Chapter 192
"Lord Fang's words are justified." Fang Lihui nodded, then turned his head and told the butler to go to the accounting room to check the accounts.

Fang Zilan thought for a while, and then reminded: "It's just that Qingshuizhuang Zhuangtou has been taken to the government office now, no matter whether Qingshuizhuang is related to Fang's family or not, I'm afraid it will inevitably be brought to court."

Fang Lihui nodded slightly, "Lord Fang, don't worry, Lihui can handle it."

"I'm not worried about you." Fang Zilan slightly raised her chin, and her eyes fell on Cong Rong, "I'm worried about Miss Cong."

Let's talk about this matter, it's Qingshuizhuang Zhuangtou who used some unscrupulous tricks in order to take advantage of the Fang family.Fang Yuhan was designed to have sex with Cong Rong, so that Cong Rong became pregnant, and then her family threatened her to come and cry in front of Fang's house, so as to beat Fang's house hard.

Fang Zilan rubbed the jade pendant with her fingers hidden in her sleeves, thinking that Cong Rong was weak, and she was undoubtedly a pawn at the mercy of others.As for Fang Yuhan, whether he was forced to be framed by others, or whether he was in love with each other along the way, is unknown.

However, for so long, neither Fang Yuhan's wife, the daughter of the Wang family, nor the rest of the Fang family knew about this matter. It is more likely that the latter would come, and Fang Yuhan was afraid that this matter would be exposed. Spend less money to silence other people's mouths.

Thinking of this, she said to Deputy General Cao: "Old Cao, you take Brother Wei Wei and the others to go to the government office to check the situation first, and I will send someone to tell you after the Fang family finds out something."

Then she turned to Wei Wei again and said, "Thanks to Lord Wei for helping me this time, please brother Wei Wei thank Lord Wei for me, I will come to the door to thank him in person when I am free someday."

Wei Wei hurriedly said: "Master Fang, you are polite, I will definitely convey it to Master Wei."

After Deputy General Cao, Wei Wei and others had left, Fang Zilan asked Cong Rong, "Miss Cong, besides the jade pendant, what did Mr. Fang Yu Han give you back?"

She asked abruptly. Although Cong Rong didn't understand what she meant, she still replied obediently: "He gave me a lot of money, but the boss took it away."

Fang Lihui's heart tightened, and he said with a cold expression: "When Yu Han gave you the money, what did he say?"

"He said, I can't appear in front of everyone, and I can't let his wife know..." Cong Rong replied timidly, with a very soft voice, "At that time, I knew that he was deeply affectionate, and it was nothing, who knows..."

"Who knew you were pregnant, so he turned his face and denied anyone?" Fang Zilan's expression was a little cold, and Cong Rong's expression darkened, and she answered dumbly, "Yes."

"What a Fang Yuhan." A Wan was filled with righteous indignation, and couldn't help but slam the case: "He doesn't recognize you, why don't you let his wife know and make a big fuss?"

"If Miss Cong thinks, I'm afraid Qingshui Zhuang will not let go." Fang Zilan's expression became colder, "He is still waiting to use Miss Cong and her unborn child to blackmail the Fang family, how could Miss Cong make trouble with Fang Yuhan? In front of Madam?"

"What Mr. Fang said is very true." Cong Rong's eyes were full of tears, and his expression was sad, "Since he denied me, Zhuangtou has sent someone to guard me and my family. I don't know what happened during that time until yesterday. Angrily, Tou asked me to come and cry in front of Fangfu, and said that if I didn't come, my family would be killed."

A Wan asked puzzledly: "Then why does the village head want you to claim that the child in your womb belongs to Mr. Fang Lihui?"

Cong Rong wept and said: "Zhuangtou said that Fang's family is now in charge of Mr. Fang Lihui. If he can entangle Mr. Fang Lihui, prosperity and wealth will be just around the corner."

"It's really deceiving!" A Wan just wanted to get angry, but Fang Zilan held her down. She looked at Cong Rong and said, "Miss Cong, just now you said that you don't know where the future is going, and that you would like to come to our Fangfu?"

Cong Rong was stunned for a moment, then nodded sharply and said: "I am willing, if Mr. Fang is willing to take me in, I am willing to be a cow or a horse!"

"Master Fang..." Fang Lihui frowned slightly, but Fang Zilan interrupted him when he wanted to say something, "Miss Cong can't go to court, I think Mr. Fang can solve this trivial matter."

Fang Lihui naturally understands the meaning behind her words, if Cong Rong is allowed to show up, then the fact that the child in her womb is Fang Yuhan's flesh and blood will definitely not be hidden, and the Fang family will definitely be implicated.

He comprehended and said: "Miss Cong is pregnant and has been stimulated again, how can she go to court again? Don't worry, Mr. Fang, I will settle this matter, and I will definitely not embarrass Miss Cong. When this matter is over, I will represent Cong again. The girl buried her family members generously, and I hope Miss Cong's mourning will change."

Cong Rong's face was pale, with tears all over her face, she said incoherently: "Thank you, Mr. Fang, thank you, Mr. Fang..."

Seeing this, Fang Zilan got up and said: "Miss Cong is not in good health, I will take her and A Wan back to the mansion first. There are Deputy General Cao and Lord Wei's personal soldiers watching over the government office, so I think there will be no trouble. If Mr. Fang If something happens, just come to my house and let me know, as long as I do my best, I will definitely do my best.”

"With Lord Fang's words, Lihui will feel at ease." Fang Lihui smiled slightly, "Thank you for today's matter, Lord Fang."

"You're welcome." Fang Zilan waved his hand, but Fang Lihui said seriously: "I'm not being polite to Mr. Fang."

Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows and looked at him, only to see him say seriously: "I have something to say to Mr. Fang alone."

A Wan walked up to Cong Rong with great eyes, helped her up, and said, "Miss Cong is inconvenient, I have to borrow a carriage from Fang's residence, Mr. Fang will not refuse it?"

"Girl, please go ahead." Fang Lihui made a gesture of invitation, and A Wan didn't say anything more, and helped Cong Rong out first.

There were only Fang Lihui and Fang Zilan left in the hall, and it was extremely quiet for a moment. Finally, Fang Zilan took the lead to break the silence and said, "Mr. Fang, what do you want to say to me?"

Fang Lihui was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled, "It's nothing, thanks to Master Fang being here today, otherwise I really don't know..."

"Fang Lihui, you have already said thank you, I don't think you will want to say it a second time." Fang Zilan interrupted him coldly, with an indifferent expression, "Besides, you are not someone who has no means of the city, why should you belittle yourself? If I'm not here today, you have a way to solve everything, whether it's the successor to the Patriarch, or the matter of Miss Cong, or the head of Qingshui Village, right?"

Fang Lihui stared blankly at the person in front of him, but saw that her expression slowed down a little, and she said in a helpless tone: "Fang Lihui, Fang Liren has already handed over the Fang family to you. Now you are the head of the Fang family."

"Yes." Fang Lihui sighed faintly, "From the moment I became the Patriarch, there is no way out."

"Fang Liren can trust you, and so do I." Fang Zilan reached out and patted him on the shoulder, and said softly, "You are not alone."

 Fang Zilan, a negative textbook, reminds everyone: Don’t just pick people up and bring them home!
(End of this chapter)

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