Don't ask where people go

Chapter 225 Trying

Chapter 225 Trying
Fang Zilan saw Su Yun waiting in front of the government prison from a distance, she stepped forward and said politely: "Lord Lao Su has been waiting for a long time."

Su Yun didn't speak, but raised his hand as a gesture of invitation.So Fang Zilan was no longer polite, and walked in first, and Su Yun followed behind her, and walked in together.

The two remained silent all the way until the cell where Mo Bin and Mo Yang and his son were imprisoned.As soon as Su Yun dismissed the jailer, Mo Bin asked eagerly, "How is Han'er doing now?"

"If you get through tonight, you will be safe and sound." Fang Zilan looked at Mo Bin with no expression on her face and said, "General Mo, you still have nothing to explain to me?"

Mo Bin concealed his anxiety, avoided her gaze, and said in a low voice, "Master Fang knows everything, I have nothing to explain."

"King Rong'an colluded with pirates, and General Mo not only just ignored him, but also shut himself up under martial law for self-protection, treating people's lives like nothing." Every time Fang Zilan said a word, his expression darkened.

"Lord Fang only thinks that my father closed the closed doors to protect himself, but he didn't know that if it wasn't so, the people at Mushan Pass would not be safe." Mo Yang retorted unconvincedly: "My father knows that he can lose sight of the other, and there is no perfect plan. , this is the only way to balance it.”

"That's the only way?" Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, "King Rong'an is not the only one who has the final say in the capital. Your father and son neither report to the capital, nor ask for help from General Xiahou who is the closest to Mushan Pass. , do nothing, what face do you have to say that it can only be like this?"

"Report the letter to Beijing?" Mo Yang laughed suddenly, "I'm afraid our letter will not enter the capital at all, and will be intercepted by King Rong'an's men halfway through. And asking for help from General Xiahou, it's easy to say , but how could General Xiahou control my Mo family?"

Fang Zilan's expression was as calm as water, "Have you tried it?"

"What?" Mo Yang was taken aback by her question, and only heard her continue, "Without any attempt, all possibilities were rejected. No wonder he ended up in the situation he is in today."

Mo Yang bit his lip, "So what if you try it? If you already know the ending, no matter how many times you try, it cannot be changed."

"Confidence and stubbornness." Fang Zilan finished the conclusion neatly, her expression suddenly turned cold, "In this case, there is nothing to say. I will enter the Mo family ancestral hall early tomorrow morning, and change Mo Han's name from Mo's Erase it from the genealogy. Except for Mo Han, the whole family of the Mo family was copied and beheaded."

Su Yun didn't speak, but just took a deep look at Fang Zilan, seeing her say it, ignored Mo Bin and Mo Yang's reaction, turned and left the prison.

Su Yun followed behind her, and after an unknown amount of time, he suddenly said, "If Mo Bin and his son had asked General Xiahou for help in time, I'm afraid they wouldn't have fallen into such a deadlock."

Fang Zilan kept walking, "Master Su thinks General Xiahou will help Mo Bin and his son?"

"General Xiahou may not help Mo Bin and his son, but he will definitely protect Dajing." As soon as Su Yun finished speaking, he saw the people in front of him stop. The first one. Mr. Su understands this very well."

She said with a slow expression, "Mo Han once told me that both Mo Bin and Mo Yang are very principled people. I don't deny Mo Han's words, but I think their principles are too petty, and there are no frontier generals." Demeanor."

"Not everyone is as open-minded as Master Fang." Su Yun raised his eyebrows and curled his lips, "I'm curious, why does Master Fang insist on protecting Mohan?"

"Mo Han is my cousin, the only family member I have in this world." Fang Zilan spoke frankly, and then changed the subject: "Master Su, after the Mo family is dealt with this time, I will also deal with King Rong An's collusion with the enemy and betraying the country." It won’t be good. If you regret it, you might as well leave now, otherwise, if you are a little careless in the future, you may lose your life in this southeastern border with me.”

"Regret?" Su Yun seemed to have thought of something, and said with a light smile, "Your Majesty Fang, you know that His Majesty originally ordered Mr. Zhuge to be a special envoy to come to the southeast?"

Fang Zilan smiled slightly, followed his words and asked, "Then why is Master Su the one who came in the end?"

"Just because I told Your Majesty that I will never condone Mr. Fang's mischief like Mr. Zhuge." Su Yun smiled meaningfully, and Fang Zilan looked innocent, "When will Ah Yu allow me to misbehave?"

"It's only now that I understand." Su Yun's expression became a little more helpless, "Master Fang did not connive at someone's mischief, but indulged in willful and reckless behavior. Unfortunately, I understood it too late, and it was too late to regret it. .”

"Master Su is afraid?" Fang Zilan's expression was joking, and Su Yun shook his head, "As long as I don't confront Master Fang, it will not be difficult for Master Fang to save my life in the chaotic situation in the southeast."

"Master Su is really trying to adjust to the situation at the time of the interrogation." Fang Zilan laughed dumbly, and a cunning flashed in Su Yun's eyes, "Master Fang is overrated. After all, I am just a little censor. I want to save my life in a chaotic situation. It is inevitable to be dependent on others. Your Majesty values ​​Lord Fang, so I am naturally willing to take a gamble with my wealth and life."

"Okay, Lord Su, please do what you want." Fang Zilan turned her face away, "I have to go and take care of Mo Han."

"Master Fang." Su Yun called her who was about to leave, "Mo Yang said just now that you already know the ending, no matter how you try, you can't change it. What do you think, Master Fang?"

Fang Zilan stopped again, but did not look back, "Nothing in this world remains the same. If I must say it, only change remains the same. I never believe in any ending, if there is..."

She paused, looked back and smiled brightly: "The ending will also be decided by me."

After Fang Zilan returned from the government prison, she and Awan guarded Mo Han for most of the night.It wasn't until the sky dimmed and Mo Han's high fever subsided that the two of them breathed a sigh of relief in unison.

"Finally there is no danger." A Wan raised his hand and rubbed the center of his brows, "It seems that your medicine is well prepared and effective."

"I was just making a move." Fang Zilan rested her chin on one hand, looking tired, "It's mainly because of Xiao Awan's excellent medical skills."

"Come on, don't compliment me." A Wan sat next to her, "Because Vice General Cao hasn't come back for a few days, you should take the time to recharge your batteries and think about how to deal with the pirates and King Rong'an."

Fang Zilan hummed lightly, and was about to say something when he heard Deputy General Cao's voice coming from the courtyard, "Boss, something happened!"

Hearing the sound, she couldn't help being stunned for a moment, then reacted, and quickly walked to the door and opened it.The moment he saw Deputy General Cao, it seemed like an unreal illusion.

She subconsciously asked: "Old Cao, why are you here?"

 Fang Zilan: Su Yun actually thought that A Yu would let me run amok?

  Zhuge Yu: What do you think?

  Fang Zilan: The illusion must be Su Yun's illusion.

  Zhuge Yu: Am I indulging?I can't stop it at all!
(End of this chapter)

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