer under the light of the candlelight.

He raised his hand to pin her sideburns behind her ears, and she subconsciously stepped back, but she didn't expect him to grab her wrist directly, "Don't move around, or you will fall off if you move again."

She struggled to break away from his hand, stood up abruptly, and the cloak on her shoulders fell to the ground with a thud.

Li Shengxuan looked at the man who seemed to have been trampled on his tail rather amusedly, "Are you afraid of me?"

Fang Zilan was neither standing nor sitting, but felt extremely flustered, thinking what kind of proposition was this?
Most people in the world are afraid of authority but not virtue, so since ancient times Mingjun has always been unwilling to be feared by others, but more willing to be admired by all ages.

Speaking of which, she wasn't afraid of him, but she knew he had ulterior motives and had to guard against him.But after all, she is not a ruthless grass, tree and stone, if she has been ambiguous with him for a long time, it may be difficult to be completely unmoved.

In the past, there were ancient Fang Zilan and Ji Ning's lessons from the sky, but in the future, she doesn't want to be manipulated by others in the name of feelings.

"Your Majesty wants to hear the truth?" Fang Zilan's heart was broken, and she simply asked.

If Li Shengxuan didn't want to listen, she would be able to escape, if he wanted to listen... She was thinking like this when she saw him nodding his head.

She immediately typed up the manuscript and was ready to compliment him, and then hurriedly turned the matter over without mentioning it.

Who knew that before she had time to say anything, she heard Li Shengxuan say: "What I want to hear is the truth."

The word "truth" was bitten so hard by him that Fang Zilan couldn't help clenching her fingers, and the hand warmer she had been holding in her palm trembled imperceptibly.

The carvings on the wall were imprinted in her palm, mottled and intertwined with the inadvertently spilled ashes, leaving red marks on the palm, but she didn't seem to feel it.

After a long time, Li Shengxuan heard her voice, and said in a deep voice, "I'm afraid, I'm not afraid."

She paused, and continued, "What I'm afraid of is that the King's heart is unpredictable, and I will bore His Majesty one day. What I'm not afraid of is that my life is still in my own hands."

Her voice fell lightly in the cold air, mixed with the subtle crackling of the charcoal fire, and dispersed to leave a room of silence.

After an unknown amount of time, Fang Zilan heard Li Shengxuan's voice, "That day you asked Zhuge Yu to ask for my will, saying that you wanted to tell Wei Subaru that there are few people in this world who can really do whatever they want."

He stood up abruptly.His stature is taller than hers, casting a shadow over her head, "But I think you are more suitable for these four words than him."

Fang Zilan raised her head, she couldn't see Li Shengxuan's expression clearly in the dim light, but she could hear every word he said clearly.

He said: "People in the world are divided into ranks. The higher you stand, the more you can win, and life is the same. Even if it is Wei Subaru, if I want him to die, he will not live. But you Fang Zilan, but Always believe that fate is in your own hands?"

His calm and prestige tone was inherently intimidating, like a god who judged all living beings, and Fang Zilan was almost out of breath.

But she still stood tall and straight, looked up at him, her tight jaw line revealed inexplicable stubbornness, her eyes were radiant without flinching.

She asked back: "What about Your Majesty? If His Majesty's life is not in your own hands, then in whose hands is it?"

Li Shengxuan was stunned by her questioning, and he swallowed the sentence "How do you compare with me?"

He knew very well in his heart that he could not say this sentence.

However, as soon as this idea came to him, he was startled that it was not good. It wasn't that he couldn't, nor that he didn't want to, but that he couldn't.

As if uncontrollable, a certain seed buried deep in my heart suddenly broke through the ground, took root and germinated.

It was supposed to be a lonely family with a widow above ten thousand, but he was more and more unwilling to let her be inferior to him, as if standing side by side was the most suitable for her.

This seed made him feel scared, but it also made him extremely eager.

The young man was killed on the battlefield and exiled outside. No one could relieve his loneliness until she appeared.

Whether it's the righteousness that seems to be nonsense under the fireworks in Wind River Valley but is passionate, or her bravado that seems ambitious but is embarrassing when she says she climbs high and looks far away to guard well-being.

It wasn't until this moment that he discovered that she was the same type of person as himself, seemingly invincible but actually soft and soft. The so-called ruthlessness was nothing but a means of self-protection.

Seeing Li Shengxuan lost his mind, Fang Zilan hurriedly waved a hand in front of his eyes, "Your Majesty?"

When Li Shengxuan came back to his senses, he saw that Fang Zilan's white palm was burnt red, and only then did he realize that she had spilled ashes from the hand warmer at some point.He didn't have time to think about it and was about to snatch the incense burner from her hand, but she dodged it.

Fang Zilan also found that the ashes had fallen on her hands, so she casually put the hand warmer back on the table, and then clapped her hands to shake off the ashes.

"Doesn't Your Majesty know? I don't feel any pain. Your Majesty doesn't need to care about this small injury." She said as if nothing had happened and hid her hands in her sleeves, but Li Shengxuan grabbed her wrist the next moment.

"Stretch out your hand." Li Shengxuan held her wrist tightly, no matter how much she tried secretly, she didn't move at all.

"What is your Majesty doing?" Fang Zilan frowned slightly, with a somewhat helpless expression, but she still stretched out her hand.

But Li Shengxuan didn't let her go, and led her to the cabinet in the back room, and took out a white porcelain medicine bottle from the drawer.

Fang Zilan spread her hands and looked at Li Shengxuan carefully applying the medicine to her. After realizing that the charcoal fire in the room was burning hot, thin beads of sweat appeared unconsciously on her forehead.

But Li Shengxuan was still concentrating on applying the ointment for her, as if he didn't feel the heat in the room at all.

So she couldn't hold back anymore, and opened her mouth to ask, "Don't you feel hot, Your Majesty?"

 Fang Zilan: I actually have a relationship line?

  Author: Are you probably dreaming?
(End of this chapter)

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