Chapter 275
"I also heard about this by accident." The man breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I heard that Princess Rong'an sneaked into the epidemic area in disguise and helped a doctor Yun who opened a medical clinic. According to the doctor girl, the medicine to cure the plague was developed, and the urgent need was solved. After that, the doctor girl of Xiahou’s family died of the plague, and there were rumors that the plague would not get better so quickly without the help of Princess Rong An, so now Rong In the southeast region, Princess An seems to have become a living Bodhisattva in the hearts of the people."

While talking, he secretly observed Fang Zilan's expression. Seeing her expression becoming more serious, he couldn't help but weaken his tone at the end, and asked tentatively, "Master Fang, is this true?"

After hearing this, Fang Zilan already had some calculations in her heart, it was someone with ulterior motives who wanted to obliterate Yun Qinghan, and wanted to put all her achievements on Princess Rong'an.This person must know the inside story and have great influence, so that he can not only deceive the people, but also spread such rumors from the southeast to the capital.

The most important thing is that this person is very clear that she has covered up the truth, and she is unwilling to claim credit... Thinking about it this way, the answer is obvious. The mastermind behind this matter is King Rong An.He didn't get much benefit from the chaos in the southeast, so he retreated behind the scenes and pushed his daughter out to steal a good reputation. His plan was well planned, but he was so sure that she would never expose his lies Woolen cloth?
"Lord Fang..." Seeing that she didn't respond, the man couldn't help calling her, she recovered and said coldly: "I don't know if Princess Rong An is a living Bodhisattva, but I know the medicine to cure the plague." It was not developed by Princess Rong An."

The man asked curiously, "If it wasn't Princess Rong An, who developed it?"

Fang Zilan's expression became colder, but she still dared not say Yun Qinghan's name.She suddenly understood that King Rong An was bound to win. If Yun Qinghan's name was spoken out of her mouth, he would definitely kill people before everyone got to the bottom of it. She was too far away to save anyone, the only one who could protect them The best way is to keep silent.

Seeing Fang Zilan's cold expression, Cong Rong seemed unwilling to say more, so she hurriedly smoothed things over and said, "How could Princess Rong'an, who has golden branches and jade leaves, randomly sneak into the epidemic area? Sure enough, most of the rumors in the market are not credible."

Hearing this, the man said awkwardly: "After all, the southeast region is far away from the capital, and many things are being passed around, so it's not so true."

"That's right." Fang Zilan nodded slightly, beckoning and said: "Forget it, come and sit down, and I, the client, will give you a good talk."

The man hurriedly responded, walked over and sat down.Fang Zilan walked to the center of the crowd, took out a storyteller posture, and vividly told everyone what he had seen and heard on the road to the southeast.

She had experienced it firsthand, so she told me how much better than storytelling. Everyone was fascinated and applauded, and when the Mo family father and son came to Beijing at the end, she lowered her voice a little, "Your Majesty's call must have a purpose. , The merits and demerits of the Mo family father and son, how can someone else be able to tell clearly in a single sentence? If they have not experienced it personally, who would dare to say right or wrong? Even if they have experienced it personally, who would dare to say that they are absolutely fair? All of this will wait until later generations. Make your own comment."

After she finished her last sentence, the man couldn't help asking: "Since Mr. Fang believes that merits and demerits are all judged by future generations, what is the standard for Mr. Fang to judge right and wrong in today's world?"

"Me?" Fang Zilan suddenly smiled, "I just want to be clear of my heart, what does it matter if I am right or wrong?"

She looked at the stunned crowd, waved her hand and said, "That's all for today, I'm a little tired, you all go away." After finishing speaking, she straightened her sleeves, turned and walked back into the hall.

Cong Rong walked back behind her, "Master Fang, why didn't you tell the storyteller just now, let him tell the real story you told?"

Fang Zilan leaned on the main seat, and asked leisurely: "You can see it too? That person is not a food delivery man, but a storyteller?"

"I see." Cong Rong nodded, and Fang Zilan said in a low voice: "There are two possibilities, either someone asked him to tell these stories to me, or he was just hearsay. But no matter which one, I don't care .”

"Why?" Cong Rong asked in bewilderment, "If you spread rumors and ruin your reputation, Mr. Fang, what should you do?"

"It doesn't matter. Even if I tell him and he agrees to me, he may turn his face and deny anyone when he leaves the house. Why bother?" Fang Zilan rested her chin on her hand, with a trace of tiredness in her expression, "You can control me Of course, you have to hold it firmly. If you can’t, forget it. Most things in the world can’t be forced.”

"Can't you force it?" Cong Rong repeated softly, her expression suddenly lowered a little.

Zhuge Yu took Mo Bin and Mo Han back to the capital in a few days, and Xia Houzhang, who had received the news before, invited them into the palace as soon as the three arrived.

Li Shengxuan routinely asked about the situation at Mushanguan, and Mo Bin answered truthfully. He first accused Fang Zilan of the crime of retreating, and then explained Fang Zilan's method of making meritorious deeds in detail. In the end, His Majesty will decide everything.The whole set of rhetoric is watertight, and it can be seen that it has been prepared.

"Since Fang Zilan has agreed to your crimes, then according to what she said, the Mo family will be exonerated." Li Shengxuan looked indifferent, "However, General Mo must do his best to guard Mushan Pass in the future. There is a next time..."

He didn't continue, Mo Bin hurriedly responded: "If there is another time, I will commit suicide and apologize."

"I remember General Mo's promise." Li Shengxuan nodded slightly, looked at Mo Han and said, "You are Mo Han?"

"Yes." Mo Han's downcast eyes were inexplicably cute, and Li Shengxuan sized him up carefully, "I heard from Fang Zilan that you are her cousin?"

"Yes." Mo Han was neither humble nor overbearing, Li Shengxuan raised his eyebrows, and his tone was more playful, "Do you know that she wants to prove herself for you?"

Hearing this, Mo Han raised his eyes and looked over, saying word by word: "Sister Lan can't."

A look of surprise flashed in Li Shengxuan's eyes, "How do you know she can't?"

"Sister Lan won't use her life to prove anything." Mo Han smiled as if remembering something, and said, "She never cares about what other people think, so how could she do anything to prove something?" Lift?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Shengxuan hadn't spoken yet, but Mo Bin was in a hurry, and secretly tugged at his sleeve, his eyes reminding him to be careful when speaking.

After a while, Li Shengxuan said again: "You do understand her."

"I don't dare to say I understand." Mo Han shook his head, "It's just that after getting along for a long time, I have figured out Sister Lan's temperament. Your Majesty, could it be that you suspect Sister Lan?"

Mo Bin was covered in cold sweat when he heard this, Li Shengxuan just glanced at him, and said quietly: "You all step back, I have something to say to Zhuge Yu alone."

 At the end of the chapter, let's guess, why did Li Shengxuan want the Mo family and his son to come to Beijing?The answer will be revealed in the next chapter~
(End of this chapter)

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