Don't ask where people go

Chapter 226 The Plague

Chapter 226 The Plague
"Boss, a plague broke out in the villages and towns near Mushanguan. King Rong'an's people blocked the roads and they couldn't get out." Deputy General Cao looked anxious, took out the white jade tiger talisman and a letter from his arms, and handed them to her together. "Boss, the people of King Rong An asked me to bring this. I met a girl on the road. She said that she knew about the plague situation. When she heard that you were at Mushan Pass, Boss, she came with me. Right now Hou is in front of the hall."

Fang Zilan took it casually, opened the letter and asked, "What's the girl's name?"

Deputy General Cao hurriedly replied, "Xia Houyan."

Fang Zilan's hand to open the letter paused for a moment, "Xia Houyan? Miss Yan'er?"

"Boss, do you know him?" Deputy General Cao was full of curiosity, while Fang Zilan replied casually: "When I was with His Majesty in the northern border, Miss Yan'er once healed my wounds."

"Is she the one who treated you?" A Wanxiu frowned slightly, "It shouldn't be, I've heard the name Xia Houyan before, she is one of the best doctors in Xiahou's family, how could I not see what's on you..."

She stopped in the middle of her sentence, Fang Zilan shook off the letter, and said softly: "I was hit by a military stick, but it was just a skin trauma. Miss Yan'er gave me medicine, but I didn't feel the pulse."

"No wonder..." Awan wanted to say something more, but Fang Zilan's expression suddenly changed after reading the letter.

"Bastard!" She cursed in a low voice, her face extremely ugly.

Seeing that she was holding the letter tightly in her hand, A Wan quickly reached out and tried to break her fingers, "What was written in the letter?"

Fang Zilan shook off A Wan's hand in a rare way, and fixedly looked at Deputy General Cao, "Take me to see Miss Yan'er."

"Yes." Seeing her stern expression, Deputy General Cao didn't dare to say anything, and immediately took her and A Wan to see Xia Houyan.

Xia Houyan was waiting in front of the hall, and as soon as she saw Fang Zilan, she hurried forward a few steps, but suddenly realized something stopped her, and she held her arm just as she was about to salute, "Miss Yan'er, don't be too polite."

"Master Fang..." Xia Houyan hesitated to speak, but Fang Zilan knew it in her heart, "Both of them are my confidantes, and Miss Yan'er can speak directly if she has anything to say."

"Okay." Xia Houyan nodded, "The source of the plague this time is an islander on a certain fishing island in the East China Sea. The fishing island is located in a remote place, and I got the news by chance, so I was about to take a look. But For some reason, the islanders who were infected with the disease on the fishing island suddenly left the island and came to the vicinity of Mushan Pass. I rushed over immediately after receiving the news, but it was a step too late, and the plague had already spread."

A Wan couldn't help interjecting and asked, "Can you be sure what the disease is?"

"It's not certain yet." Xia Houyan shook her head and said, "I heard that people infected with the disease have sudden chills, and then develop high fever and sweat profusely. I haven't seen the specific situation, and I dare not speak nonsense."

A Wan couldn't help but fell into deep thought after hearing her words, and Fang Zilan asked, "Miss Yan'er, do you know why the islanders suddenly left the island?"

"I also find it strange." Xia Houyan looked puzzled, "After I received the news, I initially judged that it was very likely to be an epidemic, so I immediately notified the islanders with carrier pigeons and asked them not to leave the island. What's more, the islanders regard the sea as their Generally speaking, except for trading supplies, they rarely leave the island.”

"Besides, Mushan Pass is not close to the East China Sea." Fang Zilan had a cold face, and Xia Houyan asked tentatively, "What did Master Fang think of?"

"It's nothing." Fang Zilan's expression was a little slow, and she said in a deep voice: "At present, there are pirates in Mushan Pass, and there are plagues in the nearby villages and towns. A message from the general?"

"Forgive me for not being able to agree to Master Fang's entrustment." Xia Houyan bowed solemnly and said, "Before the plague spreads further, as a doctor, I must do something."

"Since Miss Yan'er has made up her mind to go, I won't say anything more." Fang Zilan bowed respectfully to the person in front of her, "I wish Miss Yan'er a smooth trip, and I'm here to help the sick people Thank you, Miss Yan'er."

"Master Fang is killing me." Xia Houyan quickly waved her hand, "If Master Fang has no other orders, I'll set off right away."

"Miss Yan'er, wait a minute." The person who called Xia Houyan was Awan, and she handed over a silk handkerchief and said, "I soaked this silk handkerchief with herbs, and Miss Yan'er can use it to cover her mouth and nose. .”

"This..." Xia Houyan hesitated to answer it, and A Wan couldn't help but stuffed it into her hand, "Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, I know that the epidemic is terrible. Miss Yan'er will always cherish it."

"Thank you, girl." Xia Houyan accepted Sipa and left without hesitation.

Fang Zilan stared at Xia Houyan's leaving back, her hands hidden in her sleeves were still tightly clutching the letter paper, but they couldn't stop shaking.

"Fang Zilan?" A Wan sensed that something was wrong with her, and half helped and half dragged her to the seat, "What happened?"

"King Rong An wrote to me and said that if I don't expose his affair with pirates to His Majesty, he will protect the Mo family." Fang Zilan gritted his teeth every word, "If I don't agree, don't even think about getting out of the Mu family alive." Shanguan."

"What?" A Wan's face was full of disbelief, "Where does King Rong An have such a great ability, and won't let you walk out of Mushan pass alive?"

"The islanders on outlying islands are probably arranged by King Rong An." Fang Zilan's expression was gloomy, but Awan was taken aback, "You mean..."

As soon as she said the words, she suddenly realized, "Yes. It is reasonable to say that with the prestige of Xiahou's family in the southeast, some islanders can leave the island under the thousands of orders from Yan'er. It can only be because of someone deliberately. That makes sense."

"King Rong'an is so scary." Deputy General Cao couldn't help but sigh, "No wonder Mo Bin did this to protect himself."

"Mo Bin?" Fang Zilan repeated the name in a daze, and then said to Deputy General Cao: "Old Cao, please send someone to invite Mr. Su over quickly, and tell me that I have something important to discuss."

Deputy General Cao took the order to leave, but before he reached the door, he heard footsteps coming from outside the hall, and it was Su Yun who came.

There was a little anxiety in Su Yun's eyebrows. He didn't care about saluting, and said to Fang Zilan: "Master Fang, I heard that there was a plague in the villages and towns near Mushan Pass. Is this true or not?"

"It's true." Fang Zilan collected her expression, "Master Su came just in time, I have something to explain to you."

"What's the matter?" Su Yun looked at the person in the chief seat, and saw that her expression was colder than ever before, "Nowadays, there are pirates outside and plague inside, and under external troubles and internal troubles, it must be done by the right person. Appropriate thing."

She paused as she spoke, "The passage near Mushan Pass has been closed, and I can't mobilize soldiers from the Southeast Camp to help. Therefore, I will ask His Majesty, General Xiahou, to deal with the pirates completely. Before that, Mushan The pirates who have infiltrated the customs and what plans they have, these are all for Mo Bin and Mo Yang to solve."

 When the old man was in a hurry, he parted because of his own responsibility.

  Every sentence in the letter is sinister, but it is selfish and poisonous.

(End of this chapter)

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