Don't ask where people go

Chapter 259 Set fire

Chapter 259 Set fire
"I'm very satisfied." Su Yuexi nodded slightly, but after a while, she sighed sadly: "Unfortunately, no matter how satisfied I am, my parents and sister will never come back."

After she finished speaking, she seemed to have exhausted all the strength in her body, and she almost fell off the eaves. Fortunately, she grabbed the corner of the eaves in time and stabilized her body.

"Lord Fang, murder pays for life..." Lin Jian said cautiously, "Even if Ms. Su has been wronged, this is after all so many lives, she will kill if she says so..."

"Kill to pay for life? Kill if you want to kill?" Su Yuexi interrupted him with a cold voice, "I never thought that I would be able to walk out of Linjiacun alive. Even if they are ghosts, I want them to go to hell together."

Lin Jian stared blankly at the plain figure on the eaves, his voice trembling, "You're crazy..."

"Are you crazy?" Su Yuexi burst into tears, but the corners of her lips were raised high. She looked up at the sky and said, "Everyone in the world is like a cloud, the living is a human, and the dead is a ghost, but people like me exist in the world between people and ghosts." Yes, who would know? Since no one knows about me, how can I survive if I don’t go crazy?”

She straightened up and pointed to the sky and said, "I, Su Yuexi, have no regrets or shame in this life. I only hate myself for being weak and deceitful. I have left a lot of regrets in my life. If there is an afterlife, I will turn into a ghost and kill thousands of people. The heinous crime is unforgivable, and I will never suffer in this life."

After she finished speaking, she hugged the corner of the eaves with one hand, and saluted Fang Zilan solemnly with the other, "Master Fang, thank you. I hope you will be free from illness and disaster throughout your life, and your wish will be fulfilled."

"Miss Su!" Fang Zilan took a sudden step forward, but saw Su Yuexi took out a short knife and threw it down from the eaves.

She caught the short knife subconsciously, and heard Su Yuexi say: "Master Fang, I have put the antidote on the blade. If Miss Awan wants to wake up earlier, she will have to suffer some flesh and blood. As for this jade fall……"

As she spoke, she took out a jade pendant from her bosom, rubbed the warm jade color with her fingers, her eyes were full of cherishment and nostalgia, "This is the only thing in the world that remembers me as Su Yuexi. If you have time, how about burying it next to Su's ancestral hall in the capital?"

There was a hint of anticipation hidden in her tone, Fang Zilan nodded in response, "Okay, I promise you."

Seeing her promise, Su Yuexi let go of her hand lightly, and the jade pendant slipped from her hand.She stared at the falling jade pendant, her eyes were empty, "I want to go home..."

In the next moment, Fang Zilan jumped up and grabbed the jade pendant, and said seriously: "It's true that you have integrity for the broken jade rather than the whole tile, but if you want to keep it in mind, it's better to complete it."

"Nianxiang?" Su Yuexi repeated the word mockingly, with a sad expression, "Will anyone in the world remember me?" After she finished speaking, she ignited the torch on her body and threw it under the eaves with the greatest strength in her life. .

The flame was stained with pine oil and burned quickly.She looked at Fang Zilan who took a few steps back, and heard her voice coming from the other side of the flame, "Su Yuexi, there are still people in this world who remember you!"

Fang Zilan almost shouted, she said loudly: "Su Yun asked himself to be the special envoy to the southeast, and now he is outside the Lin family village."

Su Yun?A blurry figure flashed in Su Yuexi's mind, he chased after her, calling her sister Yuexi, while the younger sister pulled her, as if afraid that she would be robbed by him.

At that time, the flowers bloomed just right, and the fragrance in the courtyard reflected the appearance of the children competing for color and vindictiveness. Now thinking about it, it looks like the previous life.

It turned out that it has been so long.

Su Yuexi slowly closed her eyes, father, mother, sister, Heng'er, I finally got my revenge, and I can go to accompany you.

Fang Zilan looked at the figure engulfed by the flames, unable to react for a long time.

Lin Jian tugged at her arm, "Master Fang, go quickly, if you don't go, it will be too late!"

"Go get the torch." Fang Zilan's voice was cold, but there was an unquestionable majesty.

Lin Jian was at a loss and stood there in a daze, but when he saw her, he lit a torch and walked out of the ancestral hall with A Wan on his back without looking back.

"Lord Fang, what are you..." Lin Jian followed her, listening to her voice and said word by word: "Set fire to the village. You take Miss Yan'er's coffin and wait for me at the entrance of the village."

Hearing this, Lin Jian's face suddenly changed, "Miss Yan'er's coffin is still in the ancestral hall."

"What did you say?" Fang Zilan turned her head suddenly, her expression was so cold that Lin Jian tremblingly explained: "When I sent the ashes of my brothers over, I thought the ancestral hall was quiet, so I took Miss Yan'er by the way. His coffin is also temporarily placed here..." His voice became weaker and weaker, and it was almost inaudible at the end.

Fang Zilan bit her lip fiercely, the heat steaming from behind reminded her all the time that she had to leave.

"Lord Fang!" Lin Jian covered his mouth and nose, and dragged her out for a distance.She didn't break free from his hand, but her eyes were red, and she finally sighed, "That's all."

"Master Fang?" Lin Jian turned his head to look at the person who let him pull, but saw that she suddenly put A Wan down, cut A Wan's palm with the short knife given by Su Yuexi, and then pushed it to him. "Take Awan to the entrance of the village and wait for me."

Lin Jian wanted to say something more, but Fang Zilan walked back without hesitation.He stomped his feet, took a deep breath, picked up A Wan and walked in the opposite direction.

He is not greedy for life and afraid of death, he also wanted to be a hero once.But after this encounter, he realized that not everyone can be a hero.

He stood still at the entrance of the village, looking at the Lin Family Village shrouded in thick smoke and flames, worried and irritable for no reason in his heart, Fang Zilan said nothing, but she went back again, will something happen to her?

Su Yuexi's words just now came to his mind while he was upset. She said that she wished Fang Zilan to be free from illness and disaster for the rest of her life, and her wish would be fulfilled.For some reason, at this moment, this was also his wish.

However, what Lin Jian didn't know was that Fang Zilan went back not only to burn down the Lin family village, but also to be alone for a while without facing anyone.

After all, she couldn't save Miss Yan'er, she couldn't save her alive, and she couldn't even save her body after death.In other words, she didn't dare to keep it safe at all.

Su Yuexi said that General Xiahou and Miss Yan'er are like mother and daughter, if she sent Miss Yan'er back to Xiahou's house and let General Xiahou see Miss Yan'er like this, how sad would she be?

Instead of this, it would be better to let the people in the world think that Miss Yan'er entered the Lin Family Village to save others, but unfortunately contracted the plague and died. Let her leave a posthumous name to comfort General Xiahou's pain...

But in this way, the Su family died tragically, and Su Yuexi's many years of suffering will never be known.And what King Rong An did, there is no evidence anymore...

She was in a dilemma, she couldn't think of a way to achieve both, she could only deceive herself and others, and used a fire to erase all traces, so that she could only speak the truth casually.

Before fabricating the truth, at this moment when no one was watching her, she finally couldn't bear it and fell to the ground, holding Mei Jian and crying like a child.

 When the sun rises and sets, no one can always be the light, the light, the light.

  There are always corners where the light does not enter, and there are always people who hide in the dark and seek the light.

(End of this chapter)

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