Chapter 200
Seeing that Vice General Cao had no objections, Fang Zilan explained everything to him clearly, then went to the market to sell two horses, and exchanged the last horse for a pony to A Wan.

"Just sell the horse, why change it?" A Wan looked at the pony who was not much taller than her in disgust, and shook her head, "Besides, I'm not that delicate, so it's okay if I don't ride a horse."

"I know, little Awan is the best." Fang Zilan reached out and touched her head, "However, this horse is useful."

"What's the use?" A Wan looked puzzled, Fang Zilan smiled mysteriously, "You will know when the time comes."

After the horses were arranged, the three of them took a rest in the village and town, and then left one after another.

Fang Zilan and Awan took the lead and reached the Mushan Pass first. As expected, they saw that the gate of the city was heavily guarded.And although there are very few people in and out, there is still a long queue waiting to pass.

Seeing this situation, Awan couldn't help frowning, and after observing carefully for a while, she couldn't help but said: "Even the package has to be opened and inspected, so strictly guarded, what happened at Mushanguan?"

Fang Zilan turned a deaf ear to her words, but said in a low voice: "Sure enough, none of the passers-by rode."

"What?" A Wan looked at the people waiting beside him in confusion, and was about to dismount but was stopped by her, "Sit down."

A Wan obediently did not act rashly, lowered her eyes and asked softly, "Why is there no pedestrian passing by?"

Fang Zilan said calmly: "Three possibilities. Either Mushan Pass does not allow people from distant villages to pass through, and the pedestrians are all nearby. Or Mo Bin secretly changed the warrant and strictly controlled the riders to prevent people from mixing with the army."

She stopped in the middle of her words, and A Wan couldn't help asking: "Then there is another possibility?"

"There is another possibility, and it is the worst one." Fang Zilan shook the horsewhip tightly in her hand, and said in a deep voice: "The so-called pedestrians we see now are all pretended by Mo Bin, in order to make a kind of Mushan Pass The illusion of still being able to get in and out."

"What?" A Wan whispered, "If this is possible, we will be detained when we pass the test, and we won't be able to get in at all."

She took a peek at Deputy General Cao who was walking not far behind them, and said anxiously, "Then we..."

"Wait and see." Fang Zilan straightened the reins in her hand, and said comfortingly: "Since we have to open the package for inspection, it may not be a show to do this."

"But..." Awan just wanted to say something when he saw someone walking towards them.

The person who came was one of the soldiers defending the city. He looked at them warily and asked loudly, "Where are you two coming from? Why are you standing still in front of our Mushan Pass?"

"My lord, we are distant relatives of Lord Mo Han, and we came here specially to seek refuge with Lord Mo Han." Fang Zilan came as soon as he opened his mouth, and Awan, who was sitting on the horse, was startled.

"Master Mo Han's distant relative?" The city guard sized them up suspiciously, and finally fell on Fang Zilan, asking, "What evidence do you have?"

"I'm the cousin of Lord Mo Han's aunt's second uncle's third uncle's fifth son's aunt's aunt's family." Fang Zilan reported a long list of relationships in one breath, and then said with a smile: "It's a little far away..."

The city guard was very dizzy from her long list of relationships, and looked impatient, "I'm asking if you have a certificate, not what is your relationship with Master Mo Han?"

"Does the warrant given by Master Mo Han count?" Fang Zilan quickly took out the warrant of Mo Bin given to her by General Shen before, and obediently handed it to the soldiers guarding the city.

The city guard inspected it carefully, and stretched his brows: "There is nothing wrong with the warrant, but you..."

He raised his head and signaled the two to look up the tower, "Master Mo Han just happened to be on the tower, I'll take you to see him. Whether he is a relative or not, Master Mo Han has to say."

Hearing that A Wan was sweating coldly behind her back, she secretly groaned in her heart, if she saw Mo Han, she might reveal her secret immediately.

Unexpectedly, Fang Zilan nodded indifferently, and said politely: "Then I will guide the way."

"It's easy to say." The guarding soldier said and glanced at their horse, "Your horse..."

Fang Zilan hurriedly interrupted the soldiers defending the city, pretending to be incredulous: "My sister really can't walk anymore, but we bought this as a valuable item."

As expected, after listening to her words, the guards' attention was drawn to the horse.

While bumping A Wan with her elbow, she smiled flatteringly at the soldiers defending the city, and her voice changed quickly, "But if the official likes it, just take it away."

A Wan understood, and quickly jumped off the horse, hugging the horse's neck and crying: "Sister, we are penniless now, and this horse is worth some money, how can you let someone take it away?" !"

She acted like a spoiled brat so realistically that the defenders looked disgusted and said, "Just this broken horse is worth being a treasure."

"You are too deceitful!" A Wan's eyes were red, and she was about to cry.Her voice attracted the attention of the soldiers guarding the city and passers-by, and the soldiers who checked and released them did not look so carefully for a while.

Fang Zilan hurriedly pulled her aside, hugged her and comforted her: "Little sister, you are not in good health, please don't cry! The official is well-versed and knowledgeable, so he definitely doesn't like our horse." She said quietly Deputy General Cao, who was not far away, winked.

Deputy General Cao kept walking, walked past them without looking sideways, and walked straight to the end of the crowd queuing up to enter the customs.

Fang Zilan embraced Awan, and followed the city guards to the bottom of the tower.She looked up at the blurred white figure on the tower, feeling a little more apprehensive in her heart.

However, she concealed it very well, and shouted loudly to the soldiers on the stone steps: "I am a relative of Lord Mo Han, and please allow me to meet Lord Mo Han."

Passers-by who were already curious to watch the excitement, couldn't help talking about her words.

"This girl is young and looks like a decent girl, how dare she make a fuss to see Lord Mo Han in front of Mushan Pass?"

"That's right, she's too courageous."

"Knowing people, knowing face but not knowing heart, looking at her appearance, it seems like the first time she has recognized her relatives, can't she come here to deceive and abduct her?"

"Who says it's not? Look at Mr. Mo Han on the tower, he didn't react at all."

"A good girl's family, it's not too shameful to show her face like this..."

Fang Zilan listened to the curious or disdainful comments from the people around her, while paying close attention to the crowds queuing up to enter the customs. Seeing that they were about to arrive at Deputy General Cao, she simply shouted again, "Lord Mo Han, are you serious?" Don't want to see me?"

 Life is like a play, it depends on acting.

  A Wan: Who is Cousin Mo Han?I don't know her =.=
(End of this chapter)

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