Don't ask where people go

Chapter 166 Fireworks

Chapter 166 Fireworks
"That's how it is." A Wan said while thinking: "It stands to reason that you were granted the title of Duke of Yue, and your majesty's award is enough for our family to celebrate the New Year. But you also know that you were awarded the title during a family banquet in the palace. , not above the court, so there are only official conferments. And the awards are all handled by the people in the Ministry of Rites. They use the reason that the Ministry of Rites is approaching the end of the year, and they have no accurate words until now. Let me say, their group of people, I just feel that you have not been sealed in front of the officials, and your name is not right..."

Fang Zilan didn't listen to what was said later, she suddenly remembered what Zhuge Yu told her, that Li Shengxuan had been looking for an opportunity for her to make a public appearance.At that time, she didn't care about it, she just thought it was good to have the real power in her hands, as for the formal courtesy, she didn't care.

But only now did she understand that real power is important, as well as virtual etiquette, and the two complement each other and are indistinguishable.Real power determines her position, but virtual etiquette determines whether she is secure in this position.

Now she has an official title but can't get a reward, which is really embarrassing.After all, it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. From the emperor down to the common people, they all have to live. Without money, her family's various expenses can't be supported. If things go on like this, mistakes are bound to happen...

Just as she was thinking about it, she heard A Wan say: "Do you think Fang Lihui has repented? He said that there was a problem with the business in the northern border, but he was actually looking for an excuse to deal with you?"

"He doesn't dare." Fang Zilan's expression was indifferent, but his tone was very firm, "Let's not talk about his written proof, the family contract should be in my hands. Just say that after Fang Liren left, his father united all The elder of the Fang family took back the seal of the head of the family. Now that the overall situation of the Fang family has not been settled, he has not yet officially taken the position of head of the family. He still needs someone in the court to help him maintain his dignity. He dare not break his promise to me easily. Wait for him to be better soon Yes. As for the banquet held by the ministers of the first month..."

She paused as she spoke, then sighed softly and said, "There are still a few days before New Year's Eve, so let's take it easy. I'm afraid my house has many eyes and ears, and I don't know whether the accountant is trustworthy or not, so I have to trouble you, Awan." Check the accounts of the house again in person, if you have any difficulties, just tell me, and I will find a solution."

"It's all about the account book. Wu Qing taught me, so it's not a big trouble." A Wan waved his hand, and then changed the subject, "I heard that you entered the palace today, are you going to rehearse a social drama?"

Fang Zilan hummed, and A Wan looked curious, "How is it, is it fun?"

"It's okay." Fang Zilan explained simply, "Today is considered to be familiar with the process. If you want to arrange it well, I'm afraid it will take more work in the next few days."

Awan asked casually: "No one is embarrassing you, right?"

Fang Zilan smiled lightly, "At any rate, I am also the Duke of Yue, so why would anyone dare to embarrass me?"

Although she said this, Awan was still worried, "As the saying goes, if a tree attracts the wind, if you are an upstart and become popular, there is nothing wrong with being careful in everything."

A Wan spoke so old-fashionedly, Fang Zilan couldn't help but chuckled, "A Wan, when did you become so calm and steady?"

"It's always been like this." Awan's face was quite smug, Fang Zilan didn't say anything more, and said: "Why is Lao Cao so slow, I'm hungry..."

Seeing that A Wan didn't respond, she stopped talking halfway, and stretched out her hand to shake in front of her eyes, "What are you thinking, so engrossed?"

"It's nothing." A Wan shook her head lightly, Fang Zilan moved closer and tentatively called out, "A Wan?"

"It's nothing to say." A Wan suddenly turned his head away, and said in a low voice: "You don't need to ask."

"Okay." Fang Zilan nodded helplessly, "Then I'll go and see Lao Cao to see why the dinner hasn't been delivered yet."

After she finished speaking, she stood up, but she became dizzy for a while when she got up in a hurry, and she hurriedly supported the table beside the desk while her body was shaking, so as not to fall over.

A Wan sighed, stood up as if resigned to fate, helped her back to her original position, held her shoulders, and said uncompromisingly: "You sit at ease, I'll go."

"I'm fine..." Fang Zilan wanted to say something, but was cut back by Awan with a sharp eye, and changed her words: "I'm sorry, Awan."

"Fang Zilan." A Wan called her name imposingly, but the next sentence was hesitant, "You just said..."

"What?" Fang Zilan asked in bewilderment, A Wan shook his face and finally asked, "You said you found the little brother who is as good-looking as a firework, who is it?"

Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, but just as he was about to answer, he heard Vice General Cao's voice coming from the door, "Boss, it's time to eat."

She looked up, and saw that Deputy General Cao was followed by servants, each holding a food box in their hands, which looked rather rich.

"Forget it, I don't want to know anymore." A Wan simply concluded, "Let's eat."

Deputy General Cao didn't notice the delicate atmosphere between the two, and only focused on arranging the tableware neatly.Just as they were being greeted for dinner, Awan sat down quietly and had already picked up the bowl and chopsticks and started eating.

Fang Zilan didn't say anything, and sat at the table with Deputy General Cao to eat.

Awan was unusually quiet, she ate very quickly, and pulled all the rice grains in the bowl into her stomach in two or three strokes, without even eating a few bites of vegetables.As soon as she finished eating, she set up the dishes and left.

Deputy General Cao looked at A Wan's back blankly, and asked at a loss, "What's wrong with Miss A Wan?"

"It's nothing." Fang Zilan lowered her head and picked the rice grains in the bowl with chopsticks, and said in a state of uncertainty: "Let her go."

The hall was silent for a while, except for the occasional clinking of bowls and chopsticks.

However, the silence was broken not long after, "Boss, look!" Deputy Cao's voice full of shock and joy reached Fang Zilan's ears unexpectedly.

She raised her head and looked over, only to see the fireworks rising in the courtyard like shooting stars, suddenly lighting up the entire night sky.

A Wan, who was standing in the middle of the courtyard, turned her head back, and waved her hand at Fang Zilan in the hall triumphantly, as if to show off, "The fireworks are indeed beautiful, but it's not something you can't ask for. If you want to see them, you can set them off at any time." , you don’t have to go through a lot of trouble to find it.”

Fang Zilan put down the bowls and chopsticks in her hand, stood up and walked to Awan's side, looked up at the fireworks in the sky, and said with a smile: "Didn't you just say that the family didn't have enough money? You even set off the New Year's fireworks in advance?"

"Don't mention such an unpleasant thing at a time like this." A Wan curled her lips, staring intently at the fleeting fireworks, "What's more, don't you talk about the money and you will find a way to solve it? I I believe you."

Fang Zilan turned her head and looked at Awan whose lips were slightly raised under the light of the fire. The fireworks were reflected in her pupils, like a blooming flower.

In the Qiankun Palace at this time, Li Shengxuan looked fixedly at the fireworks in the distance, Xia Houzhang behind him looked along his line of sight, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, that direction is Fangfu?"

There was a trace of uncertainty in Xia Houzhang's voice, Li Shengxuan hummed noncommittally, and suddenly smiled, "The fireworks are beautiful."

The four words that seemed to be rambling without thinking, without any cover, were unreservedly highlighted by the fireworks.

 I really like fireworks stems so much, they are never tired of using them
(End of this chapter)

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