Chapter 185
"I'll go to Fang's house tomorrow." Fang Zilan reached out and touched the center of her eyebrows, looked at Awan and said, "Do you want to come with me?"

"Okay." A Wan nodded in response, "We just came out of Fang's house and went to Dongshi to buy lanterns."

"Buying lanterns?" Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, and then said: "The fifteenth day of the first lunar month is over, what are you doing buying lanterns?"

"At any rate, the first month hasn't come out yet." A Wan sighed, and said seriously: "This is the first New Year in our house, so we can't just pass it in a daze."

"Okay." Fang Zilan nodded dotingly, and said with a smile, "It's all up to you."

Afterwards, she called for Vice General Cao and ordered the itinerary.Early the next morning, she took the two of them to Fang's house.

But who knows that Fang Zilan and his party have not yet reached Fang's house, and they saw a crowd of onlookers gathered at the gate of Fang's mansion from a distance.

Seeing this, Fang Zilan jumped off the horse, put the reins into Deputy General Cao's hands, and said, "I'll go and see the situation. Old Cao, you bring A Wan and wait for me here. Don't walk around at will."

Deputy General Cao agreed, but Awan tugged at Fang Zilan's sleeve, "I'm going too."

Fang Zilan looked hesitant, and A Wan said persistently: "If you don't take me, I will follow you secretly."

"Okay." Fang Zilan knew that she couldn't hold her back, so she had to tell her: "Let's wait and see what happens, and remember not to cause trouble."

"Got it." A Wan said and put the reins of the horse into the hands of Deputy General Cao, and he took it together resignedly, and couldn't help saying: "Boss, be careful in everything."

Fang Zilan hummed, and led Awan through the crowd, getting closer, and only then could she clearly see the situation in front of Fangfu's gate.

I saw a woman who was pregnant with Liujia leaning on the beams and pillars in front of Fang's mansion, crying: "If your Fang family doesn't give me an explanation today, I will smash my head to death in front of your Fang's house. One dead body and two lives Let the people in the capital take a good look at what your Fang family is doing!"

The servants of the Fang family surrounded the woman not far away, looking in a dilemma, afraid that if something happened to the woman, they would not be able to clean up even if they jumped into the Yellow River under the eyes of everyone.

Fang Zilan patted a woman who was watching the excitement beside her, and asked politely: "Dare to ask this lady, what happened to the Fang family?"

The woman waved her hand indifferently, "It's not a big deal. There will be such a commotion in front of Fang's house in the past few months. It would be strange if it stops someday."

A Wan couldn't help feeling the novelty, and asked: "It's the first time I've seen you, Madam, please explain in more detail."

"Do you know Mr. Fang Lihui from the Fang family?" The woman looked gossipy, Fang Zilan and A Wan nodded and said, "Of course I know."

"This Mr. Fang is a well-known playboy, and I don't know what the rest of the Fang family are thinking, but now he is let such a playboy take care of things." The woman sighed.

Another woman next to him spoke up: "I think the Fang family will be defeated by Fang Lihui sooner or later. A few days ago, a woman who looked like his concubine came to make a fuss, and now there is another woman with a big belly ..."

"It's really a crime..." The woman couldn't bear it, and said in a low voice: "Just now I heard from this girl that she was coaxed by Mr. Fang and kicked out by her family when she became pregnant. That's why she came to Fang's house to make trouble. of."

Another woman said indignantly: "What's all this, Fang Lihui is really nothing!"

The two of them talked to each other, Fang Zilan and A Wan roughly understood, and couldn't help exchanging glances, and they both saw in each other's faces the meaning of coming back another day.

"Fang Zilan..." A Wan called her timidly, she pondered for a while and said, "How about we go back today?"

Just as A Wan was about to nod, she was pushed aside by the crowd swarming to watch.

Fang Zilan reached out to pull her subconsciously, but didn't even touch the corner of her clothes, and could only watch her being squeezed further and further away.

"Awan!" Fang Zilan didn't care about it immediately, broke away from the crowd and grabbed Awan's wrist, pulling her out.

However, after she made such a struggle, the crowd was bustling with you pushing and shoving, and immediately someone cursed and pointed the finger at her and the two of them.

Fang Zilan simply led Awan to stand at the front of the crowd, and walked towards the gate of Fangfu.

She walked dignifiedly and steadily step by step, not paying any attention to the scolding behind her.

The servants at the door saw another woman came to the door, one big and one young, they couldn't help panicking.

But the woman stopped in front of them and said loudly: "Mr. Fang Zilan of the Yue Kingdom is here to visit Mr. Fang Lihui, and I hope you will inform me."

As soon as she finished speaking, the crowd of onlookers suddenly fell silent for a moment, and then the uproar became more violent.

"Is this the newly promoted Duke of Yue, Fang Zilan, Master Fang?"

"No way, Mr. Fang actually has an affair with Fang Lihui, this is a good show!"

"You didn't see that Mrs. Fang is holding a little girl by her hand. Could it be her daughter?"

"Daughter, with whom? If it's true, it will be even more lively..."

There were many rumors around, A Wan couldn't help looking at Fang Zilan, and said contemptuously: "Do you think they are full and idle? How old are you, can you have a daughter as old as me?"

Fang Zilan chuckled, "It's very imaginative."

Not long after, there was a squeak, the door of Fang's mansion opened wide, Fang Lihui stepped forward, bowed respectfully and said: "I don't know if Mr. Fang is coming, but Lihui is far away to welcome him. I hope Mr. Fang will forgive me."

"Mr. Fang is serious." Fang Zilan signaled to Fang Lihui that there is no need to be too polite. "There is nothing to do in the first month. I just came to walk around and ask for a cup of tea. I don't know if Mr. Fang is free?" After she finished speaking, she looked at Liang Zhu's arms A woman from Liujia.

Fang Lihui followed her gaze, and said calmly: "It's rare for Mr. Fang to come, how could Lihui not be free?"

He bowed and raised his hand as a gesture of invitation, and invited Fang Zilan and A Wan into the gate of Fang Mansion.

After the two entered the door, Fang Lihui glanced at the pregnant woman in front of the door, and said softly, "Bring her in together."

The woman listened to his words, without waiting for the servant to move, she stepped into the gate of Fang Mansion unceremoniously.

Fang Zilan looked back, and met the woman's shy eyes.Seeing her looking over, the woman smiled shyly.

Curious, she walked up to the woman, "May I ask what your name is?"

"Little girl Cong Rong, I have met Master Fang." The woman named Cong Rong had a delicate appearance and a gentle voice.

Seeing Fang Zilan turn back, Ah Wan followed her to the girl, "Looking at the girl's body, she must be more than five months old?"

"This girl is so amazing." A flash of admiration flashed in Cong Rong's eyes, she nodded and said yes, "It's been more than five months."

 Going to the door to ask for an account has turned into going to the mansion to watch a theater. Fang Zilan: When will I be rich?

(End of this chapter)

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