Don't ask where people go

Chapter 187 Witness

Chapter 187 Witness
Cong Rong's eyes turned red as she spoke, and she choked up with sobs: "But who knew I was pregnant. Mr. Fang Lihui turned his back on him, and I haven't promised him yet. The rumors in the village forced my family to drive me out of the house. I really had nowhere to go, so I came here to cry in front of the Fang Mansion, even if I earn a living, I will never let him have a good time!"

She almost shouted the last sentence, and the almost harsh tone made people feel moved.

There was only a moment of silence in the hall, when Fang Lihui's voice resounded, "Ms. Cong is eloquent and tells a good story. I wonder if you can explain my doubts?"

Cong Rong didn't answer, Fang Lihui continued to ask, "Why did you call me Mr. Fang Lihui in the first half of the paragraph, but you said in the last sentence that you would never make him feel better? Who is this him?"

Hearing the words, Fang Zilan couldn't help sighing that Fang Lihui was sensitive, not to mention that Cong Rong's words were watertight and hidden, but if Cong Rong was really as she said, she was forced to commit herself to hate Fang Lihui, she must have called her by his name or even There is no need to add the word "gongzi", but she not only added the word "gongzi", but also replaced it with him in the last sentence, which is interesting.

Sure enough, Cong Rong turned pale, but still said angrily: "Fang Lihui, I respect you as the son of the Fang family, but how cruel are you treating me? Now in front of Mr. Fang and the elders in charge of the Fang family, you really refuse Recognize me, and refuse to recognize the child in my womb?"

"It's not difficult for me to recognize you and the child in your womb." Fang Lihui spread his folding fan and smiled cynically, "You said you committed yourself to me, but I didn't have the slightest impression. If that's the case, why don't you compare me with you?" Tell everyone what you like, the more detailed the better, maybe I can think of something..."

"Fang Lihui!" The executive elder who was sitting at the side couldn't help interrupting him, "What kind of bastard are you talking about?"

"Since Miss Cong is brave enough to come and cry in front of our Fang Mansion..." Fang Lihui paused for a while, with a hint of sarcasm, "Then why not tell everyone about the boudoir?"

"Fang Lihui, don't bully people too much!" Another elder in charge glared at him, Fang Lihui smiled frivolously, "Miss Cong hasn't said anything yet, but Uncle Clan is so restless, does he know something inside?"

Fang Lihui choked the elder in charge for a while, and heard him continue to say frivolously: "Or, the child in Miss Cong's womb is related to the clan uncle?"

"Fang Lihui, don't you want to spout blood!" The leading elder in charge couldn't sit still any longer, and he raised the case and said indignantly: "Who doesn't know that you are the most dandy among the children of the Fang family, and you have a lot of romantic debts, you can count them all!" ?"

Fang Lihui laughed out loud, "Uncles in the family, how many romantic debts do I have, you, as the elders in charge of the Fang family, don't know? Don't even think about putting it on my account. You don't get bored of making such a fuss, but I'm tired of it. If you don't have anything new, I won't accompany you."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Cong Rong who was still standing in the hall, smiled and said in a deep voice: "Girl Cong, while I am still able to talk, you'd better do it honestly. Otherwise, what will happen to you if you make a fuss in the courtroom in the future?" , do you need me to tell you?"

A look of shock flashed across the face of the chief executive elder, and he said sharply: "Fang Lihui, you still want to go to court, you..."

"What about me?" Fang Lihui interrupted him coldly, with a look of disdain, "I have a clear conscience, and I am not afraid of going to court. But you, dare?"

As soon as he said this, several executive elders clenched their fists, but none of them dared to speak up.

Seeing this, Fang Zilan, who had been drinking tea without saying a word, put the teacup in her hand heavily on the table. The crisp sound attracted everyone's attention to her again, but she said nonchalantly: "The tea is finished."

Fang Lihui couldn't help laughing, and was about to say something when he saw Cong Rong kneel down with a plop, "I beg Mr. Fang to save my family!"

There was a sudden change, but Fang Lihui didn't even lift his eyelids, he still calmly ordered the housekeeper beside him to bring Fang Zilan more tea.

Seeing him like this, Cong Rong said eagerly: "To be honest, someone used my family as a threat to come to Fang Mansion to cry and slander Mr. Fang. If I don't come, my family..."

She was crying as she talked, and the rest of the words could not be heard clearly intermittently, but Fang Lihui already had some calculations in his heart, and asked: "Who really belongs to the child in your womb?"

Cong Rong suddenly seemed to have been stabbed in the fatal spot. She clutched her stomach firmly, shook her head and said, "I can't say..."

"Ms. Cong can't say, why should I help you save your family?" Fang Lihui smiled lightly, with indescribable indifference.

"I..." Cong Rong bit her lips tightly, and turned to look at Fang Zilan.She reached out and grabbed Fang Zilan's skirt, but she was careful not to use force, and begged in a low voice: "Master Fang, I beg you, please help me..."

Fang Zilan was silent for a moment, and said, "Where are your family members now?"

Seeing that there was hope, Cong Rong hurriedly said, "In Qingshui Village in the outskirts of Beijing, I was detained by the head of the village."

Fang Zilan glanced at A Wan, and before she could speak, she got up and said, "I'm going to find Deputy General Cao!"

"Master Fang is really helpful as always." Fang Lihui raised his eyebrows teasingly, but Fang Zilan snorted softly, "If it wasn't so, why did Mr. Fang invite me to the theater?"

Fang Lihui's expression turned serious, "Master Fang, I..."

Fang Zilan interrupted him softly and said: "My account with you, it won't be too late until Miss Cong's matter is settled."

Seeing that the situation was not right, the leading elder in charge asked tentatively, "I don't know why Mr. Fang came here today?"

"I want an account, and I will be a witness for Mr. Fang." Fang Zilan said lightly, but the faces of several executive elders changed, "What account do you want?"

Fang Zilan looked at Fang Lihui, frowned slightly, "They don't know?"

"Yes." Fang Lihui nodded, "That's why I asked Mr. Fang to be a witness for me."

Fang Zilan frowned even tighter. She thought that Fang Lihui invited her to the theater to ask her to witness that Cong Rong's pregnancy had nothing to do with him.But now, listening to the meaning of his words, it seems that there is something else?
"A few days ago, I accompanied my father back to our family in the south of the Yangtze River to celebrate the New Year. Everyone here must have known about it." Fang Lihui said solemnly: "My father felt that he was too old to work hard, so he followed the wishes of the previous head of the family, Fang Liren. The head of the Fang family was officially handed over to me."

"What did you say?" Several executive elders looked at each other in disbelief, "Fang Liren is just messing around, but how could your father..."

 I thought I was here to watch a play, but it turned out that I came to support the scene.

  Fang Zilan: Every time I deal with the Fang family, I doubt life...

(End of this chapter)

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