Don't ask where people go

Chapter 258 Revenge

Chapter 258 Revenge
"What did you say?" Fang Zilan couldn't believe her ears, and only heard Su Yuexi say: "When the fisherman infected with the plague was sent to Lin's Village, I knew that there was a chance for revenge. But I didn't expect , Miss Yan'er would enter the village, she came for the plague, but they not only didn't believe her words, but even developed ill intentions towards her. Miss Yan'er recognized me, when she was trapped, she begged I killed her..."

Fang Zilan shuddered, "Then Miss Yan'er wrote a letter to General Xiahou?"

"The letter is true. I tried every means to send it out." Su Yuexi choked up and said, "I know that General Xiahou and Miss Yan'er are like mother and daughter. If she knew what happened to Miss Yan'er, she would definitely..."

"The letter didn't mention that Miss Yan'er had passed away." Fang Zilan interrupted her coldly, "Don't you know?"

"I guessed it." Su Yuexi bit her lip firmly, "I guessed it when there was no news from the outside world. The letter was changed by King Rong An. King Rong An deliberately took the fishermen who were infected with the plague Sending him into the village and sealing off the road, how could he allow Miss Yan'er's letter to ruin his situation?"

"You know?" Fang Zilan's eyes flashed with shock, and Su Yuexi laughed, "Master Fang, I am the daughter of the Su family. I have endured humiliation for so many years, and I know far more than you imagined."

She laughed bitterly, "After the death of Miss Yan'er, I started to take revenge. I told the chief security officer that as long as everyone who got the plague died, others would not be infected. It was also I who encouraged the chief security officer to trick the villagers into Mass graves kill each other."

Hearing this, Lin Jian felt chills down his spine, and said involuntarily, "You're a girl, how dare you..."

"A woman? How dare you?" Su Yuexi squinted at him, and smiled self-deprecatingly, "Yeah, I used to think the same way, especially after my sister died, I lived to raise Heng'er. It's like wishful thinking. With me being a girl, how can I make things happen? Until I heard about Mr. Fang."

As she spoke, she looked straight at Fang Zilan, and said in awe: "Master Fang is a girl, who conquered the northern border and slaughtered all the gilded aliens, guarded the frontier to wipe out the rebellion of the Three Yuans, and faced the bandits alone in the western border... It turns out that there really is such a woman in the world, as a woman, she broke a path that should be taken by men..."

"That's Master Fang!" Lin Jian interrupted her with a trembling voice, "Master Fang is highly skilled in martial arts, why do you compare with Master Fang?"

"I can't compare to Master Fang." The corners of Su Yuexi's lips curled slightly, "But what Master Fang did made me understand that there are some things that not only men can do, but women can also do them. They are cruel and tyrannical. Killed my father, mother and sister, so why can't I give an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth?"

"You poisonous woman!" Fang Zilan slapped Lin Jian to the side as soon as he spoke, "If you say another word, I won't let you walk out of Linjiacun alive."

"Lord Fang..." Lin Jian looked at her in disbelief, but saw her looking at Su Yuexi, and wrote lightly: "Miss Su is courageous and resourceful, and she has extraordinary means, which I admire."

"I'm nothing, Mr. Fang and the girl Awan behind him are not afraid of the plague, and they came here resolutely, which is really admirable." Su Yuexi said as if thinking of something, "Don't worry, Mrs. Fang, Miss Awan Nothing, at most sleep through today, and then wake up."

"Thank you, Ms. Su, for your mercy." Fang Zilan raised her eyes and looked at her steadily, "I still have three questions. I wonder if Ms. Su is willing to answer my questions?"

"Master Fang, please." Su Yuexi nodded slightly, and Fang Zilan said slowly: "First, since you can poison A Wan to make her sleep for a day without her noticing, you can also poison Lin Jian Let him be in a coma for only a moment, so why don't you just poison him and take revenge, instead of waiting until the present twists and turns?"

"Although I have a family background, the ingredients used in Su's secret medicine are expensive, and the preparation method is weird. What I know is superficial. In addition, I have never learned any prescriptions that are highly poisonous and harmful, so I can't poison for revenge." Su Yuexi's voice was a little softer, "What's more, it was not my intention to let Miss Awan sleep for a day. I originally hid the medicine in the candle and wanted them both to sleep for a few hours. Turning back, smelling the fragrant wood mixed with medicine in my hand, I naturally want to sleep longer, I really did not intend to do it."

After she finished speaking, she couldn't help but add, "It's these medicines, which I slowly collected for many years, and only then came together."

Fang Zilan thought about it for a while. Awan told her before that she used the secret recipe of the Su family to make silk handkerchief. If Su Yun hadn't secretly injected the medicine, she would not even have the medicinal materials to make silk handkerchief. This shows that Su Yuexi's words are credible.

She thought about it, and continued to ask: "Secondly, according to what you said, the post of security chief was bought by gangsters, so the security chief should be the chief culprit who killed your parents and sisters, but everyone said that the security chief was your elder brother. ,How is this going?"

"The original Baochang, the chief culprit in Mr. Fang's population, died seven years ago." Su Yuexi sighed quietly and said, "Since it was General Xiahou who forcibly intervened seven years ago, Rong An was to be investigated and dealt with." The petty official under the king, King Rong An must give her an explanation. The petty official who was investigated and dealt with cannot live, but the chief security officer is hard to say. I hate him for beating my sister to death, and I am even more afraid that he escaped. , so he took the risk of seducing a man under him who coveted me, and took some effort to get that man to push him out, which attracted the attention of General Xiahou, and he would naturally die. Later, that man became the new security chief, He claimed to be my elder brother, and everyone else said so."

There was a hint of sarcasm in her tone as she said, "Brother Xin Baozhang said, Heng'er and I will be able to survive in Linjia Village. As long as we can survive, no matter what he wants, I will give it to him with both hands."

Fang Zilan looked at the calm and almost numb people on the eaves, and felt sour in his heart.She collected herself and asked the last question, "Miss Su, you told me that there were still four people alive in the village. I wonder why you didn't plan to kill them?"

"Although the four of them are all infected with the plague and their defenses are weakening, I have spent some time on medicine these days, and before I can do anything to them in the future, you are here, Mr. Fang." Su Yuexi restrained her expression, and said in a solemn voice: "A few days ago, I heard about Master Fang making all the people kneel down, so I recognized you the first time I saw you. I deliberately didn't tell the truth, because I wanted to use the death of Miss Yan'er to anger you. So that I can kill them with your hands."

"Is it worth it to kill someone with a knife in such a roundabout way, even at the expense of letting me hurt you?" Fang Zilan lowered her voice a little, but Su Yuexi smiled, "If I do it, it's just a few more stabs to vent my anger, but they fell on Mr. Fang In the hands, I am afraid that life would be worse than death."

"I really didn't kill them, I just broke their limbs, broke their bones, chopped off their tongues, and threw them into a mass grave." Fang Zilan shook his sleeves unhurriedly, "I wonder if Miss Su is still satisfied?"

 In the boundless darkness, who will be whose light?

  Fang Zilan: I am very honored.

(End of this chapter)

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