Chapter 257 Su Nu
Lin Jian followed Awan into the courtyard, and heard her whisper: "You keep guard in the courtyard, if you find anything unusual, please make some noise to let me know. I will take care of Mrs. Fang, if nothing else After two hours, we followed the woman to the ancestral hall."

Lin Jian nodded in response, and A Wan walked back to see Fang Zilan still lying on the bed, and couldn't help but feel a little relieved.She went through the words and deeds of the woman just now carefully in her mind, and she always felt that something was wrong with every move, but she couldn't say it.She frowned slightly, only to feel dizzy, she was very sleepy after suffering too much these days, she leaned on the edge of the bed in a daze, tilted her head and fell asleep.

After an unknown amount of time, Awan suddenly heard a loud bang from the courtyard, and woke up involuntarily. She was about to stand up and go outside to have a look, but suddenly found that she couldn't exert any strength, and her legs couldn't move. Limp on the ground obediently.

She subconsciously grabbed the bed curtain, and the bed curtain fell with a hiss, falling on the sleeping Fang Zilan.Only then did she remember what Fang Zilan said earlier - that woman was also responsible for the death of Miss Yan'er...

The woman's words flashed through her mind in a flash. She was talking about a family?Speaking of which, she has never met her man, and Lin Jian said that only men can enter the ancestral hall. Could it be that there is something in the ancestral hall?
A Wan felt indescribably regretful, that she should have killed that woman just now.She took out a dagger from her bosom and cut her palm to keep herself awake.However, I couldn't stop being afraid in my heart, when did she get tricked?What method did the woman use to trick her?

While thinking, she leaned against the side of the bed, took out the pill tremblingly, stretched her arm vigorously and stuffed the pill into Fang Zilan's mouth, "I'm sorry, I still failed you after all."

With tears in the corners of A Wan's eyes, she swallowed the antidote slowly, but still felt weak all over.She looked out the window, the sky was getting bright, and it would be two o'clock soon.She couldn't help but pray in her heart that Fang Zilan could wake up soon.

When Fang Zilan woke up faintly, what she saw was such a scene. A Wan was sitting on the ground with her head resting on the bed and her face was haggard.Seeing this, she hurriedly got up to check her condition, but she felt dizzy and vomited a mouthful of blood.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." A Wan's voice was weak, she looked up at her and said, "The child is dead, the woman has a problem, she knows how to use poison, and the poison she uses is not simple..."

Fang Zilan raised her hand and pressed her temple, her complexion turned pale, "Have you taken the antidote?"

"Eat it, it's useless." A Wan's breath was a little weaker, "The poison she gave is not fatal, but it is enough for me to sleep for a day. Lin Jian is in the courtyard, so he should have been recruited."

"Poison that you can't even cure?" Fang Zilan frowned, and A Wan grabbed her wrist with all her strength, "It's not that it can't be cured, it's that there is no time. Poison, that woman is from the Su family..." She Before finishing the intermittent words, he fell asleep and fell asleep.

Fang Zilan's heart was shocked, she got her breath and hurriedly got up, carried A Wan on her back, pushed the door and went out, but saw Lin Jian was gagged and tied in the courtyard, and he couldn't help whining a few times when she came out.

"What's going on?" Fang Zilan quickly untied Lin Jian, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Master Fang, I passed out without knowing what happened, and when I woke up, I found that I was tied here."

"Can you walk?" Fang Zilan pulled Lin Jian to stand up, and he was staggering, "Barely able to walk."

"Then go and find that woman." Fang Zilan helped A Wan behind her, and Lin Jian hurriedly said: "I know where that woman is. She said she would send the child to the ancestral hall."

"Lead the way." Fang Zilan dragged Lin Jian's arm involuntarily and walked out quickly.

"Master Fang, please slow down." Lin Jian's legs and feet were still a little soft, but Fang Zilan turned a deaf ear to them, "What happened last night?"

Lin Jian told her what he had seen and heard last night, and after she finished listening, she pursed her lips into a straight line and remained silent.

"Master Fang?" Lin Jian tentatively called her, but seeing her stop, he said coldly, "Is this the ancestral hall of the Lin Family Village?"

Lin Jian nodded, and Fang Zilan stepped in without hesitation, but she stopped before she had gone far, and Lin Jian also stopped behind her, "Master Fang, is this smell?"

"It's pine oil, that woman wants to set fire." Fang Zilan's face became colder, she looked up at the eaves, and asked the white figure, "Am I right?"

Lin Jian followed her gaze, only to find that the woman was sitting upright on the eaves, and he couldn't help but asked in a daze, "She hurt her hands and feet, how did she get up there?"

"Master Fang is right. I want to set fire to it." The woman smiled slightly and said, "It's nothing if I hurt my limbs. As long as I'm alive, the Lin Family Village will be destroyed."

Her words and demeanor were completely different from before. Lin Jian looked bewildered, while Fang Zilan's expression remained unchanged, "Miss Su, what kind of hatred do you have with Lin Family Village that you must destroy?"

"Miss Su?" The woman repeated softly, with red eyes and a smile on her lips. She stood up tremblingly and bowed to Fang Zilan: "Su Yuexi, the daughter of the Su family, has met Master Fang."

Lin Jian stared dumbfounded at the person on the eaves who was about to stand still, and saw her make up and said: "Master Fang, may I tell you a story?"

Fang Zilan remained silent, and Su Yuexi continued, "When Emperor Ningshun came to the throne, my father Su Che left Beijing in the name of returning to his hometown, and went to the East China Sea to find the elixir of life. My father was an official for half his life. However, he was born under the influence of his family and firmly believed in the elixir of life overseas. He took my mother and my sisters to the southeast, but he never thought that he would encounter gangsters when passing by the Linjia Village."

She paused, and her voice trembled a little, "The search for medicine should not be made public, so our family did not bring any guards, which gave the gangsters an opportunity. They killed my parents and arrested them. My sister and I have been humiliated in every possible way..."

As she spoke, her tone suddenly became fierce, and she gritted her teeth and said, "What's more, they used the money they plundered from my family to buy the post of head of the Lin Family Village from a small official under King Rong An. Bullying men and bullying women to do all kinds of evil! Poor father, who lived a clean life, how could he have thought that after his death, someone would use his money to buy officials and nobles, which is beyond conscience?"

Fang Zilan listened carefully to her words, and interjected softly, "Seven years ago, a small official under King Rong An was investigated by General Xiahou, which caused an uproar in the court. Is this related to you?"

"Master Fang is really powerful. You guessed right. I was the one who risked my life and ran out of Linjiacun and handed over the evidence to Miss Yan'er." Su Yuexi's eyes were weeping, "If it wasn't for Miss Yan'er's help, how could General Xiahou do this? Reaching out to King Rong An's jurisdiction? But I didn't expect that my sneaking would be discovered, and my sister would be beaten to death by them in order to protect me. At that time, she had just given birth to Heng'er for less than a month. ..."

Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, then blurted out: "Do you know Miss Yan'er?"

"More than acquaintance?" Su Yuexi burst into tears, "Master Fang, I killed Miss Yan'er."

 Reversed, surprise or surprise?
(End of this chapter)

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