Don't ask where people go

Chapter 199 Martial Law

Chapter 199 Martial Law
"What do I know?" Fang Zilan chuckled, "Awan, whether it's one more day or a long life, as long as I'm alive, it's fine. As for losing my life, I hope that even if I'm not around Now, you can live a good life."

"What did you say?" A Wan stared at her blankly, with disbelief written all over her face.

It seems that such fresh words that are greedy for life should not be uttered from the mouth of a killer like her.

Fang Zilan could understand what A Wan was thinking, but she couldn't tell her that she in the original world was probably dead.Now that she is living in this world, every day seems to be stolen, no matter how hard she is, she can't help but cherish it.

"I said, live well." She raised the corners of her lips and stood up slowly, "Let's go to Southeast Camp."

A Wan hesitated for a moment, but she swallowed the persuasive words close to her lips, and finally turned into a firm nod, "Okay."

As soon as the two of them walked out of the inn, they saw Deputy General Cao waiting at the door with a horse, and they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw that A Wan hadn't been driven back, "Boss has a lot of old injuries, and I can feel more at ease with Miss A Wan .”

Hearing this, A Wan beamed with joy, "Did you hear that, even Vice-General Cao said that. I am your peace talisman."

"Yes." Fang Zilan answered in a drawn-out tone, "Peace Talisman, let's go."

After she finished speaking, she got on her horse, and Deputy General Cao and A Wan followed closely behind, and the three of them rushed to the southeast camp non-stop.

They traveled day and night and arrived soon.Fang Zilan held the badge of Gongqing and went straight into the Chinese army's tent without any hindrance.

The three of them entered the account, and after Fang Zilan had read Li Shengxuan's letter and checked the White Jade Tiger Talisman, General Shen, who was in charge of the camp, took out the other half of the White Jade Tiger Talisman he held and handed it to Fang Zilan, solemnly Said: "Everything is up to Mr. Fang."

"Your Majesty's order is unshirkable." Fang Zilan shook the tiger talisman tightly in her hand, but the white jade was much heavier than she expected.

Seeing her silence for a long time, General Shen couldn't help but asked, "Mo Bin rebelled, what is Mr. Fang's intention?"

"I want to sneak into Mushan Pass first, find out the reason for Mo Bin's rebellion, and then make plans." Fang Zilan put away the White Jade Tiger Talisman calmly, bowed to General Shen and said: "Before that, please Shen General stand still, let alone reveal my whereabouts to anyone."

"Lord Fang, don't worry, the news that His Majesty sent a special envoy to inspect the southeast regions has just come out. The special envoy in the capital has not yet been decided. No one will know that Lord Fang has arrived." General Shen answered quickly, Fang Zilan But he was taken aback, "Special envoy?"

"Your Majesty's instruction should be for Sir Fang's consideration." General Shen spoke concisely, and Fang Zilan then understood Li Shengxuan's intention.

Before she figured out the situation, she must not startle the snake, and it is understandable to hide her whereabouts all the time.However, once the chaos is put down, it must be justified. The news of the special envoy came out from the capital.

"I see." Fang Zilan nodded slightly, and changed her voice, "Dare to ask General Shen, what is the situation at Mushan Pass now?"

"The whole city is under martial law, Mo Bin's warrant is required for entering and exiting." General Shen showed embarrassment, "Our people managed to get Mo Bin's warrant, but they were discovered when they sneaked into the city, and now they are still imprisoned in the city prison. "

Fang Zilan couldn't help asking curiously: "How was it discovered?"

"It's Mo Bin's youngest son, Mo Han." General Shen felt sorry for him, "That kid has a photographic memory. Most of the people in the Southeast Camp have met him face to face. With him watching over Mo Bin, our people are completely confused. Don't go in."

"Who are you talking about?" Fang Zilan blurted out subconsciously, with a gaffe she had never seen before.

"Mo Han." General Shen repeated, "Master Fang knows this person?"

"I..." Fang Zilan was dazed for a moment.When she heard this name just now, she really thought it was her own cousin - Mo Han.

However, within a short while, she slowed down, mocking her own wishful thinking in her heart.

It has been so long since she traveled here, and she is still obsessed with the original world.But a name can actually make her lose her senses and shake her to this point.

She made up her mind and comforted herself that it was just the same name, she must not be soft-hearted because of irrelevant people, and ignore other people's lives.

Seeing that she was silent, General Shen tentatively called out, "Lord Fang?"

"Nothing." Fang Zilan shook her head violently, "Although the name sounds familiar, I have never been to Mushan Pass before, and I don't think I will know any of Mo Bin's sons."

When the word Mo Han came to her lips, she became the son of Mo Bin.She smiled wryly in her heart, for some reason, she suddenly felt a little nostalgic.

Missing surged up, she clenched her hands hidden in her sleeves into fists, trying to drive all the memories about Mo Han and the original world out of her mind, but it was in vain.

"If Mr. Fang had never met Mo Han, it would be much easier to sneak into Mushan Pass." General Shen felt relieved, and immediately sent his deputy to bring Mo Bin's warrant.

Fang Zilan took Mo Bin's warrant and handed it to Deputy General Cao without even looking at it, "If there is nothing else, I will leave. General Shen please wait for the good news."

"Master Lao Fang." General Shen cupped his fists and saluted, "Master Fang, if you need it, just come to the Southeast Camp with the White Jade Tiger Talisman, and I'll go through fire or water."

Fang Zilan returned a salute, then took A Wan and Deputy General Cao, and left the Southeast camp without looking back, heading straight for Mushan Pass.

The three rushed to the nearest village to Mushan Pass.During the break, Fang Zilan and Deputy General Cao discussed selling the horse, "According to General Shen, the Mushan Pass is under martial law. If we enter the pass on horseback, it may be a bit eye-catching."

"Indeed." Vice-General Cao nodded in agreement, "Especially you, Boss, and Miss Awan. It's rare for a woman to show her face in public. If she enters the customs on horseback, she will definitely attract attention."

"A Wan and I, attracting attention?" Fang Zilan read it in a low voice, and then thought about it, "Old Cao, we are divided into two groups. A Wan and I are responsible for attracting the attention of the guards. You take advantage of their slack At that time, we will mix into the pass, and then we will meet in the city."

Deputy General Cao asked puzzledly: "Boss, why do you want me to sneak in alone?"

"Although no one has seen you in Mushanguan, but you were born in the army, I'm afraid it's not so easy to be fooled by the military's killing spirit." Fang Zilan explained, "As for me and Awan, we are both women. It seems that it is not worth mentioning, and it is much easier to enter the customs than you."

"That's right." Deputy General Cao nodded slightly and said, "Generally speaking, women really don't make people feel vigilant."

 The new character Mo Han is coming soon, so stay tuned~
  Insert a digression: Fang Zilan's mentality has changed a lot from the previous anxiety and wanting to go back, to now An Zhiruo's hard work
(End of this chapter)

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