Don't ask where people go

Chapter 193 Fairness

Chapter 193 Fairness
Fang Lihui looked sideways at the hand on his shoulder, lowered his eyes and said in a low voice: "I didn't understand before, why he cares so much about fairness and justice. Now that I stand in this position, I understand. There is a lot of interest in it, and no matter how open or secret the market is, how many wins and losses there are, it is not as good as going far.”

Fang Zilan withdrew her hand, straightened her sleeves in a leisurely manner, and said slowly, "Maybe Fang Liren is sensitive and delicate, and he is not the best businessman, but he must be a good family leader."

After she finished speaking, she asked lightly, "Fang Lihui, as Fang Liren's successor, can you do well?"

Fang Lihui said solemnly: "I know that a bowl of water is not easy, but since I have assumed the name of the head of the Fang family, I will walk the path he walked with a clear conscience."

"I'm relieved if you have such awareness." Fang Zilan curled her lips slightly, and said with a light smile: "At least I didn't entrust the wrong person with my business."

"I will live up to Mr. Fang's entrustment." Fang Lihui saluted, not at all like the cynical swinger before, and his eyes were extremely determined.

Fang Zilan waved his hand, signaling that he doesn't have to be so polite, "If there is nothing wrong, I will go back to my house first, and don't forget to send last year's money to my house."

Fang Lihui nodded and said: "Lord Fang, don't worry, Lihui dare not forget."

Fang Zilan didn't say anything more, and left.

As soon as she came out from the side door of Fangfu, she saw A Wan and Cong Rong waiting for her in the carriage.

Seeing her coming out, A Wan finally relaxed, and was about to ask something, when she heard her tired voice, "Go home."

Hearing the sound, Awan was worried, and couldn't help but lift the curtain of the car to look at Fang Zilan who was riding a horse, her hesitant look certainly did not escape her eyes.

"How is Miss Cong?" Fang Zilan asked calmly, and A Wan hurriedly replied: "Miss Cong is fine, just take care of her in the future, Master Fang, don't worry."

Fang Zilan kept her eyes fixed, and her voice came to A Wan's ears, "Hello, take care of Miss Cong. We'll talk about it when we go home."

"Okay." A Wan gathered herself together, put down the car curtain, looked at Cong Rong and said in relief, "Miss Cong, don't worry. My Mr. Fang is kind, and he will not treat you harshly in the future."

"Miss is serious." Cong Rong bit her lips lightly, and said in a low voice, "Master Fang is willing to take me in and give me a place to live. I am extremely grateful."

Seeing her mournful expression, A Wan changed her voice and said, "From what Miss Cong said, it seems like you have read a book?"

"It's just that I can read some words after reading it for a day or two." Cong Rong waved her hand shyly and said, "I'll make the girl laugh at someone who doesn't have any reputation."

"Ms. Cong don't need to be humble. I haven't read any books." A Wan turned her head shyly, "If Miss Cong wants to, you can call me A Wan too. You're welcome."

"Awan." Cong Rong tried to call out, and was about to say something, but Fang Zilan's voice came from outside the car, "We are here."

"Let's go." A Wan helped Cong Rong up, and Fang Zilan lifted the curtain of the carriage door, grabbed Cong Rong's other arm, and helped her out of the carriage.

The butler who was waiting at the door saw that Fang Zilan and Awan had brought a pregnant woman back, and was a little confused about the situation, so he couldn't help asking, "Master Fang, this is it?"

"This Miss Cong Rong will live in our house from now on." Fang Zilan glanced at the maid standing next to the butler, and she immediately stepped forward to help Cong Rong with great eyes.

"You take Miss Cong to live in the wing room. If she needs anything, you can report to the housekeeper. If you have anything, come to me." Fang Zilan finished giving orders, then looked at the housekeeper and said, "Old Cao is now in the government office, you can find two little girls." Just keep an eye on it, and report to me if anything happens."

"Yes." The housekeeper took the order and left, and the maid also helped Cong Rong into the mansion.

After Fang Zilan settled Cong Rong properly, she took A Wan back to the inner room, and after confirming that there was no one around, she asked, "I was on the road just now, what do you want to tell me?"

Sitting beside her, A Wan frowned slightly and said, "Why did you take Cong Rong in?" After finishing speaking, before she could speak, she added, "Don't tell me why it's just for the sake of justice." I don't believe in just empty words, let alone some nonsense that I can't bear to see Cong Rong's pity."

Fang Zilan chuckled, and asked instead of answering, "Awan, what do you think about Cong Rong's case in Fang's family, and in Wang's family?"

"No matter how you say it, Fang Yuhan is right. It's a family scandal compared to the Fang family, so the tighter the better, the better. As for the Wang family..." Awan pondered for a moment, then said after consideration: "The daughter of the Wang family is Fang Yuhan. The wife of a rich family has three wives and four concubines. Even if she knows about this matter, she has nowhere to complain about the pain in her heart. She can only knock out her teeth and swallow her blood, but I am afraid that she will make Fang Yuhan cold. "

"You're right." Fang Zilan looked at her approvingly, and said softly, "Then Awan thinks, why should I take Cong Rong in?"

"Buying people's hearts?" A Wan pursed her lips, and said while thinking: "After all, the Fang family is our source of wealth, so there is nothing wrong with covering it up for them. But you just asked about the Wang family..."

She didn't go on, Fang Zilan interjected: "Wang Quanzhi gave me a hand in the case of the Northern Territory, and I will return it sooner or later. If the child in Cong Rong's womb is kept silent by those who know it, why not play tricks? Keep her. If it is used properly, it is enough to make the daughter of the Wang family lose face. If one is prosperous and the other is damaged, the Wang family will not be much better."

"You..." A Wan stared at her in a daze, only to hear her continue: "As for the Fang family, I'm not all buying people's hearts. The Fang family must accept my favor for Cong Rong, but What I want is the Fang family's handle. Once the Fang family suspects my identity, Cong Rong will be the hush money."

After she said that, a touch of jade appeared in her hand. It was the jade pendant that Cong Rong took out when she was at Fang's house just now, which belonged to Fang Yuhan.

She neither returned the jade pendant to Cong Rong nor to Fang Lihui, but kept it in her own hands.

A Wan stared at her dumbfounded, only to see that she took the jade pendant casually, and smiled slightly: "A Wan, I am not a kind person. Since someone bullied me, I always have to return it. This is the rule , isn't it?"

A Wan turned her head away, her expression became a little more unbearable, "Do you not hesitate to use her to hurt innocent people?"

"Use?" Fang Zilan chewed these two words softly, and said softly: "It's not so much a use as a transaction. I protect Cong Rong, and she is used by me, that's all."

A Wan stared straight at the person in front of her, opened her mouth and finally couldn't help asking, "What about me?"

 A. Versailles Wan: I haven't read any books, I just studied medicine for a few days, but I am just an ordinary little genius in treating diseases.

(End of this chapter)

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