Chapter 264 Ten Years
"Will the life-saving medicine that Wen Ya gave me be able to erase people's memories?" Fang Zilan asked bluntly, but A Wan was at a loss, "What are you talking about? What erases memories?"

"You don't know?" Fang Zilan was still numb when she woke up, and her face was expressionless, but the chill in her eyes made Awan's hair stand on end, "What do I know? You..."

"Go and find out if you don't know." Fang Zilan interrupted her unceremoniously, took out the celadon bottle from her arms and threw it to her, "Don't tell anyone that you are helping me find the medicine, including Young Master and Wen Ya. If There is a third person who knows, and the consequences are at your own risk."

A Wan stared blankly at the person in front of her, feeling both familiar and unfamiliar. What was familiar was that the coldness in her eyes was no different from that of the ruthless and murderous killer Zixiu before. What was strange was that she had not seen such a look in her eyes for a long time. It's been so long that she almost forgot that the person in front of her is the killer Zixiu.

"Fang Zilan, have you been stimulated by something?" A Wan waved her hand in front of her. She rolled her eyes and didn't answer, but said whatever came to her mind, "What were you talking to Lin Jian just now?"

A Wan couldn't turn around for a while, and then replied obediently: "It's nothing, I want to know what happened in the Lin Family Village after I fell asleep that day, Lin Jian has been refusing to tell me. I don't know, he When did you become so stubborn?"

Fang Zilan was startled, "Go and call him in, I have something to say to him."

A Wan hesitated for a moment, and finally called Lin Jian obediently, but Fang Zilan never thought that after Lin Jian came in, Fang Zilan would actually drive her out.

A Wan glared at Fang Zilan angrily, then took the teacup from the table and stuffed it into her hand, "Your old man just woke up, please take it easy, I'm not capable of saving you too many times."

After she finished speaking, she turned and left. Fang Zilan looked at her back and couldn't help but curled up the corners of her lips, but she felt that her whole face was stiff, showing a somewhat strange expression.

Seeing her expression like this, Lin Jian couldn't help being frightened, "Master Fang, are you looking for me?"

Fang Zilan simply turned cold, picked up the teacup with a stiff body, and took a shallow sip. The whole movement was like a marionette. She could even hear her bones creaking, feeling sad for no reason.

Lin Jian let her move, but he didn't dare to speak again. It took a while before he heard her say: "Who did you reveal half of Su Yuexi's matter to?"

"No." Lin Jian shook his head like a rattle, Fang Zilan watched him until sweat dripped from his forehead, then she averted her gaze, nodded slightly and said, "You keep your mouth shut, I owe you a favor."

"Master Fang?" Lin Jian looked at her blankly, and blurted out: "Master Fang, you don't have to do this, I just..."

"I owe you a favor, so I owe it." Fang Zilan interrupted him unceremoniously, "I can do one thing for you, in exchange, you have to bring the matter of Su Yuexi into the coffin, and you will be saved in this lifetime." Don't mention it again."

Lin Jian's eyes widened, and he didn't dare to say anything: "Master Fang is serious? Can you really do something for me?"

Fang Zilan hummed, and saw him kneeling straight in front of her, "I have something to ask Mr. Fang now."

"You can think about it, I will only do one thing for you." Fang Zilan tightened her hand holding the teacup, and she knew it.

Sure enough, Lin Jian said: "Lord Fang, I beg you to avenge my brother who died. No matter who is behind it, don't let it go."

"I can't do this now." Fang Zilan's voice dropped a little, and even Lin Jian's heart sank. His expression darkened a lot, and he opened his mouth but said nothing.

Even she can't do anything about it, is it true that his brother is doomed to die in this life?

"However..." Fang Zilan said slowly: "In ten years, I will help you achieve it and give you an explanation."

"Ten years?" Lin Jian repeated, and Fang Zilan sighed softly, "Do you think ten years is too long?"

Lin Jian was silent, Fang Zilan bit her lip, she originally wanted to say in her lifetime, but then she thought that Lin Jian didn't know how many years she would live, so she was asking for bad luck by saying it, why not just say ten years or eight years .

Judging by Lin Jian's reaction now, ten years is a bit long. I knew it would be eight years.She was thinking in her heart, but she heard Lin Jian said: "It's not long, as long as you can get revenge, ten years is nothing."

Hearing the words, Fang Zilan said softly: "My ugly words are in front of me. Ten years are neither long nor short. During this period, anything can happen. Maybe the person behind it dies before I take revenge, maybe you will change your mind after two years The hatred faded away. But no matter what, your brother will not come back, and you can't go back on your word. Are you sure you want me to avenge your dead brother?"

After hearing her words, Lin Jian lowered his head involuntarily, and raised his head to look at her after a while, "I don't know what will happen in ten years, but I know, I must avenge them."

Fang Zilan looked at him thoughtfully, only to see a trace of hesitation in his expression, and his voice became softer, "However, since anything can happen in ten years, what if something happens to Mr. Fang... ..."

He didn't go on talking, Fang Zilan thought that bad luck is really evil, once he thinks about it, he will look for it if he doesn't look for others, and he really can't hide it.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Lin Jian was afraid that she would repent, and even more afraid that she would strangle him to death if she was unhappy, so he hurriedly kowtowed, knelt down and said straightly: "Master Fang, your lord..."

"I've accepted your clamor, and I've agreed to this matter." Fang Zilan cut off his words, her eyes were full of hostility, "Don't worry, even if I die in ten years, I will crawl out of the coffin and put the Once this matter is done, it will not be too late to go to hell."

Lin Jian was so shocked by her words that he couldn't react, and she was also taken aback, going to hell?

In a vague dream, the person who applied the medicine to her said, "Zixiu, if you go to the underworld, you will go to the eighteenth level of hell and go to hell. With your hands, I'm afraid they will be fried in a frying pan." Rotten."

At that time, she laughed indifferently, but she heard the man continue: "But don't be afraid, since I have become your partner, I will definitely accompany you for a walk."

The children around them occasionally listened and came over, "Where is Sister Xiu going? I'm going too..."

Memories flooded in, Fang Zilan felt a headache as if it was about to explode, and shrank into a ball suddenly.

Seeing this, Lin Jian stood up at a loss, "Master Fang, what's wrong with you?"

"Go..." Fang Zilan tried his best to drag out a few fragmented words from his throat, "Go, look for, Ah, Wan."

Lin Jian finally heard what she said, and immediately ran out to find A Wan.When A Wan saw her like this, she screamed inwardly, but still maintained her composure on the face, and told Lin Jian to help her find some herbs.

Lin Jian went away in response, and A Wan sat in front of her, "Fang Zilan, calm down and don't think wildly."

 Ten years ago, I didn't know you...

  Ten years later, we are friends...

  Fang Zilan: I feel like I'm about to sing...

(End of this chapter)

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