Don't ask where people go

Chapter 207 Secret

Chapter 207 Secret
Fang Zilan had heard the name Fang Chongbai before, and as far as she knew, this person was Fang Chongzheng's younger brother.

It is rumored that this person has a vicious mind and a vicious means. It is not an exaggeration to say that he was a vicious dog raised by the Ji family in the previous dynasty.As a result, as early as the previous dynasty, the Fang family had removed their names from the genealogy, and they were no longer allowed to enter the Fang family's lintel.

But even so, Fang Chongbai is still a member of the Fang family in the hearts of the world.It wasn't until Fang Chongzheng killed Fang Chongbai shortly after the establishment of the imperial court in the capital that the world drew a clear line between Fang Chongbai and the Fang family...

Speaking of which, Fang Chongbai died at the hands of Fang Chongzheng, did Fang Chongzheng adopt her?
She didn't speak, and Mo Bin continued on his own, "As for the third question, what happened in Beijing later came from the mouth of the concubine Shu of the previous court. When the Li family captured the capital, the concubine Shu It happened to be found out that she was pregnant, and the old people from the previous dynasty stood up to protect each other when they learned about it. At that time, the world was not peaceful, and the neighbors were staring at each other, and Mrs. Li did not dare to easily kill Concubine Shu and the prince in her womb, which attracted the former The old crowd rose up to attack them. We had to wait until Concubine Shu gave birth to His Royal Highness King Ning, and Fang Chongzheng came forward and broke a pair of His Royal Highness King Ning's legs with his own hands, so as to stop the restoration of the old court..."

"His Royal Highness King Ning?" Fang Zilan suddenly interrupted him, "King Yuning, Ji Ningtian?"

"Yes." Mo Bin explained, "According to the old rules of the previous dynasty, it was originally His Royal Highness Ning Wang. But since the princes of the Li family in Dajing were born one after another, in order not to attract attention, they were changed to King Yuning. It's no different to all princes."

Fang Zilan's emotions fluctuated, and it took him a long time to ask again: "The words of Concubine Shu of the previous court are trustworthy?"

"You child, why are you so suspicious?" Madam Hu frowned helplessly, her expression tired.

"It's about parents, and as a child, I must get to the bottom of it." Fang Zilan nodded slightly, and said firmly: "I hope General Mo and Madam will forgive me."

Mo Bin sighed and said: "It seems that if I don't make it clear, you won't let it go. Well, after so many years, when facing the daughter of an old man, it's time to make everything clear."

"Thank you." Fang Zilan saluted solemnly, and Mo Bin said in a deep voice, "I don't know if Miss Lan knows about ghosts?"

Hearing this, Fang Zilan's heart skipped a beat, and Awan, who was sitting next to her, suddenly turned a little pale.

However, before Fang Zilan answered, Mo Bin shook his head indifferently, as if he hadn't noticed the difference between the two of them at all, and asked himself: "How do you know about such a secret organization?"

Fang Zilan did not respond, and remained motionless in the salute posture.

As if he was afraid that the walls could have ears, Mo Bin's voice was much softer, "The ghost gate was originally the secret guard of the royal family in the previous dynasty. Whether it is the news of Princess Pingnan or Miss Qin Xuan's information, she sent people from the ghost gate to collect them. After finding out that Miss Qin Xuan was humiliated by Fang Chongbai, she spared no effort. They sent people from the ghost gate to find Miss Qin Xuan's whereabouts, and even issued a death order to take Fang Chongbai's life..."

"Fang Chongbai, didn't Fang Chongzheng kill him?" Fang Zilan slowly raised her head with a serious expression.She called Fang Chongbai and Fang Chongzheng's name in a cold voice, which made everyone present shudder.

"That's just a market rumor..." Mo Bin retorted subconsciously, but suddenly fell silent the moment he met her gaze.

Could it be true what Concubine Shu said and what the ghost gate did?Although Fang Zilan had doubts in his heart, he didn't say this on the face.

