Chapter 208 Age
As soon as A Wan helped Fang Zilan to the door of the wing room, she stopped in her tracks, turned her head to look at Mo Han who was following them, and said in a low voice, "Mo Han, I have something to tell you."

"Sister?" A Wan frowned slightly, but Fang Zilan patted her arm and said, "A Wan, you guard me at the door. If someone comes, you know what to do."

A Wan looked at her, then at Mo Han, and finally nodded in response, "I see. I will guard for you, you have to hold on."

Fang Zilan didn't say a word, she seemed to acquiesce, she pushed the door and entered, Mo Han walked in behind her, and closed the door behind her.

Seeing him close the door, Fang Zilan confirmed that the partition wall had no ears, and then asked, "Mo Han, based on what you know about your parents, how credible do you think what they said just now?"

"Sister Lan doesn't believe it?" Mo Han looked puzzled, Fang Zilan hesitated for a moment, and frowned slightly, "As far as I know, the general situation is basically consistent with what your parents said. But there is still one biggest doubt, which cannot be explained .”

"What doubt?" Mo Han asked curiously, Fang Zilan looked dignified, "Age. According to your parents, I should be four or five years older than I am now, about the same age as King Yuning or Princess Wu Qing .”

"Sister Lan, what do you mean?" Mo Han's expression became more and more puzzled. Fang Zilan pursed her lips. After a moment of silence, she said softly: "I have also come into contact with Fang Chongbai's information after I entered the ghost gate. In my impression , he should have been killed shortly after Emperor Tai'an ascended the throne, let alone who killed him..."

She paused for a moment, then saw Mo Han staring at her in a daze, and said softly, "Sister Lan, you just said that you have entered the ghost gate?"

"The original owner of this body entered it." Fang Zilan looked indifferent, and slowly said word by word: "My name has not changed, it is still Fang Zilan. The third lady from the original prime minister's mansion is now the Duke of Dajingyue, Fang Zilan. "

She didn't intend to lie to Mo Han at first, but now she took this opportunity to explain everything to him.

"Sure enough..." Mo Han's expression changed, but there was a touch of distress in his eyes, "Since I woke up at Mo's house, I learned that a woman named Fang Zilan led the army to shock the world, so I guessed that woman is you After many inquiries, it is finally confirmed."

Fang Zilan raised the corners of her lips lightly, "It's all over. If you don't ask me, why did you change from a concubine in the Xiangfu to a general fighting in the battlefield?"

"If Sister Lan is willing to tell me, there will be opportunities in the future." Mo Han smiled slightly, "Now, it is good to see you standing in front of me safe and sound."

At the end, he sighed softly, "Sister Lan, you have suffered."

"It's not bitter." Fang Zilan shook her head and said, "I thought I was going to die when I fell into the water. Now that I can live in this world with this identity and see you, I have no regrets. Speaking of which, why did you come to this world?" world?"

"Actually, I was also in Xuanwu Lake Park that day. When I saw you fall into the water, I naturally couldn't just stand by and watch." Mo Han recalled the scene at that time, and couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "I wanted to go into the water to save you because I knew how to swim, but who would have thought that I would go into the water to save you?" Brought into this world by an underwater vortex."

"Do you think it was accidental?" Fang Zilan was vigilant, while Mo Han looked blank, "I can't tell."

He raised his hand and frowned slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he returned to the topic, "There is no rush for this, we can study it slowly in the future. But what do you mean when you said that the age is wrong, Sister Lan?"

"That's right." Fang Zilan straightened out her thoughts, "I just said that according to the records of Guimen, Fang Chongbai should have been killed shortly after Emperor Tai'an ascended the throne, but I was not yet born at that time."

"My age has not changed, and sister Lan, your age should have not changed either." Mo Han pondered: "Based on this calculation, the age really does not match..."

He suddenly remembered something as he was talking, and asked casually: "Is it possible to be a posthumous woman?" However, as soon as he finished speaking, he felt that it was wrong, and immediately denied: "Even if it is a posthumous woman, it is still too early." , the time is not right."

"That's right." Fang Zilan nodded, "As long as I can remember, I know that my father is Fang Chongzheng, and my birth mother, Qin, is unknown. She was originally a maidservant in the prime minister's mansion. Jade pendant..."

She didn't continue, but Mo Han couldn't help but comforted him: "It's just a piece of jade pendant, maybe someone from the Fang family gave it to you in order to deceive others?"

"It wasn't given to me casually." Fang Zilan's expression was firm, "I was surprised by something about what your father said just now. If this jade pendant is so rare and difficult to get rid of, wouldn't it be easier to just smash it into pieces? Why not hesitate? Stay at the price of buying a jade mine? You know, no matter how rich the Fang family is, it is not so cheap to buy a jade mine from the Persians. What's more..."

She frowned slightly, and said while thinking: "Based on my understanding of Fang Chongzheng, there must be a reason for him to do things carefully, and he would not just put such an important jade pendant into my hand. Unless..."

"Fang Chongzheng wants you to impersonate him." Mo Han couldn't help but interjected, "If Qin Xuan's descendant is still alive, the Fang family will definitely not let him be exposed to others easily. If we can find someone to replace him..."

"It's still not right." Fang Zilan interrupted him softly, "If you want to be an impostor, why do you have to find someone who is not the same age as me? With Fang Chongzheng's ability, even if you find someone who was born in the same year and the same day as Qin Xuan's descendants People are not difficult. Why is it me?"

As soon as she said this, Mo Han couldn't help but frowned, and it took a while to ask again: "If Fang Chongzheng is leak-proof, what clues does Sister Lan's biological mother have?"

"Although what your parents said is reasonable and true, I still can't be sure that the mother in my memory is Qin Xuan. Besides, I was too young when my mother passed away, so I can't remember many things clearly. "Fang Zilan looked lonely, "Most of the later years were spent in the gate of ghosts, and the memory of my mother became more and more blurred."

"Sister Lan." Mo Han couldn't bear it, but saw her restrain her expression and smiled, "It's nothing. But when it comes to mother, I have some clues. Jingxi Baiye Temple, my mother often took me there when she was alive Shangxiang. Later, my mother was assassinated and died there, and I also met Ji Ningtian, the master of the ghost gate there. If all of this, this jade pendant, and my life experience are not coincidences, then There must be clues in Baiye Temple."

"Sister Lan, what's your plan?" Mo Han looked at Fang Zilan steadfastly, and only heard her say: "After finishing the matter in the southeast, I will take time to go to Baiye Temple after I return to Beijing, and check it out."

 Recognizing relatives and recognizing age, Fang Zilan: I will answer this question~
(End of this chapter)

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