Don't ask where people go

Chapter 188 Handling

Chapter 188 Handling
Fang Lihui glanced at the several elders in charge, and interrupted them, "I know that you have a lot of complaints about me, so today I specially invite Mr. Fang, the Duke of Yue, to be a witness. After all, in Xiguan City, Mr. Fang saw it with his own eyes. , Fang Liren entrusted the Fang family to me."

As soon as he finished speaking, the butler next to him took out the emblem of the head of the Fang family, and held it to him with both hands respectfully.

Holding the seal in his hand, he solemnly said: "In addition, Mr. Fang entrusts all the business in the north to the Fang family, and asks for [-]% of the Fang family's income every year. Our Fang family has agreed to this matter."

He spoke every word calmly, with a low voice but with a forceful air, "Everyone here should know that anyone who owns more than [-]% of the Fang family's business has the right to speak in the Fang family. Therefore, I dare to ask Master Fang, do you have any objections to my succession as Patriarch?"

"No." Fang Zilan shook her head, and said seriously: "The business in the northern border is entrusted to you, not the Fang family."

There is something in her words, most of the people present have been in the mall for many years, so how could they not hear her subtext.Immediately, he didn't dare to say anything more, and the voice of opposition gradually dissipated.

"Since everyone has no objection, then I, Fang Lihui, are the current Patriarch of the Fang family." Fang Lihui swept away his cynical and carefree appearance with a sharp expression, "It will take effect immediately."

Fang Zilan didn't speak, and the elders in charge didn't dare to object. They exchanged glances with each other and prepared to leave.

Who would have thought that they heard Fang Zilan say before they got up: "The tea in Mr. Fang's house is good, it's a pity that you haven't tasted it yet."

After she said that, she looked down at Cong Rong who was still kneeling in front of her, reached out to help her up, motioned her to sit back, and then said: "The matter of Miss Cong has not been resolved, please be patient." , wait a little longer."

"This..." the leading elder in charge said hesitantly: "Ms. Cong has already said that she was coerced and slandered Lihui. The previous words are not credible, so why..."

"You can't believe it?" Fang Zilan interrupted him in a cold voice, "Isn't this elder curious that there are so many sons from aristocratic families in the capital, why does Miss Cong want to slander Master Fang?"

Seeing that the elders in charge did not respond, she continued to ask, "Qingshui Village in the suburbs of Beijing, is it the son of the Fang family?"

Although it was a question, she had no doubts about it, and her determined appearance made the expressions of several executive elders froze.

After a long while, one of them said: "Yes, it seems that the head of the village is oppressing the tenants. We will definitely investigate and give Miss Cong an explanation."

"It's late." Fang Zilan took the time to sort out the clothes, "Since I have intervened in this matter, it's not up to you to explain it to anyone. After my people find out, you can deal with it as you want. Even if you go to court, you can't No problem."

The leading elder in charge lowered his voice, and said angrily, "Master Fang, your business in the northern border is now in the hands of the Fang family!"

Fang Zilan squinted at him, and asked back, "So what?"

"If the reputation of the Fang family is damaged, the business will also be damaged." The leading elder in charge said sadly, "Master Fang doesn't understand the truth that one prospers, one prospers, and the other loses?"

"It is precisely because I understand this truth that I have to investigate to the end." Fang Zilan sat on the seat with a tired expression on his face, "The so-called one prosperity, one loss, and the other must go far enough to rectify the source, before there is any glory or loss." Yan. The Fang family has been in business for so many years, did they learn to steal and play tricks? No wonder it has gone downhill these years, and it is not as good as before."

"Lord Fang, be careful!" Several elders in charge of the regulations were very angry, but Fang Zilan was still calm, "There is a knife next to the word "利", the Fang family be careful not to hurt yourself, it is too late to regret .”

Fang Lihui took a deep look at Fang Zilan, who was indifferent, and said in a deep voice: "Since Mr. Fang has said so, this matter is related to our Fang family, so we can't just sit idly by. Please wait patiently, uncles."

When Cong Rong heard what they said, she wanted to stand up and thank Fang Zilan, but she stopped her first, "It's not too late for Miss Cong to thank me."

Cong Rong nodded, and said in a low voice: "Master Fang, the child in my womb..." Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by the servant who rushed in, "Third Young Master..."

The servant was about to say something when he heard the butler who was accompanying Fang Lihui sternly shouted: "Your guest is in the hall, how decent it is!"

Hearing the sound, the young man trembled like chaff, and knelt down by the door with a plop, "I don't know the honored guests are in the hall, so I lost my manners, and I deserve death."

The butler's expression relaxed a little, he went to the boy and dragged him out of the front hall, and said in a low voice: "Why don't you follow Mr. Yuhan to serve you, what are you doing in the front hall?"

The servant hurriedly replied: "Mr. Yuhan saw some elders in charge coming, he was afraid that something in the house would disturb his wife's pregnancy, so he sent the younger one to ask."

"Go back and answer Mr. Yuhan, there is nothing wrong with the house." The housekeeper looked unhappy, "Don't inquire about anything, it's breaking the rules."

"Yes." The boy nodded his head like a pounding garlic, and hurriedly left as if he was amnesty.

Although the two of them deliberately lowered their voices to talk outside the door, Fang Zilan still heard it. She asked inadvertently, "Mr. Fang Yuhan also lives in the house?"

Fang Lihui nodded, and said: "Yu Han has always lived in the mansion, but after he married the daughter of the Wang family, he felt that it was inconvenient to have too many people in the mansion, so he proposed to live in a different mansion. But it happened that the daughter of the Wang family was pregnant. , and wait for her to give birth before moving out. Now counting the days, she is about to give birth."

Fang Zilan smiled slightly and said: "After the child is born, I hope that Mr. Fang will send someone to the house to inform. For such a happy event, I will prepare a gift myself and come to the door to congratulate."

"Master Fang is very polite." Fang Lihui nodded and said, "Master Fang is the matchmaker for Yu Han and the daughter of the Wang family, and Master Fang must be the first to know about this."

Fang Zilan hummed casually, but saw that Cong Rong's face was pale, and the hands covering her belly were trembling uncontrollably. She couldn't help but asked with concern: "Miss Cong, are you okay?"

"The baby in my belly is naughty, so I can't help but work harder." Cong Rong barely raised the corners of her lips, "It's okay."

Fang Zilan reached out and took Cong Rong's hand, only to realize that her palm was covered in cold sweat and she was extremely weak.

She immediately looked at Fang Lihui and said: "Miss Cong is not feeling well. A Wan is not here, please trouble Mr. Fang to ask a doctor to come and take a look."

Fang Lihui responded, and was about to order the housekeeper to invite a doctor when he heard A Wan's anxious voice coming from outside the door, "Something went wrong!"

Fang Zilan stood up abruptly and walked quickly to the door, only to see A Wan panicked and said: "Master Fang, Miss Cong's family..."

 Congratulations to Fang Zilan for winning the Nosy Champion!
  Fang Zilan: ...Can I not accept it?
(End of this chapter)

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