Don't ask where people go

Chapter 182 Private opinion

Chapter 182 Private opinion
Fang Zilan's expression froze, and she said coldly: "I can't understand what the empress is talking about."

"Not everyone is as involuntary as you said." Fang Ziqin smiled indifferently, "Here's honey, this is arsenic. Just like Mr. Fang, he has to fight everything to get a place. It’s not like suffering, I’m in the back position, guarding everything I care about, even if I’m exhausted, I’m willing to do it.”

Fang Zilan was stunned, and she didn't really feel her arrogance until now.She knows too little about this world, far away from everything that is quietly happening outside, and close to the subtle expression changes between the eyebrows and eyes of the people in front of her.

She is always judging others with her own eyesight and experience, so she takes it for granted that Li Shengxuan is ruthless, Zhuge Yu is strategizing, Fang Ziqin hides a knife in his smile, and Fang Zitong is domineering...

It's like a piece of label, the picture is a prison, and people are framed in it.

She judges everyone's intentions from their identities, and analyzes everyone's behavior from their motives. She seems clever and clever, but she forgets that as long as a living person is alive, there are always variables. How can a label be framed?

She framed others and also limited herself.So in this disaster in the northern border, she finally thought of such a way to hurt the enemy one thousand and self-damage eight hundred. If Li Shengxuan hadn't stepped forward, she might not be the only one who was hurt.

All of a sudden, she suddenly understood what Fang Chongzheng meant when he said that Mr. Fang only felt that he was not thinking carefully.

The so-called lack of thoughtfulness is just an excuse.Now that I think about it, she is not alone, and the investigation of this case will not only involve the Northern Territory, if she can carefully plan every step of the way, she may not be able to keep everyone in the Northern Territory from retreating.

It's just that she is chaotic when she cares about it, and she does things to extremes, which eventually pushes everyone to the opposite side.Fang Chongzheng was right, she was indeed just a young and determined hero.

"Empress, Imperial Physician Wen and Miss A Wan have come to ask for Master Fang's pulse." Qiu Shui's voice came from outside the door, and standing beside her were A Wan and Wen Ya.

A Wan silently followed behind Master Wen Ya, biting her lips tightly but still couldn't believe what she just saw with her own eyes.

Last night, Master told her that she wanted her to use Fang Zilan's medication to make a big fuss today, so that he could take advantage of the situation to dismiss everyone in the Imperial Hospital and sneak out of the palace.

At first she didn't understand what was going on, until after she left the palace, she followed her master into the Hong'an Pavilion, and then she had some guesses in her heart, presumably Ji Ningtian's health was in trouble, and the master had to come .

However, she did not expect to see Huang Fulin in Hong'an Pavilion.

When she and her master arrived, Ji Ningtian was meeting guests, and Wu Qing asked them to wait for a while outside Hong'an Pavilion.Standing outside the door, she couldn't help getting closer, when she heard a familiar voice coming from the pavilion.

Huangfulin stood in front of Ji Ningtian with a terrified expression, "My lord, I really didn't know that Fang Zilan was Zixiu. If I knew, I wouldn't dare to embarrass her even if I had ten guts, let alone frame her..."

With a cold expression, Ji Ningtian interrupted Huangfulin's chatter impatiently, "I didn't intend to let you know Zixiu's identity, after all, she is the target of all eyes, and you are my secret plan to hide your strength and bide your time. People from the same camp have a conflict of interest..."

He suddenly stopped, snorted softly, and continued: "But since you know now, you don't need me to teach you how to do it?"

"I know." Huangfu Lin hurriedly nodded in response, and then he couldn't help hesitating and said: "But Zixiu's current behavior is in the same camp..."

He didn't continue, Ji Ningtian looked even colder, "What do you want to say?"

"Zixiu is the best sword in the world in the hands of the young master. I shouldn't have said anything more." Huangfulin said cautiously, "It's just that she did not hesitate to die for everyone in the northern border..."

"Death and fame?" Ji Ningtian laughed as if he had heard something funny, "Her life can only be mine. You have to ask me if I agree with it or not."

"But..." Huangfulin wanted to say something more, but he saw Ji Ningtian's eyes were heavy, and he said in a cold voice: "Huangfulin, when you made a contract with my ghost gate, you asked the people in the ghost gate to pretend to be golden dead men , when he assassinated Emperor Ningshun in the northern border and put all his eggs in one basket to replace the Shangguan family, how could he be so indecisive?"

"I..." Huangfulin was at a loss for words for a moment, his throat was stuck in his throat, and he couldn't say anything.

Ji Ningtian looked cold, "It turns out that when Shangguan Jing was still alive, the ghost gate helped you to attract Emperor Ning Shun's suspicion, so you can't replace him. Now Zixiu helps you get rid of Shangguan Jing, but you are just a mere king." Even Quanzhi can't handle it, are you still trying to join forces with Wang Quanzhi to deal with Zixiu?"

"If you are incompetent, I can use other dark chess to replace you. But Zixiu..." A gentle look flashed in Ji Ningtian's eyes, "I will not allow anyone to touch her in one day, you Can you hear me clearly?"

"It's clear." Huangfu Lin responded, while keenly capturing the changes in Ji Ningtian's expression.This change made him suddenly think of the affair between the master of the ghost gate and Zixiu, which was rumored all over the rivers and lakes.

In order to protect Fang Zilan, Ji Ningtian met him in Hong'an Pavilion privately at the risk of his own life.If someone finds out, regardless of what he will do, Ji Ningtian, the former prince who was strictly guarded, will bear the brunt of it and will inevitably die.

Judging from Ji Ningtian's reaction to the case of the northern border, the rumors are probably true.

Once the contract he made with the ghost gate is started, there is no turning back, but if he can get Ji Ningtian's handle, there may not be no way out of mutual restraint.

A stern look flashed across Huangfu Lin's eyes, but he still retreated and left calmly.As soon as he reached the door, he bumped into Wen Ya and A Wan who had been waiting outside the door.

A Wan stared at Huang Fulin in a daze, but Wen Ya didn't respond, she just pulled her past Huang Fulin and walked into the Hong'an Pavilion.

Seeing Huang Fulin leave, Ji Ningtian staggered and sat on the main seat as if he could no longer hold on.

Wu Qing on the side wanted to step forward, but was stopped by his eyes, and could only stay where she was.

When A Wan followed Wen Ya into the Hong'an Pavilion, what he saw was such a scene.

Wu Qing looked hesitant, standing aside and hesitating.And Ji Ningtian leaned on the main seat, his face was as pale as paper, his chest heaved and fluctuated, as if he was enduring great pain.

Seeing this, Wen Ya hurried forward, raised her hand to catch Ji Ningtian's pulse.

Ignoring Wen Ya's actions, Ji Ning looked at A Wan steadfastly, and asked softly, "What's wrong with Lan'er?"

 Today's front page headlines:
  When Ji Ningtian saw Huangfulin privately, the dark chess in the northern region showed its edge!
  Today's Supplement:

  Reveal!A certain public secretary claims to be a good teacher for the Fang family in the prime minister's mansion?Is it just around the corner to open a school for the Fang family?

  (Fang Zilan: You can read this supplement just after my name...

(End of this chapter)

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