Don't ask where people go

Chapter 164 First Encounter

Chapter 164 First Encounter
Fang Zilan nodded lightly, and Li Shengxuan agreed: "Okay. I'll go and talk to King Yucheng, but the script cannot be changed."

Disappointment flashed across her eyes, and the next moment she heard Li Shengxuan say: "But how you want to change the martial arts is up to you."

Hearing this, she readily agreed, walked quickly to his side, and said with satisfaction: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

"You, if you get a bargain, be good." Li Shengxuan looked helpless, but the smile in his eyes couldn't be concealed no matter what, "The New Year's Theater is so good, so you must go?"

Fang Zilan said embarrassingly: "I have promised the prince, and it is unreasonable to give up halfway."

Li Shengxuan's eyes darkened, "Just because of this?"

Fang Zilan hummed, but added as if remembering something: "Not all of them. I heard from Awan that Yaoxie's costumes are gorgeous and beautiful, and the New Year's drama is lively and lively. I also want to join in and watch it."

"Listen to A Wan?" Li Shengxuan frowned slightly, "Haven't you seen it?"

"No." Fang Zilan shook her head honestly, "I haven't been out much since I was a child, and I only went to the temple to burn incense and pray for blessings with my mother during New Years and festivals. After my mother passed away, I didn't even burn incense and pray for blessings. When you are free, take a look at the temple that my mother and I used to go to from afar."

Her expression was full of longing and nostalgia, and there seemed to be tears in her eyes, "I remember when I was a child, I went to offer incense during the New Year, and it happened that I happened to be walking in the temple. My mother and I I got separated, and everyone around me was running for their lives, but I was the only one who stayed where I was."

Li Shengxuan didn't speak to her, and silently listened to her continue talking.

"Later, a little brother grabbed my sleeve and led me out. At that time, the little brother asked me why I didn't run away, and I said it was because..."

Almost at the same time, her and Li Shengxuan's voices overlapped, and they said in unison: "The fireworks are beautiful."

She stared blankly at Li Shengxuan, the face of the person in front of her dazedly merged with the face of the boy from many years ago.

The answer was so close that she couldn't help but want to confirm, "That little brother, is it His Majesty?"

Li Shengxuan didn't answer her question, but said indifferently: "The fireworks were set off carelessly that year, which caused water to flood the back alley of Baiye Temple. The fire was not big, and it was quickly brought under control."

Baiye Temple?The intermittent memories in Fang Zilan's mind gradually pieced together.

That's right, every time Mother took her to offer incense, she always went to Baiye Temple.

She met Li Shengxuan when she was walking in the water, and later when her mother was killed, she met Ji Ningtian, both at Baiye Temple.

In the dark, Baiye Temple is like an invisible thread, connecting her with the key people around her.

Thinking of this, her heart suddenly trembled, an inexplicable urgency surged uncontrollably, and a thought suddenly popped up: she wanted to go to Baiye Temple in person.

Li Shengxuan saw her stunned on the spot, and called her name softly.

Fang Zilan came back to her senses, her expression was a little more dazed.She asked confusedly, "What did Your Majesty say?"

There was no expression on Li Shengxuan's face, but there was a rare tenderness hidden in his eyes, "I said, the fireworks that year were really beautiful."

His voice was almost inaudible, but it still fell into Fang Zilan's ears clearly.

She suddenly felt like a bunch of fireworks exploded in her heart.

It turned out that a long time ago, they had an intersection.

Now that the past was brought up again, it seemed like a fateful reunion, which made her secretly happy, but she couldn't even tell what she was happy about.

If this was put on when she was sober on weekdays, she would definitely have to get to the bottom of it.But at this moment, she was in a daze, her mind was muddled.

She didn't even have time to think about whether it was because the temperature of the charcoal fire in the house was too high, or whether she had a fever, which made her tremble like a fluttering kite.

