Don't ask where people go

Chapter 184 Notice

Chapter 184 Notice
"No." A Wan shook his head, "Except for my master, I am afraid that no one in the world knows about your son's illness. I neither know nor dare to ask."

Fang Zilan was amused by her worried expression, she couldn't help laughing and said: "Forget it, it's nothing if I don't know. I also don't know, and I dare not ask."

"You actually laughed at me!" A Wan glared at Fang Zilan angrily, and she waved her hand innocently, "I'm still waiting for you to treat me, how dare I laugh at you?"

A Wan curled her lips, changed the subject and said: "The fever is gone, I think your illness is almost healed, and you can go out of the palace. You obviously have a mansion, but it's not like you don't have a place to go. Lai Lai is in the palace." What's the matter?"

"It's not that I want to stay in the palace." Fang Zilan sat lazily on the bed, stretched her limbs loosely, and said, "Isn't this your majesty's preference, but his disrespect?"

A Wan clicked his tongue, "Fang Zilan, I think your skin is getting thicker."

Fang Zilan just smiled, "Awan wants to go home?"

"Yeah." A Wan nodded frankly, "It's not fun in the palace, I want to go home."

Fang Zilan said softly: "Then you go to Miss Qiushui and ask her to inform the Empress that we will leave the palace tomorrow."

"Okay." A Wan's eyes sparkled, and she readily agreed, "I'll go now."

Fang Zilan looked at A Wan's cheerful back running and jumping, the corners of her lips curled up involuntarily, and her whole person looked much softer.

Early the next morning, after Awan guarded Fang Zilan and took the medicine, the two went to bid Fang Ziqin a farewell.

Fang Ziqin looked at the pale-faced people in the hall, and couldn't help but comfort him: "I don't think Mr. Fang is in good health yet, and he needs to take care of him after returning home."

"My empress is concerned, I will pay more attention in the future." Fang Zilan looked indifferent, "I have been quarreling with A Wan in the palace for many days, and I am leaving today."

Fang Ziqin didn't say much, and sent Qiushui to send the two of them out.

As soon as the two arrived at the gate of the palace, they saw Deputy General Cao who had been waiting outside early in the morning, and jumped excitedly, "Boss, Miss Awan!"

"Old Cao, why are you here?" Fang Zilan said and looked at A Wan, "You asked Lao Cao to come?"

"No." A Wan shook his head, also at a loss.

"Someone in the palace sent a letter saying that Boss, you are leaving the palace today." Deputy General Cao hurriedly explained, "I haven't seen you and Miss Awan for a few days, and I was in a hurry, so I rushed over as soon as I heard the news .”

Hearing this, Fang Zilan felt a warm feeling in her heart, she raised the corners of her lips slightly, and asked, "How is the matter in the northern border now?"

"It's all settled." Deputy General Cao breathed a sigh of relief, "Master Wei's trial results came out, and it was said that Lu Zhizhang planted the blame, and Lord Qi and Lao Li are safe and sound."

"Where is Master Zhong Yao?" Fang Zilan asked Deputy General Cao while pulling the reins of the horse and getting on the horse.

"Lord Zhong Yao is also safe and sound, Boss, just don't worry." The joy on Vice General Cao's face was beyond words, "When the trial results from Lord Wei's side came out, I wrote a letter to Lao Li. The day is coming."

"Okay." Fang Zilan nodded slightly, "When the reply arrives, please remember to let me know."

"For sure." Deputy General Cao rode behind Fang Zilan, gratefully said: "It's just that the boss has worked hard this time."

"It's nothing hard." Fang Zilan smiled slightly, "It's good that everything is settled."

"That's right." A Wan said with emotion: "It's finally safe and sound. But..."

She paused for a while, then changed her voice, "What is that?"

Fang Zilan followed her gaze and saw that the notice board outside the imperial city was full of people, and she couldn't help being a little curious.

She was about to get off the horse to take a look, when she saw that A Wan had already jumped off the horse, running and jumping into the crowd.

Deputy General Cao was worried that A Wan's horse would run away, so he quickly dismounted and grabbed her horse's rein.

Fang Zilan and Deputy General Cao led their horses and stood outside the crowd. After a while, they saw A Wan come out, and said excitedly to them: "Your Majesty sent someone to post a notice."

"What notice?" Fang Zilan frowned slightly, and Awan happily explained: "About the case in the northern border. In the notice, His Majesty not only ordered Lu to be severely punished, but also detailed the actions of the soldiers in the northern border. They have worked so hard to guard the frontier, and they should never have been framed and framed by people with ulterior motives, and this can be regarded as justifying the names of everyone in the northern border!"

"Us?" Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows and looked at Awan, she nodded unconsciously, "Yes, it's us from the north."

Fang Zilan smiled, and Deputy General Cao expressed gratitude, "Your Majesty has treated us well. The Northern Border case has dragged on for so long, and everyone except those involved has almost forgotten about it. Now His Majesty personally Telling the world is enough to arouse the attention of the people of the world again."

Fang Zilan nodded slightly, agreeing with Vice General Cao's words.

If it is not for the personal experience of the pain, most people in the world have nothing to do with themselves. Few people care about the truth, let alone how many people really remember what it is.

After thousands of years, it will be nothing more than a few sentences on thin paper, which can be covered with a few pens.

Although Li Shengxuan's move could not completely change anything, it was enough to alert the world.

Some things, some people, should never be forgotten.

For some reason, she suddenly remembered what Li Shengxuan had said to her before - those who hold salaries for everyone should not be allowed to freeze to death in the wind and snow.

What Li Shengxuan has done now is not only to let the salary bearers survive in the wind and snow, but also to hold an umbrella for them to protect them from the wind and snow.

Just like the one he supported for her outside Yuzhang's palace that day.

This time, she finally believed that he was not trying to buy people's hearts on the surface, but also had a sincere sincerity.

In any case, when the dust settled, her heart could finally be safely put back in her stomach.

However, after returning home, Fang Zilan hadn't had a few days of leisure when she heard A Wan say that there was not enough money in the house.

"What does the Ministry of Rites say?" Fang Zilan glanced at the account book A Wan handed her, and couldn't help frowning. The dense numbers on it gave her a headache.

"The Ministry of Rites said that they have handed over the details to the treasury, and it is estimated that the treasury will send someone directly to the house after a while." A Wan answered quickly, and Fang Zilan sighed helplessly, "This is efficient."

Then she asked as if thinking of something: "Where is Fang Lihui?"

"I heard that he came back from his home in Jiangnan in the past two days." A Wan took the account book in Fang Zilan's hand and asked tentatively, "Why don't we come to collect the account in person?"

 There are always many personnel and events that have been silent for a long time and are no longer mentioned by people.

  But that doesn't mean they can be forgotten.

(End of this chapter)

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