Don't ask where people go

Chapter 198 Changes

Chapter 198 Changes
"Before I came, Mr. Zhuge said that he would go to the palace and inform His Majesty." A Wan recalled the scene earlier, and said slowly: "If it is really a pirate, I will inform General Xiahou if I want to come to Your Majesty's side." One sound, right?"

When she mentioned Li Shengxuan, Fang Zilan suddenly remembered the urgent letter from Eight Hundred Li that she had read in the imperial study that day.

At that time, the reason why she felt that King Rong An was about to rebel was because Mo Bin was his general, and his fief was on the only way from Mushanguan to the capital, and only he could do such a thing as blocking news. ...

Fiefdom... In a flash of inspiration, King Rong An's fiefdom is Linhai.

Not only that, but Li Shengxuan told her that King Rong An has a very good face.If pirates infiltrate his fief and cause chaos, he will appear incompetent if he directly asks the court for help, and he will definitely lose his face.

After all, since Xia Hou Yunzhao returned to Dajing, it is not once or twice to kill pirates.Since she was killed, there has been no news of the pirates making trouble for more than ten years. It is known that her methods were so ruthless that the pirates lost their ability to stir up trouble.

In this way, it makes sense, Xiahou's family resigned and stayed in the old land of Baiyue, and her succession, who had no foundation, did not give King Rong'an a chance to rebel, but gave the pirates a glimmer of hope for a comeback.

Seeing her wandering mind, A Wan couldn't help reaching out and shaking her hand in front of her, "Fang Zilan?"

"I almost guessed something." Fang Zilan breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Deputy General Cao and asked, "Old Cao, do you know who the generals under King Rong'an's jurisdiction are? Besides Mo Bin, are there other powerful ones?"

Hearing this, Deputy General Cao said helplessly: "Boss, don't tell me, apart from Mo Bin, none of King Rong An's generals can resist."

Although Fang Zilan made a rough guess in her heart and was a little bit psychologically prepared, when she really heard the answer from Deputy General Cao, she couldn't help but blurted out: "What did you say?"

"This is also a reasonable thing." Deputy General Cao sighed and explained: "After all, King Rong'an's fiefdom is in the southeast, very close to Xiahou's house. With General Xiahou in charge, there is no need for King Rong'an to do it." What's more. What's more, that prince is also a master of peace and happiness. Most of his generals are noble sons of aristocratic families and have no real skills. Just Mo Bin, although he is a general from the previous dynasty, he is a person who has been on the battlefield anyway. Can be used."

"Isn't King Rong'an the younger brother of Emperor Tai'an?" A Wan asked curiously, "Emperor Tai'an was the one who took the country from the Ji family. He was a majestic soldier half his life, so how could his younger brother be peaceful? host?"

"It is precisely because Emperor Tai'an is too powerful that King Rong'an is well protected." The person who answered her was Fang Zilan, and Vice General Cao nodded in agreement: "That's true."

"If Ayu's news is accurate, it's no wonder that the pirates would infiltrate Mushan Pass to control Mo Bin." Fang Zilan thought about it, but suddenly remembered what Li Shengxuan said - Mo Bin's rebellion must be suppressed.

And Li Shengxuan also said that the entire Mo family doesn't have to stay.

If it was really the pirates who took control of Mushan Pass and threatened King Rongan to block the news, did Mo Bin work together with the pirates, or would he rather fight to the death?

If it's the latter, I'm afraid Mo Bin is already in danger, and the whole Mo family is even more in danger.

But if the former...

Fang Zilan didn't dare to think about how chaotic Mushan Pass would be now.

Confused, she said decisively: "Old Cao, there is no need to delay, we rushed to the southeast camp overnight."

"Lianye?" Deputy General Cao was slightly taken aback, but seeing Fang Zilan's serious expression, he nodded quickly and said, "I'm going to lead the horse right now." He turned around and walked out quickly after speaking.

"Fang Zilan, I'll go with you." A Wan's expression was firm, and Fang Zilan's expression became colder, "A Wan, you go back to Beijing..."

Before she could finish her sentence, her body trembled, and A Wan quickly supported her arm, and said in a panic, "What's wrong with you?"

"Very dizzy." Fang Zilan put her hand on her forehead, moved two steps with A Wan's support, and sat down beside the table, "I'll be fine after just sitting down, it's nothing serious."

"Liar." A Wan pulled her wrist involuntarily, concentrated on examining her pulse for a moment, but his expression changed, "Are you... poisoned?"

Fang Zilan was also surprised by A Wan's unsure tone, "What did you say?"

"Your pulse is very strange." A Wanxiu frowned and said: "It looks calm on the surface, but in fact there are subtle movements. Although you have Gu poison in your body, it should never be like this."

"What do you mean?" Fang Zilan was confused, and Awan looked at her steadily, "What did you eat and drink all day?"

"It's nothing special. It's only been a long time since I came out, and I didn't eat or drink outside." Fang Zilan shook her head, thinking about it carefully, and suddenly remembered the cup of tea that Cong Rong handed her last night, and her expression changed, "Cong Rong Rong's tea."

A Wan eagerly asked: "What tea?"

"It seems to be ordinary jujube tea. There is nothing special about the sweetness of the mouth." Fang Zilan also felt strange in her heart. Although she didn't know much about medicine, she had been immersed in the ghost gate for many years, and she did not do little poisoning. She knew some medicines. , especially poisons.

But that cup of tea, no matter its appearance or smell, there is no flaw in recalling it now.What's more, Cong Rong had no reason to poison her.

"Fang Zilan?" A Wan still held her wrist tightly, "Recall carefully, when did you drink tea? And when did you start to feel dizzy?"

"When I went to see Cong Rong last night, I drank a cup of tea from her." Fang Zilan looked gloomy, "I feel dizzy, probably because I just left the city this morning."

"It shouldn't be." A Wan looked puzzled, "If you were poisoned, it wouldn't take so long to attack. What's more, you have poison in your body, and your reaction to normal poisoning is much faster and more intense than ordinary people. But now you have no other symptoms except dizziness, what's the reason?"

"It shouldn't be poisoning." Fang Zilan raised her hand and pressed her temple, and said softly: "Don't worry, I know it well."

"What do you know?" A Wan let go of his hand angrily, "If you really know what you want, you should let me go with you."

Fang Zilan hummed lightly, "It's up to you."

"Fang Zilan." Awan called her name eagerly, and she understood, and smiled reassuringly, "It's the southeast matter, let's go back and find out. If Cong Rong really has a problem, I will not forgive her." She. Awan, I believe in you, and you should also have confidence in yourself and me."

A Wan took a deep breath, and exhaled like a heavy burden, "If I can't do it, if I can't let you live a long life, and I have repented, and I don't want to pay for your life, will you still believe me?"

 Something strange happened, and doubts abounded.Why did Fang Zilan's pulse change?
  Things must be reversed when they are extreme, too much is too late.What role did the overprotected King Rong An play in it?
  Stay tuned~
(End of this chapter)

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