Li Shengxuan's words of fireworks are as beautiful as the clouds in the nine heavens. She is so addicted to it that she almost wants to get close to it, but she is afraid that the storm hidden behind the clouds will smash her to pieces in the next moment.

Her mouth was dry, and some words were on the verge of coming out of her lips. She almost couldn't hold them back from coming out of her mouth, so she had to bite her lips tightly to try to force them back.

Li Shengxuan saw that she was about to talk, and his expression was very similar to what he saw in Baiye Temple that year.

In fact, he had seen her and her mother long before that trip into the water.It's not so much seeing it before, it's better to say it's just seeing it from a distance in Baiye Temple through the dense crowd of people surrounded by fragrant mist.

Fang Zilan looked extremely docile when she was young, and she was naturally clever. She was a little girl who couldn't help but look at her even if she was thrown among the children.

As for her mother, she always wore plain clothes and a veil to cover her face, and her every move was extremely low-key.During festivals and festivals, he will take her to Baiye Temple to offer incense and pray for blessings, and she is very devout among many pilgrims.

Rumors from the outside world said that the lady in the mansion had scratched her face because of fighting for favor, so she was much more peaceful, praying to God and worshiping Buddha so devoutly was just trying to live a safe life.

But he knew that the truth behind the rumors might not be true.

He once saw their mother and daughter setting up lanterns in the valley behind Baiye Temple by accident.

The gray and white lantern with no words was licked up by the rising flames little by little, making it look extraordinarily gloomy in the daytime.

He knew that it was a ghost lamp, specially lit for the departed.He also ordered it for his brothers on the bone-burying battlefield, but he had never seen any woman in the back house knew how to order it, and they all felt it was unlucky.

Xu was curious, that day he followed their mother and daughter all the way, and left after seeing them adding oil to an ever-burning lamp in front of the Buddha.

After they left, he went up to look at the amulet on the ever-burning lamp.

It is engraved with: mountains and rivers are forever.

Time has passed, but he still remembers the shock when he saw these four words, and he still remembers the amazing eyes of the little girl who said the fireworks were beautiful that night.

At that time, he only felt a lock in his heart, clicked, and opened.

But later, he thought he had missed her, so he had no choice but to reshape the shackles with the ambition of eternal life, and imprisoned himself in the prison of power.

However, at this moment, he fixedly looked at the person in front of him, only to realize that they hadn't missed it.

The anticipation and greed in Li Shengxuan's eyes were not invisible to Fang Zilan, but she couldn't respond to him, so she could only forcefully say: "Your Majesty, it's getting late, I'll take my leave first."

After she finished speaking, she put the brocade handkerchief she had been clutching in his hand and saluted to leave.

Li Shengxuan went to the soft couch by the window, picked up the cloak that had just fallen off, and put it on her shoulders again, "The winter in the capital is cold, so you are wearing thin clothes."

Fang Zilan wanted to say that she left her cloak on the mansion in a hurry today, but she opened her mouth and finally said only one thank you, Your Majesty.

Li Shengxuan looked at her back as she went away, the brocade handkerchief in his hand still had her warmth, mixed with the sticky coolness of the ointment, he only felt that his heart was also hot and cold, and he couldn't control himself.

Xia Houzhang walked into the imperial study room, seeing Li Shengxuan's lost look, he couldn't help asking: "Your Majesty, what happened?" Li Shengxuan didn't speak.

I don't know how long it took, Xia Houzhang heard his voice, and he was as light as a feather in relief, "She is Fang Zilan. Zixiu Fang Zilan is also the third lady of Xiangfu, Fang Zilan."

 Time has passed and the situation has changed, is it the moon in the heart that has turned frosty and turned into an unattainable white moonlight, or has the cinnabar mole turned red and turned into disdainful mosquito blood?No one knows.

  But what is certain is that they are not reunited with broken mirrors, but each has become a mirror.Fulfilling our duties in each other's positions, and keeping the mountains and rivers forever, is the best destination.

(End of this chapter)

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