Seeing her solemn expression, Mo Bin broke the deadlock with a light cough, and continued, "No matter what, Fang Chongbai died unexpectedly. After his death, Concubine Shu searched for a long time, and finally found Miss Qin Xuan's body. Return it to Gusu Qin."

Mo Bin sighed, "Miss Qin Xuan's matter is no different from family scandals to the members of the Fang family, so they kept silent about it, as if nothing had happened. But I didn't expect that they would even hide it from you. No leaks, even your mother's name is not told to you. No wonder no one knows that Miss Qin Xuan and a daughter like you have been left in the Fang family."

After he finished speaking, Fang Zilan regained her composure, returned to her original low-browed and pleasing expression, and sighed softly: "It turns out that the truth is so. Thank you, General Mo and Madam, for telling me."

"Miss Lan, you..." Mrs. Hu was about to say something, but seeing tears in the corners of her eyes and a tired expression, she stopped talking involuntarily.

"I will keep the words of General Mo and Madam in my heart." Fang Zilan straightened up, "It's just that I am really exhausted physically and mentally right now, and I hope General Mo and Madam will let me rest for a while. I..." She said Before he finished speaking, his figure trembled.

On the side, Awan hurried over, supported her quickly, and said to Mo Bin and Madam Hu: "My sister is not in good health, and now these words are too irritating to her, I think it will take some time to recover I hope that General Mo and Madam will not blame you."

Seeing that Mrs. Hu was about to call Yan's mother to come in, Mo Han stood up and said: "Father, mother, I will send Sister Lan back to rest first."

"Go." After Mo Bin agreed, Mrs. Hu told Mo Han as if thinking of something: "Han'er, if Miss Lan needs anything, just tell her." Then she looked at Fang Zilan and said: " Miss Lan, you just treat this place as your own home. Stay here with peace of mind, and don't be polite to us."

"Thank you Ma'am." Fang Zilan replied in a low voice, and then went back to the backyard wing with A Wan's support and Mo Han's company.

After they left, Madam Hu looked at Mo Bin with a complicated expression, "Master, what do you think?"

"This woman has a noble temperament, her every move is imposing, and her identity is absolutely extraordinary. Maybe she is really Miss Qin Xuan's daughter, or maybe..." Mo Bin's expression was gloomy, "She is a secret agent sent over there. Grabbing the handle of our Mo family, I don’t know where to get this jade pendant.”

"But master, Concubine Shu has passed away, and no one else will know the secret of the jade pendant except us and His Highness Ning Wang. What's more, this jade pendant cannot be fake..." Madam Hu said, looking at Mo Bin eagerly, He stretched out his hand to hold her hand, and comforted her: "Yes. If you don't believe me, why would I tell her so much?"

Hearing what he said, Mrs. Hu felt at ease, but within a moment she was worried again: "But what if..."

"If there is a chance..." Mo Bin had a wry smile on his face, "Then it should be my Mo family."

Mrs. Hu looked worried, "Master, now that King Rong An is suspicious of you in every possible way, and there are pirates watching you outside, it is not an option for us to guard against it all the time. If the court is alarmed..."

"I heard that the imperial court is selecting a special envoy, and they will come to the southeast for inspection in a few days." Mo Bin sighed, "Internal and external troubles, what should come will eventually come. Madame, are you afraid?"

"With Master here, I'm not afraid." Mrs. Hu shook her head, with a smile in her eyes, she said firmly: "As long as our family is together, I'm not afraid of anything."

"Okay." Mo Bin took her into his arms, with a rare tenderness hidden in his eyes.

 behind the secret,
  Mo Bin: I suspect Fang Zilan.

  Fang Zilan: What I suspect is the former imperial concubine Shu and the so-called truth itself. After all, Ji Ningtian's leg is not broken.As long as there is even a little doubt, the so-called truth is false.

(End of this chapter)

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