Don't ask where people go

Chapter 224 Shaking

Chapter 224 Shaking
"It's not just that I can't be alone?" Fang Zilan smiled self-deprecatingly, "I'm afraid that even my wealth and life will be lost."

"Is it worth it to do this?" There was a hint of inexplicable emotion in A Wan's eyes, and Fang Zilan still curled her lips, "A Wan, if you and Mo Han changed places today, I will also do it." Same choice."

"You..." A Wan's eyes widened suddenly, and Fang Zilan's smile became even wider, "There is nothing worth it. In my heart, you all represent the weight of these two words. So A Wan, you just need to treat him with peace of mind. Mo Han, even if the sky falls, I will support you."

The tone was still as calm and breezy as usual, but Awan could clearly hear a hint of reluctance, and she said solemnly: "I will write a prescription for you later, and I will entrust you with the preparation and decoction of the medicine." .”

"Okay." Fang Zilan stood up and walked to the table, rubbing ink and brushing.After a while, A Wan also came over, picked up a pen and quickly wrote a prescription, and handed it to Fang Zilan when the ink was dry, "Be careful in everything."

Fang Zilan nodded slightly, then went out with the prescription.She had grabbed the medicine at the pharmacy, and Su Yun found her when she was decocting it.

"Now that Mushanguan is in chaos, Lord Fang is still patient and decocting medicine here. It's really heart-warming." Su Yun's tone was obviously sarcasm, but Fang Zilan didn't care, "I don't know what Master Su's opinion is. ? If not, don’t delay my decoction.”

Su Yun frowned, and said displeasedly: "Master Fang, your duty is to calm the chaos at Mushanguan, not to decoct medicine here."

"My responsibilities don't need to be reminded by Mr. Su." Fang Zilan raised his eyes and glanced at the people in front of him, "There are priorities, and when Mo Han's situation stabilizes, I will solve the mess."

Su Yun was just about to say something, but before he could speak, Fang Zilan continued: "Master Su, the matter has come to an end, we might as well open the skylight and speak clearly. How much does Master Su know about the chaos at Mushan Pass?"

Su Yun opened his mouth, but finally remained silent.Seeing this, Fang Zilan was not annoyed, and while shaking the cattail fan in her hand, said in a low voice: "To show my sincerity, I can tell Mr. Su everything I know."

After that, she told Su Yun what she saw and heard at Mushan Pass and the results of interrogating the pirates.

After Su Yun listened quietly, he sighed suddenly for a while, "Master Fang is so frank, aren't you afraid that I will be a hindrance?"

"Your Majesty sent you to show that he can trust you." Fang Zilan kept holding the cattail fan, "And I can trust Your Majesty."

She said and looked up at Su Yun, "Now, Master Su is willing to say it?"

"I came out of the capital and went straight to the southeast camp. General Shen sent troops to escort me to Mushan Pass. On the way, I received a letter from King Rong'an, saying that the villages and towns around Mushan Pass were frequently invaded by pirates. , and Mo Bin, the guard at the Mushan Gate, sealed the pass under martial law, and he may have different ideas." Su Yun paused, and then said cautiously: "I sent someone to investigate, and it was indeed consistent with what King Rong'an said in the letter. In addition, General Shen told I said, Master Fang, you sneaked into Mushan Pass, so I borrowed troops from General Shen, and rushed to Mushan Pass without stopping. Who would have thought that when I arrived, what I saw was Master Fang, who desperately wanted to protect Mo’s family. "

Fang Zilan coughed lightly, "Lord Lao Su is worried, I'm really sorry. Master Su has worked hard all the way."

"It's nothing to worry about." Su Yun looked helpless, "It's just that when I was leaving the capital, Your Majesty once asked to ensure the safety of Mr. Fang. If something happens to you, Mr. Fang, I can't ask His Majesty. .”

"Your Majesty?" Fang Zilan murmured softly. No wonder Su Yun didn't deliberately make things difficult for her during the day, and his words and deeds seemed to be too measured. It turned out that Li Shengxuan had already explained it.

She originally planned to tell Su Yun the truth, pull him to her side, and try to save the Mo family.But now, for some reason, her heart was shaken violently.

Even if King Rong'an set up a trap and tried to put the Mo family to death, it is true that Mo Bin sealed off martial law and refused to send troops to protect the surrounding people.No matter what Mo Bin's difficulties are, it is dereliction of duty.

King Rong An and Mo Bin, to put it bluntly, are just selfish, but the most innocent people who bear all the consequences are the common people.

"Master Fang?" Su Yun stretched out his hand and waved in front of Fang Zilan, she came back to her senses, "What?"

"The medicine is almost burnt." Su Yun reminded angrily, and she hurriedly took the medicine jar off the fire, "I'll deliver the medicine to Mo Han first, and then I'll meet Mo Bin in the prison, Mr. Su Would you like to go with me?"

Su Yun hesitated for a moment, but finally agreed, "I'll go ahead and wait for Mr. Fang in front of the government prison."

After he turned and left, Fang Zilan glanced at his back, then looked down at the medicine in his hand, breathed a sigh of relief, and walked quickly to the backyard.

Awan's heart tightened when he heard the footsteps, and when he saw Fang Zilan pushing the door in, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, "Why are you a little late?"

"Talked a few words with Su Yun, and it was delayed for a while." Fang Zilan said and put the things in her hands on the table, "I also went to the backyard to find some food for you, you should take a rest first."

Only then did A Wan notice the dark night outside the window, and sighed softly, "It's already so late."

"Yes." Fang Zilan agreed, and asked, "How is Mo Han?"

"If you get through tonight and don't have a fever, you will be fine." A Wan ate something whole, and said vaguely: "If you still have a fever tomorrow, even if you can wake up, you must be stupid."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan hesitated for a while, with a hesitant expression, "Awan, I..."

"What do you want to do, just go." A Wan swallowed what was in his mouth, and then took a big mouthful of tea, "I used to be able to guard you for days and nights when you were injured. Now it's just one It’s only at night, don’t worry, I can keep it.”

Fang Zilan pursed her lips, and was about to say something, when she saw Awan waved her hand first, "Don't thank me, save your life, and deal with the matter of Mushanguan smoothly, and come back safely Jingcheng is the best way to thank me."

"Since little Awan has spoken." Fang Zilan's lips curled up in a beautiful arc, "Then, as you wish." After she finished speaking, she left without looking back.

A Wan wiped his hands after eating, sniffed the medicine put aside, reluctantly took it to the bed, and said to Mo Han: "Mr. Mo, although this medicine is far worse than what I decocted, but at least it is you My sister cooked it herself. She is really worried about you, so even if it is just for her kindness, you must get through tonight."

 The so-called choice is a dilemma.In this round, what choice will Fang Zilan make?Let's listen to the next chapter to break down~
(End of this chapter)

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