Chapter 183 Use
"Life is saved." A Wan lowered her head, not daring to look at Ji Ningtian, and whispered: "But..."

"But what?" Ji Ningtian continued to ask, but the person who answered him was Wen Ya, "But from now on, we must take care of it carefully, and if there is another accident, it may be difficult for gods to save."

"Difficult to save is not impossible to save." Ji Ningtian's expression softened a little, and he calmed down and said: "If it can't be saved, what use do I need you, master and apprentice?"

Hearing this, Wen Ya's expression changed, and A Wan bit her lip fiercely, and said, "Don't worry, my lord. If there is a day when A Wan can't save Fang Zilan, she will give her life to the lord as an apology. "

"Oh?" Ji Ningtian raised his eyebrows and looked at Awan, but saw her look solemn, and suddenly knelt down in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "Fang Zilan has entrusted her life to me, and it has nothing to do with Master." After that, if anything goes wrong with Fang Zilan, Ah Wan is willing to let the young master do it."

As soon as she finished speaking, before Ji Ningtian could speak, Wen Ya became anxious.

"Awan, what nonsense are you talking about?" Wen Ya hurriedly took a step forward, trying to pull her up from the ground.

"I'm not talking nonsense." A Wan was unmoved, still kneeling upright, without any intention of getting up.

She looked up at the person in front of her with a determined expression, "I know very well what I want to do."

Wen Ya's expression froze, and the hand holding her arm involuntarily let go.Finally, he took a step back and stood aside.

"Okay." Ji Ningtian nodded slightly, as if he didn't care about the scene of their master and apprentice.He said solemnly: "I believe in Lan'er, since she has entrusted her life to you, then I am also willing to believe in you."

"My lord!" Wen Ya wanted to say something, but A Wan kowtowed seriously and said, "Thank you lord, A Wan will leave."

Wen Ya watched A Wan's back disappear from sight, and then heard Ji Ningtian say: "You can leave my prescription to Wu Qing. There are other doctors in Hong'an Pavilion, so you don't have to worry about it. Go and take care of A Wan." Now, we must not let her tell Lan'er about meeting Huangfulin in Hong'an Pavilion."

The last sentence Ji Ningtian said was very serious, and Wen Ya nodded understandingly, "Don't worry, my lord, I know it well."

After Wen Ya wrote the prescription and handed it to Wu Qing, he hurried back to the palace after a few words of advice. As expected, he found A Wan who was in a daze in the pharmacy of Tai Hospital.

"It's been so many years, you kid still hasn't changed at all. Whenever you have something on your mind, you lock yourself in the pharmacy." Wen Ya walked to A Wan's side and sat down.

Awan's expression was gloomy, and she said listlessly: "Master, tell me honestly, is the young master using Fang Zilan?"

"Use?" Wen Ya laughed dumbly, "A Wan, everyone in the ghost gate is a pawn in the master's hands, that's all."

"But doesn't your lord like Fang Zilan?" A Wan asked puzzledly: "Since you like it, why do you still use it?"

"Like and use are not the same thing." Wen Ya pampered A Wan's head and said softly: "These are two things, they exist at the same time, and there is no contradiction."

"I don't believe it." A Wan pushed Wen Ya's hand away in disgust, pouted, "Master, you will lie to me."

"Silly boy, you'll understand when you grow up." Wen Ya said helplessly, "Everyone will never be able to entrust his whole heart to someone for what he must do."

Unwillingly, A Wan retorted: "But Fang Zilan's whole heart is on the young master..."

"Maybe it used to be." Wen Ya interrupted her in a low voice, "But not necessarily now. Fang Zilan is now in a high position as a public servant, and she has to take care of far more than the young master alone."

"But it doesn't matter before or now." A Wan argued with reason: "At least Fang Zilan was sincere, but what about the young master?"

"Awan, it's not something we can tell clearly about the young master and Fang Zilan." Wen Ya's expression darkened a little, and his tone was a little more warning, "But today you met Huang Fulin in Hong'an Pavilion, remember You can't tell Fang Zilan."

"Master!" Awan stood up angrily, and stomped her feet hard to leave.

But Wen Ya said: "Where are you going? Fang Zilan hasn't seen you all day, if you don't see her again, she should be in a hurry. Come with me to Fengyi Palace."

There was an undeniable power in Wen Ya's tone, and A Wan missed Fang Zilan again, so he could only angrily follow him to Fengyi Palace.

"Miss Awan?" Qiu Shui looked at Awan who was standing idly by the door, and called tentatively.

A Wan came back to her senses and saw that Wen Ya had already walked in and was looking back at her at this time.And Qiu Shui next to her waved at her and said, "Miss Awan, the empress and Master Fang have invited you in."

"Oh." A Wan responded sullenly, looked at Wen Ya with a serious expression in the back room, and hurriedly followed in.

After Wen Ya asked for Fang Zilan's pulse, Fang Ziqin exchanged greetings with him and asked about the situation.After a while Fang Zilan said that she was tired, and sent him and Fang Ziqin away, leaving only Awan.

There was no one around, and Awan felt uncomfortable being stared at by Fang Zilan, and couldn't help but said: "Now there is no one else, so just say what you have to say, why are you staring at me like this?"

"How is your master recently?" Fang Zilan asked straightforwardly, but Awan was taken aback.

Seeing that Awan didn't respond, Fang Zilan simply asked more bluntly, "Are you going to Hong'an Pavilion with Wen Ya today?"

"How do you know?" A Wan looked like he had seen a ghost, Fang Zilan chuckled, "I don't know, when did you get so brave enough to openly quarrel with your master?"

"Of course I don't have the guts to quarrel with Master." A Wan sat on the edge of the bed dejectedly, "You guessed it right, I went to Hong'an Pavilion with Master."

Fang Zilan didn't speak, and A Wan continued, "I saw that the young master is not in good health today, but it is the master who asked for the pulse of the young master, and I am not very clear about the specific situation."

"Yeah." Fang Zilan hummed inaudibly, and his thoughts drifted away.

Speaking of which, although Ji Ningtian in her impression is not a lame man like the outside world knows, he has always been a weak and sick child.The so-called Fang Chongzheng broke the leg of Ji Ningtian, an orphan of the former dynasty, is just a cover to deceive people's eyes and ears. It can be used to deceive the royal family of Dajing and the people of the world, but it can't be hidden from a ghost like her.

In the past, Fang Zilan asked about Ji Ningtian's illness, but he prevaricated every time.And in her memory, apart from Wen Ya, Ji Ningtian's illness had never been handled by anyone else.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but asked curiously: "Awan, did Wen Ya tell you what kind of disease the young master is?"

 Common routines for coaxing children - you will understand when you grow up.

  Awan: I don't believe it!

(End of this chapter)

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