Don't ask where people go

Chapter 181 Three Trigrams

Chapter 181 Gossip
Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, and then said: "It's okay to say, empress."

Fang Ziqin hesitated for a moment, and asked, "I wonder what Mr. Fang thinks about Pei Xiaoze?"

"Pei Xiaoze?" Fang Zilan repeated it inexplicably, and tentatively asked: "I wonder what the empress wants to know?"

Fang Ziqin straightened his sleeves, and said slowly: "When I was Princess Xiang, I heard about Pei Xiaoze. He was born in Pei's family, one of the nine noble families. The official worships the Minister of the Household Department. I have been an official for many years, and I have never made a mistake in my work, but I have never been promoted. It stands to reason that this person is born with good abilities, and should have made it to the top. Why is he still a small Minister of the Household Department?"

After Fang Zilan listened carefully to her words, she asked calmly, "What's the reason for the empress?"

"Master Fang is testing me?" Fang Ziqin raised his eyebrows, the corners of his lips slightly curled up, but there was no smile in his eyes.

Fang Zilan's back felt cold, she sighed lightly and said, "The Empress refused to tell me clearly, why don't you let me guess?"

Fang Ziqin didn't speak, so she continued, "The Empress asked me about Pei Xiaoze, she called him by his first name and surname, and didn't add the word "person", which shows that the empress didn't care about his official position. They are all analyzing his way of being an official..."

She paused for a while as she spoke, and then she thought about it and said: "I think the empress is from a famous family, and she knows better than anyone how important family background is to people in the officialdom, so she used her official position to make indirect remarks, just to ask me Whether Pei Xiaoze has gained power in the Pei family, I don't know if my guess is right?"

"Yes, it's not right." Fang Ziqin's expression became a little serious, "Pei Xiaoze has no power in Pei's family, and I'm afraid no one in Beijing knows about it. If not, Master Fang thinks why the Pei family has been acting in the New Year's drama for several years in a row , it's all him?"

"Since the empress knows..." Fang Zilan paused, her eyes became sharper, "Why bother with me?"

"Master Fang, why did Pei Xiaoze fall into this situation?" Fang Ziqin asked bluntly, and Fang Zilan considered every word: "Being excluded?"

"Not all." Fang Ziqin shook his head slowly, and said in a low voice: "Master Fang has worked with him, so he should know him somewhat. He has good ability, but his personality is not good."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan frowned slightly, "His personality is a bit gentle, but he is not bad."

"It's just a meek temper of Qianchong Zimu who doesn't fight or grab." Fang Ziqin's eyes seemed to flash with disdain, "It's the worst personality to just muddle along."

Fang Zilan asked suspiciously: "What does the empress mean by this?"

Fang Ziqin snorted coldly, and suddenly changed his voice, "Master Fang, do you know why he hasn't married yet?"

"I don't know." Fang Zilan shook her head honestly, "If the Queen Mother hadn't told me, I wouldn't even know he wasn't married yet."

"You?" A trace of surprise flashed across Fang Ziqin's face, and then he disciplined him: "Remember to be careful next time, and check out the people around you. If you know the root and the bottom, it's not too late to come and go."

"Oh." Fang Zilan replied in a daze, and listened to Fang Ziqin's words, "Many years ago, he fell in love with the same girl with another son of the Su family, another family of lords. But they When the two had friends, he reluctantly parted with the beauty of adulthood. Later, he fell in love with a maid of his own family, but the Pei family would never allow a maid to be his official wife, so that maid is still hidden in his room without a name. In this way, even if the Pei family is powerful, there are not many famous families in the capital who are willing to marry their girls to him."

Seeing that Fang Zilan didn't respond, Fang Ziqin asked suddenly: "If you were him, how would you do?"

"Me?" Fang Zilan said thoughtfully: "If you really like that maid, then leave the Pei family to survive. If you want to be more than ten thousand people, then give up that maid and marry someone else. But no matter what, It’s not easy to do.”

Fang Ziqin firmly believed: "If you are a man, I believe that no matter which one you choose, you will be able to do it. But Pei Xiaoze can't do any of them, so he can only get by today. "

Fang Zilan pursed her lips, and couldn't help asking: "The empress has told me so much, what exactly do you want to say?"

"Just now Zitong and I were in the Imperial Garden, and we happened to meet Pei Xiaoze who was entering the palace to meet His Majesty." Fang Ziqin sighed, "I saw Zitong acting like a little girl, I'm afraid I'm tempted by him."

Fang Zilan's heart skipped a beat, and she murmured: "With Second Miss Fang's temperament, she is used to being arbitrary, I'm afraid..."

"Who says it's not?" Fang Ziqin took a deep look at Fang Zilan, "At the beginning, Zitong and Liren's marriage was obstructed by my father in every possible way, but I never thought that she would invite the elders of the Fang family to testify behind her father's back, saying that Liren was right and wrong. People don’t marry. She even broke into the family ancestral hall privately, trying to steal the family tree..."

She stopped abruptly in the middle of her words, Fang Zilan looked puzzled, and couldn't help asking: "Mr. Fang Liren and Miss Fang are both members of the Fang clan, and their names should be on the genealogy. Why did Miss Fang break into the ancestral hall?" Stealing a family tree?"

Hearing her question like this, Fang Ziqin collected his expression and seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, "According to the laws of Dajing, intermarriage is not allowed within three generations of the same clan."

"Could Second Miss Fang want to cross out her name from the family tree?" Fang Zilan frowned, she never thought that Fang Zitong would be so daring and reckless for the sake of her sweetheart.

Fang Ziqin was noncommittal, but said in a low voice: "Later, this matter became more and more serious, and it was hard to get over the water, so my father had to agree."

As she spoke, the look on her face gradually dimmed, "Now, even though Pei Xiaoze is not a good man, if Zitong really takes a fancy to him, no one will be able to stop him."

Fang Zilan stretched out her hand to try to comfort her, but she lowered it halfway, and said in a low voice: "Empress, don't worry, Mrs. Fang has always loved Second Miss Fang, and she will never let her be wronged."

"Grievance?" Fang Ziqin squinted at her, and his tone was more plain and sneering, "Master Fang knows best? The grievance in the eyes of others may not be felt by the person involved. I always think that weak determination can be worth gossip, Never more than anyone."

"Yes." Fang Zilan raised the corners of her lips, and smiled helplessly on her pale face, "Since that's not the case, what about the Empress?"

"Me?" Fang Ziqin's eyes were complicated, and he changed his voice almost abruptly, "I heard from Lihui that when Fang's family and Wang's family were negotiating marriage, you once said that most of the people in the high-end courtyard couldn't help themselves. "

Fang Zilan didn't speak, and waited quietly for Fang Ziqin's next words, but she suddenly smiled, "Who would have thought that the little girl who would rather break her own marriage than be manipulated by others would say such a thing?" if."

 Girls' tea parties always have a topic - gossip, but while chatting, Fang Zilan: The vest fell off...

(End of this chapter)

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