Chapter 186
"Ms. Cong's current appearance should be taken care of at home. Why did you come to Fang's house and cry?" Fang Zilan's tone was more concerned, "If you are not careful, you will hurt the fetus in the womb. All right."

"If I had no other choice, how dare I, a weak woman, come to the Fang family's high-class compound to cry?" Cong Rong's eyes were full of tears, and she suddenly knelt down in front of Fang Zilan, kowtowing: "It's rare that Master Fang is here, I beg you Master Fang seeks justice for the little girl!"

Fang Zilan didn't speak, and looked up at Fang Lihui, who was watching the excitement from the sidelines. He looked on indifferently, which made her chuckle, "Miss Cong, did you ask the wrong person?"

As if she didn't expect her to say that, Cong Rong was stunned for a moment, "Why did Master Fang say that?"

"If Miss Cong's pregnancy is really related to Mr. Fang, the Fang family is a high-ranking clan, and there are elders in charge of the rules in the clan. They will uphold justice for you. Second, if the Fang family protects the weak and tries to cover up the matter in vain, you You can also sue Mr. Fang to the government office with a complaint, and Jing Zhaoyin will try it." Fang Zilan asked slowly: "I am not the elder of the Fang family, and I am not Jing Zhaoyin. Why do you want me to uphold justice? "

Cong Rong was speechless, she stared blankly at Fang Zilan, but saw her smile, her voice became a little cold, "Since I am also a woman, do you think I will definitely uphold justice for you?"

"I..." Cong Rong murmured, but she couldn't say anything. Instead, she was supported by Fang Zilan and stood up, "I'm too lazy to take care of other people's business."

Hearing that Fang Lihui came over, he saluted respectfully, "Master Fang laughed." Even though he said this, there was no sign of embarrassment on his face.

Everyone looked at Fang Lihui together, as if they were waiting for his next words.

"I have already sent someone to notify the elders in charge of the clan. I think they are already on their way. When everyone is here, I will definitely give it to this girl..." Fang Lihui paused, and said in a deep voice: "And I , an explanation."

Fang Zilan's gaze swept across the crowd waiting in the courtyard, and finally fell on Fang Lihui.

She said thoughtfully: "Since Mr. Fang has other matters in his house, I won't bother you any more. When Mr. Fang is free some other day, I won't be too late to pay a visit."

"Lord Fang, wait a minute." Fang Lihui tried to persuade him to stay, saying: "It's rare for Master Fang to be here today, so why not stay as a witness."

Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows lightly, "Witness?"

"Master Fang must have watched a play at my Fang's house." Fang Lihui raised his brows and curled his lips, smiling coquettishly, "If the play is not good, Lihui will let Master Fang take care of him."

His words were frivolous and ambiguous, and A Wan couldn't help but frowned and said coldly: "Fang Lihui, do you know who you are talking to?"

"Of course I know." Fang Lihui nodded slightly, looked at Fang Zilan and asked, "I don't know what Mr. Fang thinks?"

"Okay." Fang Zilan agreed without hesitation.

On the side, Awan tugged at her sleeve, gave her a wink, and signaled her not to meddle in other people's business, but she ignored everything, and simply let it go, followed everyone into the front hall.

After several people sat down, Fang Lihui looked at Fang Zilan and said straight to the point: "Master Fang came to the door in person, but for business in the northern border?"

"Exactly." Fang Zilan nodded, and asked, "Everyone who wants to come to Fang knows about the northern border. I wonder if the business I handed over to Mr. Fang will be damaged?"

"Master Fang is too unconfident in me." Fang Lihui stroked his fan and chuckled, Fang Zilan said lightly, "If the money is delivered on time, I will have confidence in Master Fang."

She spoke bluntly, even Fang Lihui was taken aback for a moment, then apologized and said with a smile: "The situation was not clear a year ago, if money from the northern border flowed into Master Fang's house, I'm afraid..."

He didn't continue talking, but Fang Zilan knew what he meant very well, nodded slightly and said: "Mr. Fang is considerate, and I'm not a person who doesn't know what to do. So I'm just here today to ask for a debt, not to ask for a crime."

"Master Fang said so, so I feel relieved." Fang Lihui shook his folding fan lightly, still looking like a swinger, "I will ask the accountant in the house to send the account book later, and after Master Fang has seen it, I will send all the money Send it to Lord Fang's residence."

"There is Mr. Lao Fang." Fang Zilan said, took the tea cup at hand, and tasted it carefully, "This tea..."

"Young master, the elders in charge have arrived." The housekeeper who came in a hurry interrupted Fang Zilan's unspoken words. She put the teacup back in its original place, glanced at the elders in charge who followed, and stopped talking .

One of the elders in charge rushed in front of Fang Lihui in a hurry, and scolded, "Fang Lihui, it's only been a few months, and you have made such a fuss again. Do you think the Fang family has not lost enough face?"

Fang Lihui didn't respond at all, playing with the folding fan as if no one was there was undoubtedly adding fuel to the flames.

The elder in charge was furious immediately, and was about to grab Fang Lihui's collar, but was stopped by another elder in charge behind him, motioning him to look at Fang Zilan, A Wan and Cong Rong.

"Okay, there's more than one of them." The chief executive elder laughed angrily, "Fang Lihui, you really are very good!"

"Uncle Clan, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately." Fang Lihui put away his folding fan suddenly, his expression became a little fierce, "This Lord Fang, the Duke of Yue, is not something you and I can casually talk about."

"Master Fang of the Yue Kingdom?" The elder in charge was stunned, and the others who followed him were also stunned.

For a moment, everyone's eyes in the hall were on Fang Zilan, but she waved her hand nonchalantly, "This is your Fang family's business, don't worry about me."

Even though she said that, she was as motionless as a mountain and had no intention of leaving.Several elders in charge of the Fang family couldn't figure out her intentions, so they didn't dare to act rashly, and immediately sat down one by one.

The elder in charge of the initial attack was obviously violent, and he couldn't bear his temper as soon as he sat down, and asked, "What's going on?"

Cong Rong, who was in the next seat, slowly stood up, walked to the center of the hall and stood still.She was pregnant with Liujia and had difficulty moving, so she could only bow to the elders in charge of the regulations, which was regarded as a salute.

She said in a timid voice: "The little girl Cong Rong is the daughter of the Cong family in the suburbs of Beijing. The whole family works in the Fang family's Zhuangzi. The family originally had an acre of land, but for some reason last year, the head of the village said that the harvest was not good. Well, my land will be lost, and my family will be kicked out of Zhuangzi. My father went to Zhuangtou to argue, but he was beaten and bedridden. I had no choice but to ask Zhuangtou. Zhuangtou said yes Mr. Fang Lihui ordered him to do so, and he could only follow. I had no choice but to commit myself to Mr. Fang Lihui, and Zhuangtou was willing to obey my orders and let my family go..."

 Tea and melon seeds small bench, the people watching the show will always be the happiest~
(End of this chapter)

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