Chapter 165 Money
When Fang Zilan came out of the palace, she saw Deputy General Cao waiting at the gate of the palace. She was stunned for a moment, then walked to his side and asked, "Old Cao, why are you here?"

Seeing her come out, Deputy General Cao seemed relieved, "Boss, I'm here to pick you up."

Fang Zilan frowned slightly with suspicion on her face. Seeing this, Deputy General Cao hurriedly explained: "Miss Awan asked me to come. She said that the New Year's Eve is approaching, and there are many people in the capital. I am afraid that something will happen to you outside, Boss."

"What could go wrong with me?" Fang Zilan's heart warmed up, "It's you, it's rare for you to rest for two days, and you still have to be ordered by A Wan."

"It's not really a command." Deputy General Cao shook his head, "I have nothing to do at home, so I might as well come out for a walk."

Fang Zilan smiled, took the reins of the horse from Vice General Cao's hand, and said softly, "That's all, let's go back home."

After returning to the mansion, Fang Zilan did not enter the front hall, but entered the backyard by herself.

Hearing noises in the courtyard, A Wan hurriedly put down the medical book in her hand and went out, but saw Fang Zilan stumbled to sit down under the plum tree in the courtyard, with a smile on her face, but she didn't know what she was thinking.

Deputy General Cao followed closely behind and also stood under the plum tree, but his hands stopped in mid-air, neither supporting nor letting go, and finally he could only touch the back of his head in embarrassment.

Seeing this, A Wan quickly walked over and asked curiously, "Are you drunk?"

However, when she got closer, she realized that Fang Zilan did not smell of alcohol, but instead had a faint woody aroma.

She sniffed it carefully, and found that it was not the usual incense in their house, it seemed to be the incense from the palace.

When Deputy General Cao saw A Wan coming, he stood aside with great eyes and gave way to Fang Zilan's side.

A Wan bent down and leaned in front of Fang Zilan, looked at the unnatural flush on her face, reached out and touched her forehead, "It turned out to be a fever, I said what is going crazy in the cold weather..."

She muttered as she tried to pull her up from the ground.

However, she was small and not strong enough, so she could only shout to Vice General Cao next to her, "Come and help me."

"I don't have a fever." Fang Zilan glared at A Wan displeasedly, and let her and Vice General Cao drag her into the room.

Deputy General Cao helped Fang Zilan to the main seat, and A Wan hurriedly poured a cup of hot tea for her, then asked condescendingly: "Tell me, if you don't have a fever, what were you giggling about in the courtyard just now?" What happened to your hand?"

Fang Zilan didn't care, "I accidentally got burned, and I've already taken medicine."

A Wan looked at the ointment in her hand with a face of disgust, and was about to say something, but saw her lowering her eyes and smiling slightly: "I found him."

A Wan didn't know, so, "Who did you find?"

"The little brother who led me when I was young." Fang Zilan thought for a while and added, "The little brother who is as good-looking as fireworks."

A Wan's expression was a little flustered, she turned to Vice General Cao and asked, "Where did she go today?"

Vice General Cao hurriedly replied: "When I went to the government office to pick up the boss this afternoon, she was not there. I asked the guards of the government office, and they said that the boss came out of the government office in the afternoon and entered the palace. I have been waiting outside the palace. When the boss came out of the palace, we went back to the mansion directly, and didn't go to other places."

After hearing this, A Wan frowned slightly, stretched out her hand and waved in front of Fang Zilan's eyes, "Fang Zilan, do you still recognize who I am?"

Fang Zilan raised the corners of her lips, and said amusedly: "Awan, do you really think I'm crazy?"

A Wan saw that her eyes were clear, and she didn't look like she had a fever, so she leaned close to her and sat down, "It's all right, why did you have a fever?"

"I left in a hurry this morning, so I didn't have time to put on my cloak." Fang Zilan said nonchalantly, "Later, when I was enjoying the snow in the palace, the charcoal fire in the room was burning enough, and I thought about alternating hot and cold, so I developed a fever."

"The cause and effect can be explained so clearly, it seems there is still hope." A Wan said as he caught her pulse with his fingertips, but his eyes fell on her cloak, "Then whose cloak is on you?"

Hearing this, Fang Zilan stretched out her other hand to gather the cloak on her shoulders, and blinked mysteriously, "I won't tell you."

A Wan glared at her, didn't go into details, and changed the voice: "It's only a few days before New Year's Eve, you have to hold on. Lao Cao and I will help you take care of the affairs here in the house, and you in the government office." You can throw it to Mr. Zhuge. As for the New Year’s drama, it’s almost enough, don’t try to be brave. I’ll help you take care of it after the first month’s rest.”

Fang Zilan closed her eyes slowly, and said softly: "Don't worry, I know what's going on."

Awan sighed, "It's best if you know it in your heart." She took the teacup in Fang Zilan's hand, "The tea is cold, let me change it for you."

"Awan." Fang Zilan suddenly stopped her, she stopped and looked down at her: "What's wrong?"

Fang Zilan barely opened her eyes, her eyes were ignorant and innocent, "Awan, I'm hungry."

Awan burst out laughing, "Dinner has already been prepared, I asked the kitchen to bring it in. After dinner, I will personally watch you take the medicine."

"Do you want to take medicine again?" Fang Zilan's face collapsed in an instant, and A Wan said angrily, "I said Master Fang, you have a fever and you still don't want to take medicine?"

"I didn't..." Fang Zilan muttered in a low voice, but she heard A Wan prolong her voice deliberately: "Take your medicine obediently, and I will reward you with a bunch of candied haws."

Fang Zilan couldn't help curling her lips in distaste for A Wan's appearance as if coaxing a child, "Do you think you can bribe me with a bunch of candied haws?"

"Then what do you want?" A Wan asked cooperatively, she stretched out two fingers and waved in front of A Wan, sitting on the ground and raised the price: "Why do you need two strings?"

"Don't even think about it." A Wan dismissed her thoughts mercilessly, "I bought two bunches of candied haws in total, what should I eat if I give you all?"

"Stingy." Fang Zilan snorted, and then asked Awan as if remembering something: "Is there enough money in the house? If not, remember to tell me, I will ask Fang Lihui for it."

"I was just about to tell you about this." Awan put the teacup on the table, and Vice General Cao picked up the tea set with a wink, "You two chat slowly. The tea is cold, I'll go and replace it with a new one." Yes, by the way, ask the kitchen to bring the dinner over."

After Deputy General Cao left, Fang Zilan looked up at A Wan, "Sit down and talk slowly."

A Wan sat back next to her again, with faint worries in the corners of his eyes and eyebrows, "Fang Lihui sent someone to come to the house today, saying that there is something wrong with the business in the northern border, and the money I promised you may not be until the first month is over. to be delivered."

Fang Zilan pondered for a while, and asked in a deep voice: "Is the money in the house enough for the New Year?"

"It's almost enough, but..." A Wan paused in embarrassment, and Fang Zilan asked, "But what?"

A Wan said hesitantly: "After Fang Lihui sent someone here today, I went to the accounting room and asked someone to sort out the accounts. There is no problem with the daily expenses of the house, but according to the customs of the capital, the ministers of the government hold banquets in the first month, and our house The government may not be able to afford the money."

Fang Zilan frowned involuntarily, "Maybe?"

 Fang Zilan: As a dignified minister, I am actually short of money?

(End of this chapter)

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