Chapter 265 Sorrow
"Awan, don't, look, Wen Ya..." Fang Zilan almost stuttered every word, and Awan panicked, "I, I have already sent a letter to the capital, asking Master to come here. You..."

"Forget it..." Fang Zilan uttered these two words with difficulty, and then passed out.A Wan hastily sealed her acupoints, only to feel that her head was muddy.

According to what Fang Zilan said, if the master really gave her the medicine to erase memory, and he gave her the forbidden medicine, plus the poison in her body, under the influence of the three, her mind would be out of control.No matter how strong her mental strength and willpower are, she is afraid that she will be driven into a state of madness.

But why did the master erase her memory?No, the master has no reason to do this, it is the young master.

Thinking of this, Awan suddenly recalled the scene outside the Hong'an Pavilion that day when she and her master bumped into the young master seeing Huang Fulin privately. At that time, the master had strictly warned her not to let Fang Zilan know about it.

In other words, the son has something to hide from Fang Zilan.But erasing her memory meant that Fang Zilan already knew something that she shouldn't have known.

"What can I do..." A Wan held her head, feeling so uncomfortable that she was about to cry.On one side is the young master and master, on the other side is Fang Zilan, she can't afford to offend either side.

Fate cannot be controlled by people, and choices cannot be controlled by the heart.A Wan looked at the person who was about to lose his life in front of him, couldn't help the corners of his eyes flushed, and sobbed, "Fang Zilan, what do you think you are so smart? If you lose your memory, you lose it. How can you still find it? Besides, you found it Why did you tell me? If you didn't tell me, how could I..."

She wiped her tears as she said, and took out the silver needle as if she had made up her mind, "I have to bear the responsibility of my own mistakes. Fang Zilan, you support me. Even if I can't let you recover your memory immediately, I won't let you do it again." You lose a little more."

A Wan closed her eyes, held her breath, and then breathed a long sigh of relief. When she opened her eyes again, her emotions had almost calmed down.

The method she wants to use on Fang Zilan is what she reads from ancient medical books. She has never used it before, and from the records, it is an extremely dangerous method.If not desperate...

She looked at Fang Zilan, and smiled self-deprecatingly, "It is said that children love to talk big, but I am too late, and I still can't get rid of this stinky problem. But don't worry, I, Awan, always keep my word, if you wake up But come here, I'll go down to accompany you immediately."

Fang Zilan seemed to have heard her words, her eyelashes trembled slightly and her brows were furrowed. She stretched out her hand to smooth her brows, "Did you hear me? If you don't want me to die, you must get through this."

After finishing speaking, she began to administer acupuncture for Fang Zilan. After the injection, she prepared a medicinal bath and soup. After two days of busy work, she finally woke up in the early morning of the third day.

"I..." Fang Zilan opened her mouth, but she didn't make a sound. Her whole body was so stiff that she couldn't even move her fingers.

"Don't move!" A Wan's voice was full of nervousness. Seeing that Fang Zilan obediently did not move any more, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, "You are finally awake. When I take out the needle, you can say I can move."

She took out the needle, Fang Zilan slowly opened her eyes, "Awan..."

"I'm here." A Wan held her hand tightly, "Try to move your hands and feet slowly, it should be fine."

Fang Zilan acted according to what she said, looked at her after confirming that there was no problem, and said, "Thank you, Awan."

"There is nothing to thank." A Wan's expression faded a little, "Congratulations on waking up. Also, you guessed it right."

"What?" Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, and A Wan turned her head away from her, and lowered her voice a little, "There is forgetfulness in the life-saving medicine. Over time, it will make you lose your memory."

Fang Zilan had mixed feelings in her heart, so she could only listen to Awan continue: "Don't take the life-saving medicine, I will give you a new medicine. Memory, I will try my best to restore it for you."

She paused as she spoke, and her voice became deeper and deeper, "I'll just pretend I don't know anything. After I return to Beijing, I will ask the young master for my sins, and who will take care of you after that depends entirely on the young master's will."

"Awan, what did you say..." Fang Zilan was so excited by her words that she had no time to respond, but she interrupted her as soon as she opened her mouth, "That's the matter, we'll talk about it later when you have something to say, go see me now General Xiahou. She heard that you were awake, and rushed over from Mushan Pass overnight, but who knew that you were unconscious again, so you just waited outside for a day and a night."

"General Xiahou?" Fang Zilan only felt sore eyes.Sure enough, what should come will come after all, there is no way to avoid it, and there is nowhere to escape.

"Come out after you freshen up. I'll wait for you outside." A Wan left behind these words and turned to leave.

"Awan, I..." Fang Zilan wanted to stop her, but she didn't give her a chance to speak, "Fang Zilan, if you don't want me to know, I can pretend to be deaf and dumb. But I'm not you, I can't help it." Go out, I'm afraid." After she finished speaking, she walked out without stopping any longer.

Fang Zilan looked at her back, and felt empty in her heart.She forced herself to change her clothes, washed up and walked to the main hall, only to see Xiahou Yunzhao and Xie Chen had been waiting for a long time.

"General Xiahou, thank you, sir..." As soon as Fang Zilan spoke, Xiahou Yunzhao walked towards her, "Master Fang, there is no need to be polite, I know that Master Fang's relapse of old injuries is not trivial, so I don't want to delay. Just ask , Master Fang, where is my Yan'er now?"

Hearing this, Fang Zilan stopped abruptly, stood still not far from Xiahou Yunzhao, bowed respectfully, and then said: "Miss Yan'er entered Lin Family Village alone to save people who were infected with the plague, but unexpectedly She was also infected with the plague. The disease was so severe that she...didn't get over it, and had...dead..."

Xia Hou Yunzhao's body trembled, and Xie Chen walked up to her at some time and held her shoulders, and was about to speak when she heard her say: "Did Mr. Fang...see Yan'er's... dead body with his own eyes? ?”

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes." Fang Zilan still maintained her bowing posture. She didn't dare to look up at them, but said softly: "The plague is coming fiercely. Linjiacun is the place where the plague is most serious. I had no choice but to set it on fire. Village, failed to bring Miss Yan'er back, and I hope General Xiahou will forgive me. If Miss Yan'er hadn't been vigilant about this plague..."

"I see." Xiahou Yunzhao interrupted her coldly, "Follow the matter urgently, Mr. Fang just did what should be done, and I won't blame you. It's just that the name behind her..."

She tried her best to restrain her emotions, but her voice still trembled uncontrollably, "How can it be half as important as a living person?"

"Zhao Zhao!" Xie Chen held her hand tighter, she turned around and buried her head in his arms, and said in a muffled crying voice, "Yan'er... did she leave anything behind..."

"Never." Fang Zilan lowered her head even lower, "General Xiahou, thank you sir, I'm sorry. Please, my condolences."

 A hundred lies are hard to come by, and no one knows when the price behind it will come to pay for it
(End of this chapter)

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