Don't ask where people go

Chapter 203 Maintenance

Chapter 203 Maintenance
"What do you mean?" Fang Zilan looked at Mo Bin calmly, and said coldly: "Also regardless of whether I am as bad as General Mo said, just say that Mo Han is such a person. General Mo still doesn't know?"

Hearing this, Mo Bin's anger dissipated a bit, and she continued to say, "Mo Han is a gentleman, and he is the most dignified. How could he be as dirty as General Mo said? What's more, if Mo Han If you really want to please a woman, you must be frank and frank, and the matchmaker is marrying. How can you talk about breaking the rules? Mo Han is innocent, and I can't bear to let any dust stain his clean body, and I can't tolerate someone with red lips. slander him utterly."

She said, exerting all the coercion on her body, and her words were chilling, "Even if that person is you—General Mo, it's not okay."

Provoked by her words, Mo Bin took a step back, and then felt ashamed in his heart.Not to mention where this girl came from, but she defended Mo Han in every possible way, which was actually stronger than him as a father.

As a father, he didn't believe in his son, but vented his anger on him indiscriminately...

Mo Bin sighed secretly in his heart, he was not an unreasonable and reckless person in the first place, after thinking about it so carefully, the anger in his chest had already dissipated, only the embarrassment left with nowhere to go, made him stunned in place.It is not easy to advance, and it is also difficult to retreat.

"Sister Lan." Mo Han tugged on Fang Zilan's sleeve lightly, the warmth in his eyes was clear, "I don't care."

However, Fang Zilan didn't mean to accept it as soon as she saw it. She looked stern and said without anger: "Most of the aristocratic families value good face more than family members, and on the contrary criticize people who are cold. This is the case in the world, and it seems that General Mo is not immune .”

Mo Bin's face turned green and pale, and Mrs. Hu, who had been hiding behind the door and watching, saw Fang Zilan being unreasonable, and hurried out, smoothing things over and saying: "This girl looks familiar, as if she met her somewhere. It seems that it is a relative of our family. Master, don't be in a hurry to get angry, Han'er is a good boy, you know it well."

"Just pamper him." Mo Bin couldn't hold back his face, snorted coldly and walked back to the inner hall with a flick of his sleeves.

Madam Hu has beautiful eyes and a smile, and her gestures are full of charm.She changed the topic and said: "I saw that there was a little sister next to me. Seeing that the little sister's face is not good, I think it's because she didn't take much rest during the journey. There are many empty rooms in the house, so I'll send someone to clean up one of them." Come out, the two girls will stay here first, and then it will not be too late to meet relatives."

"Thank you Madam." Fang Zilan let go, and Madam Hu beckoned to the servant woman beside her: "Mother Yan, take these two girls down to freshen up, and invite them to come to the hall to talk later."

Fang Zilan and A Wan followed Yan's mother to the backyard. Madam Hu saw the two leaving without a dignified and decent posture. She took Mo Han's hand and looked back and forth carefully, with an anxious expression, "I don't think that girl is easy to provoke." Yes, did she do anything to you?"

"Mother, I'm fine." Mo Han shook his head lightly, his eyes widened, and said in a gentle voice: "Sister Lan treats me very well, she will never hurt me."

"You have always been a simple child, how do you know that people's hearts are sinister?" Mrs. Hu looked worried, and pulled him into the inner hall.

Mo Bin stood in the hall with his hands behind his back, his expression tense.After he was taught by Fang Zilan, he kept holding back his breath, and there was no outsider at this time, so he stopped holding it, and said coldly: "Han'er, tell me clearly, what is going on? "

"That's right." Madam Hu couldn't help but also asked in support: "It's pretty good, why did you suddenly have an extra cousin?"

Mo Han was worried. He had never been out of Mushan Pass since he was a child, so if he said that he met Sister Lan outside, it would not make sense, and it would arouse suspicion from his parents.As for the relatives in the family, the parents are much clearer than themselves, and there is no possibility of lying.

There are thousands of thoughts in his mind, but he can't find a suitable excuse.When he was embarrassed, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the jade pendant on his mother's waist, and said with a thought: "I remember my mother told me before that she was separated from her sisters due to the war, and each of them left the jade pendant as a token of recognition. Lan In my sister's hand, there is a jade pendant that is the same as that on my mother's body."

"What?" Madam Hu subconsciously reached out and touched the jade pendant at her waist, her expression excited, "You said she held the jade pendant, how could it be possible? The jade pendant should be in..."

"She fooled you with a jade pendant, so you believe it?" Mo Bin's cold voice interrupted Mrs. Hu's words, and Mrs. Hu seemed to have realized something, turned her face away silently, and wiped her eyes quietly.

Seeing this, Mo Bin's expression suddenly turned cold, "Your mother's sister is long gone. She is dead, yet someone dares to use her jade pendant to deceive her, it really deserves to be damned!"

His voice was full of vicious hatred, which made Mo Han shiver involuntarily.Although his father was strict in the past, he was never violent. This was the first time he saw such a cruel appearance in his life.

"Master..." Mrs. Hu walked to Mo Bin's side, lowered her eyebrows and caressed his shoulder, and said softly: "It's all over. If that woman really dares to use the name of her sister to deceive her, I will be the first to spare her." .”

After she finished speaking, she looked up at Mo Han with a solemn and dignified look, "Han'er, go and bring them here, your father and I have something to ask."

Mo Han was worried, and felt that he had made a foolish move out of desperation.But now that riding a tiger is difficult, he can only bite the bullet and walk to the end.Whether it is sister Lan or the family, he will never give up.

Besides, Fang Zilan and A Wan followed Yan's mother into the backyard wing room, and after Yan's mother left, A Wan couldn't wait to get to Fang Zilan's side, and whispered softly: "You and Mo Han, what's going on?"

"Mo Han, it's my cousin." Fang Zilan said in a low voice, mixed with joy and sorrow, "I never expected that it was really him."

"Are you sure?" A Wan looked suspicious, "Why don't I know, when did you have an extra cousin?"

"When I was young, my mother told me." Fang Zilan's expression faded a little, and she said casually: "She said that I have an aunt who lives abroad, and their letters mentioned that I also have a cousin... ..."

She said with a sigh, "It's all old things, so don't mention it."

"If it happened so long ago, why did you hit it off with Mo Han?" A Wanxiu frowned slightly, "I think you two have never seen each other before."

"Probably blood relationship." Fang Zilan didn't want to talk about it, so he changed the subject: "No matter what, we have entered the border safely now. I just don't know how Lao Cao is doing in the city? If he finds nothing there, we will just We can start from the Mo Mansion."

 Is the confession of relatives nonsense or real?Let's listen to the next chapter to break down~
(End of this chapter)

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