Don't ask where people go

Chapter 202 Cooking

Chapter 202 Cooking
"No matter who he is, as long as he is Mo Han, I will believe it." Fang Zilan said calmly and firmly, Mo Han smiled slightly, "Sister Lan has gone through so many things, how can she say the word "believe" so easily? "

Fang Zilan smiled nonchalantly, the mist in her eyes dissipated a little, her eyes were clear, and she asked without answering, "What about you, do you believe me?"

"Trust." Mo Han looked down at the wrist tightly clenched in his hand, the white and thin part was like a section of a lotus root, the delicate and soft touch dissipated all the heaviness and anxiety in his heart, and he finally found her.

A Wan looked at the two with a strange expression, subconsciously knocked off Mo Han's hand, pulled back Fang Zilan's wrist, frowned and said displeasedly: "Master Mo, please respect yourself."

Only then did Mo Han set his sights on A Wan, and his voice sounded apologetic, "I was negligent. Dare I ask who this girl is?"

"Awan." Awan reported her name in a graceful manner, "Alan's younger sister."

"Miss Awan and Sister Lan have come a long way and have had a hard time, let's go back home with me to rest." Mo Han's gentle and harmless appearance made Awan relax his guard, and Fang Zilan believed in him deeply, so she was not good either. Say no more, obediently follow them into Mushan Pass.

The city looked peaceful and peaceful, completely different from Fang Zilan's expectations. She felt strange but didn't want to question Mo Han in the street, so she had to secretly observe the people passing by, trying to see something strange from them.

Unexpectedly, he didn't notice the strangeness, but he listened to his own gossip.Before she made a fuss under the city tower, many people who entered and exited the customs had seen her, but now she was standing side by side with Mo Han and walking on the street, which naturally attracted many people whispering.

It was rumored by everyone that it was Lord Mo Han's distant cousin who came to make a fuss, and there seemed to be some shady relationship between the two, which caused the woman to cry and make a fuss in front of Mushan Pass...

Therefore, before Fang Zilan walked into the gate of Mo Mansion, Mo Bin knew that his youngest son had recognized a relative from nowhere, and that he was a distant cousin whose origin was unknown, and he was so angry that he jumped around in the mansion.

Mo Han's biological mother, Mrs. Hu, looked at Mo Bin's restless and sullen look, and she was worried all over her heart, so she hurriedly ordered the servants in the house to find Mo Han back in the city.

The little guy just ran out of the mansion, and met Mo Han who came back with Fang Zilan and A Wan. Just as he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he saw that the three of them were going straight to the mansion, so he couldn't care less The servant stood in a hurry and hurriedly stood in front of Mo Han and said anxiously: "Fourth Young Master, the master knows that you have recognized a cousin who came back from somewhere, and you are angry in the hall at the moment. If you take her back now..."

The boy did not continue with a bitter face, but Mo Han comforted him and said, "It's okay, I'll go and talk to dad."

"But..." The servant was full of embarrassment, while Fang Zilan led A Wan unconsciously, walked around him, walked to the gate of the mansion and waved to Mo Han, Mo Han walked quickly followed.

The little servant stared at Fang Zilan, who was so charming and charming, and wondered where this wild woman came from, and she didn't treat herself as an outsider too much.There is also the fourth son of his own family. Although he has a good temper on weekdays, he always treats people with a sense of propriety, revealing an indescribable alienation.But when meeting this woman, she was indescribably gentle and kind, could it be that she was really fascinated?
No, he has to go back quickly and tell Mrs. Hu, and ask Mrs. Hu to ask the master to drive this unknown woman out of Mushan Pass.

"Your family is concerned about you." Fang Zilan commented noncommittally, and she had already stepped into the courtyard.

Mo Han nodded and said, "Da Kuan is a servant who has been with my mother for many years and has always taken good care of me."

"Really?" Fang Zilan glanced at Mo Han lightly, with a sharp look in her eyes, "You remember clearly."

Feeling the sudden cold breath on her body, Mo Han was slightly taken aback, "Sister Lan?"

"I can't remember most of what happened when I was a child." Fang Zilan seemed to say something unintentionally.

Mo Han's heart tightened, Sister Lan couldn't remember what she said, did she refer to her childhood in this world, or the original world?
"You..." Mo Han frowned slightly, Fang Zilan looked indifferent, "It's just some trivial things, it's nothing if you don't remember."

At the end, she added: "Fortunately, I haven't forgotten the original thing. I still remember you, enough."

"Sister Lan..." Mo Han's words were interrupted by a stern shout, "Sister, you still have the face to come back!"

Mo Bin, who was pacing back and forth in front of the hall, saw Mo Han enter the hall with two women, he was so angry that he grabbed the teacup on the table and threw it at Mo Han.

Fang Zilan flicked her sleeves, flung the teacup aside, and fell to pieces with a bang.

Mo Han was stunned for a moment, but Fang Zilan asked him: "Is he your father, Mo Bin?" In the casual tone, there seemed to be a superficial killing intent.

Mo Han looked at her, and saw a smile on the corner of her lips, but there was a clear murderous intent in her eyes.

In a trance, he almost thought it was his own illusion.

Perhaps he was dazzled by the surprise of seeing her for the first time, or perhaps it was her tears and fragility on the tower that made him so distressed that he forgot about her identity.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that the person in front of him was not only his sister Lan, but also the Duke of Yue, the decisive ruler of the empire.

"Yes." Mo Han nodded numbly. Before he could say anything, Mo Bin rushed out from the hall, glared at Fang Zilan furiously and said, "You are the woman who calls herself Han'er's cousin? I don't know Han When I was a child, I had an extra cousin!"

"Father, listen to my explanation..." Mo Han tried to defend himself, but was cut off by Mo Bin, "Son, it's all your good deeds. After I take care of this woman, I will settle the score with you." !"

Fang Zilan cast a sideways glance at Mo Bin, and chuckled, "I don't know how Master Mo plans to take care of me?"

She asked casually, with a calm attitude as if what Mo Bin was talking about was not her, but an irrelevant outsider.

"You!" Mo Bin was overwhelmed by her aura, and his voice involuntarily lowered a little, "How to take care of you depends on the relationship between you and Han'er. If you and Han'er sneak out of the way, you will destroy my son. Qing Yu, I wouldn't go too far even if I killed you. If you shamelessly seduce Han'er, I'll beat you out of Mushan Pass with a stick, and you won't be allowed to enter my Mushan Pass again."

"General Mo thinks so much about Mo Han, it's really touching." Fang Zilan clapped her hands lightly, with a sarcastic tone, "It's a pity."

Mo Bin's sarcasm made Mo Bin furious, and he took a step forward and asked sharply, "What do you mean?"

 Yes, I was not mistaken, Mo Han knew Fang Zilan's true identity, he knew it from the beginning to the end.

(End of this chapter)

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