Don't ask where people go

Chapter 167 Costumes

Chapter 167 Costumes
In the next few days, Fang Zilan ran back and forth between the government office and the Lianhua Palace. She was so busy that her head and feet were upside down. It was almost late at night when she returned to the house every day.

Fortunately, with Li Shengxuan's promise, no one made it difficult for her when Lianhua Palace rehearsed the social opera, and Li Qiyou didn't have any opinion on the adaptation of the martial arts, so she let it go.Therefore, although it is busy day after day, it is also smooth and smooth.

The days are fleeting, and it is the day before New Year's Eve. Li Qiyou sent someone to deliver the costumes to Fang Zilan's residence, but she was still busy with official duties in the government office, so Awan could only check and accept it for her.

A Wan checked the costume over and over carefully several times, but she still didn't want to stop.

The boy who came to deliver the costumes was a little impatient, "Girl, I said your adults are not here, so why are you so serious?"

A Wan ignored him, Vice General Cao turned his eyebrows coldly, and the boy didn't dare to say anything more.

It wasn't until Awan was sure that the costume was safe, that he let Vice General Cao let the boy go.

At night, when Fang Zilan went back to the house and entered the room, she saw Awan holding the costume and watching inch by inch under the lamp, and she couldn't help laughing and said: "What are you doing? I heard from Vice General Cao that you don't spend all your time during the day Have you checked? Don’t look at it, light and darkness hurt your eyes.”

A Wan raised her head and didn't speak, but waved at her, signaling her to come over.

Fang Zilan conveniently put the cloak on the screen at the door, then walked to A Wan's side, "What's wrong?"

A Wan took her hand and stuffed a note for her, she opened it, and saw that it said Beware of Fraud in Social Drama, and the handwriting was actually Ji Ningtian's.

Fang Zilan quietly put the note next to the candle, waved his hand and let it burn to ashes, and slowly fell onto the candlestick.

"Fang Zilan..." A Wan was about to say something when she interrupted her, "Is there a problem with the costume?"

"No." A Wan shook his head, "I checked many times, and there is no hidden needle or poison, not even a thread."

"Then there's nothing to worry about." Fang Zilan looked at the costumes that were almost bright red under the candlelight, and said in a low voice: "If there is something tomorrow, it will be fine if the soldiers come and cover it with water and soil. Under the eyes of everyone, no one How dare you do anything to me."

"That's all." A Wan yawned, "Anyway, Vice General Cao and I will be watching the ceremony in front of the audience tomorrow. If you really have something on the stage, we can help. You are also tired these days and have taken medicine. Go to bed early."

She said and pointed to the medicine bowl on the table, "I just boiled it for a while, drink it while it's hot."

Fang Zilan took the medicine bowl without hesitation and drank it down, and A Wan took the empty medicine bowl with satisfaction, "You have a good rest, and Vice General Cao and I will accompany you to the palace to pay your respects tomorrow morning. I'll follow you, don't worry."

Fang Zilan smiled, and finally answered a good word.

A Wan got her affirmative answer, and then she calmed down and left with the medicine bowl.

After she left, Fang Zilan carefully looked at the costumes. The red clothes and gold threads were exquisitely embroidered and stitched.

Indeed, as Awan said, it is very beautiful.

While she was in a trance, Li Shengxuan's statement that the official uniform was not bad that day suddenly jumped into her mind, occupying all her thoughts. I don't know what he thinks about this costume?
However, in just a moment, she shook her head violently to drive this strange and absurd idea out of her mind.Whether she looks good in what clothes she wears is not up to others to judge.

With flickering eyebrows, her expression returned to its usual coldness.

In the early morning of the next day, when the sky was still dark, Fang Zilan was already sitting in front of the dressing table. A fiery red costume made her pale face even paler. She couldn't help but sighed, thinking about Do you want to smear some rouge to cover it up a bit, then you heard the door creak and someone pushed it open.

With a glance, she saw A Wan rubbing her hands and striding in, "It's really cold today."

A Wan breathed out as she spoke, but suddenly saw her scrutinizing eyes, and said innocently: "I saw that there was light in your room, and I thought you were awake, so I didn't knock on the door..." The more she spoke, the lower her voice , until the last sentence is barely audible.

"It's okay." Fang Zilan looked away, and Ah Wan jumped to her side in three steps and two steps as if she had been amnesty, looked around, and then praised: "This costume is really good, it looks good!"

"I think it's good too." Fang Zilan nodded as if agreeing, and just about to say something, saw Awan suddenly leaning in front of her.

Before she could take precautions, A Wan grabbed her wrist and said anxiously: "Fang Zilan, why are you so pale?"

"I'm fine." She pulled out her hand quickly, but A Wan's expression changed, "Your pulse is wrong."

Ah Wan's appearance as if facing a big enemy made her startled, "What did you say?"

"Give me your hand." A Wan couldn't help but grab her hand again, this time she didn't resist and let A Wan feel her pulse.

After a while, A Wan slowly let go of her hand, with a hint of worry on her brows, "I thought the newly made medicine could stabilize your Gu poison, but even if it couldn't, it could at least make the Gu poison The poison delays the attack. But you had a fever a few days ago, and you were overworked, I am afraid that the poison will not be able to suppress it."

Fang Zilan patted the back of A Wan's hand reassuringly, signaling her not to worry too much, "Today is New Year's Eve, as long as I get through today and start taking a rest from tomorrow, I will close the house and take a good rest, there will be no problem of."

"I hope." A Wan sighed with her head down, took out a pill from her sleeve and stuffed it into her hand, "Eat it."

Fang Zilan swallowed the pill without hesitation, and A Wan couldn't help asking, "You don't even ask me what this is?"

"I believe in you." The corners of Fang Zilan's lips hooked slightly, which made Awan's heart a little more at ease.

A Wan calmed down and stood behind her, looking at the dignified and picturesque person in the mirror, she held her shoulder with one hand, stroked her long black hair with the other, and said softly, "I'll do your makeup for you."

After she finished speaking, she took the hairpin on the table and meticulously combed her hair and put on makeup.

After the two of them had tidied up, Deputy General Cao had already sent someone to deliver breakfast, after which the three of them entered the palace together.

A Wan and Deputy General Cao, as the accompanying people, were stopped at the gate of the palace for routine inspection and registered in the register.So Fang Zilan and the two agreed that she would go to the various palaces to pay her respects first, and then meet with them at the Lianhua Palace.

However, Fang Zilan had just walked a few steps into the palace gate when she clearly noticed that everyone was looking at her with curiosity or scrutiny, and she couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

Although all the rehearsals of the social drama had a privilege to enter the palace in costumes to pay their respects, but among the crowd, her bright red costume was still very eye-catching. Coupled with her towering crown and rich makeup, she naturally It caused many dignitaries to look sideways.

 Fang Zilan: I think I can make my C debut directly
(End of this chapter)

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