Don't ask where people go

Chapter 276 Expose

Chapter 276 Expose
After everyone else left, Li Shengxuan's expression eased, "Zhuge Yu, what do you think?"

"Your Majesty is indeed suspicious of Fang Zilan, but not Fang Zilan." Zhuge Yu said slowly: "Fang Zilan is the sword of the empire. As a sword, it should be invincible and should not have any entanglement. If Mo Han is her entanglement, Your Majesty will naturally Will question her qualifications as a sword."

He paused as he spoke, "But your majesty knows that as long as you are a human being, you will have weaknesses. So your majesty is not suspicious of Fang Zilan, but whether her weakness will become an obstacle to her invincibility. Zhuge Yu dared to guess, this is It's the real reason His Majesty wants to see Mo Han, isn't it?"

Li Shengxuan was silent for a moment, and asked without answering: "If Mohan is an obstacle, so what?"

"I don't know Your Majesty, but how does a craftsman cast a sharp sword?" Zhuge Yu didn't answer this question directly. He said in a low voice: "For a sword, a craftsman first selects materials layer by layer, and then melts them in a furnace to remove impurities. After that, forging Tempering and repeated beating are nothing but iron. If you want to make a sharp sword, the last and most important process is quenching. If you can't stand the test of quenching, you can't make a sharp sword that cuts iron like mud. sword."

He coughed lightly, and continued: "Mo Han is to Fang Zilan, just like quenching is to casting a sword. When he died, it was the day when the sharp sword came to the fore. But, at that time, the world..."

He didn't continue, Li Shengxuan said: "It must be a demon sword and evil sword, slaughtering everywhere."

Zhuge Yu nodded slightly, "Everything is too late, if you force the sword to go sideways, even if there is a way to go, you will be at a disadvantage after all. Thinking about it, Your Majesty would not want to break the sword in his hand to give others a chance... "

"Zhuge Yu, you have crossed the line." Li Shengxuan interrupted him in a cold voice, he saluted respectfully, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "Please forgive me, Your Majesty."

Li Shengxuan heaved a long sigh, "I would like to be her confidence, but she would rather risk herself alone than tell me. Sometimes I wonder, is it her or me who is complaining and doubting?"

Zhuge Yu opened his mouth, but he swallowed the words when he reached the edge of his mouth. He listened to Li Shengxuan as if he was talking to himself, and said in a low voice: "I complain that my foundation is not stable. Some people, some things, I have a heart." Powerless, nothing to do. I suspect myself, unable to become a generation of Mingjun, even Xiahou's family is disheartened, and wants to leave me..."

At the end, he suddenly laughed self-deprecatingly, "I told you this, don't you think it's funny?"

Zhuge Yu bit his lip tightly, forcing himself not to make a sound.It was as if he accidentally saw the majestic and majestic beast on weekdays, cut open his belly, broke through all the fragility, and exposed it in front of him.

But he dared not, much less could bear to look at it.

But the beast didn't let him go, "When she said she had no shame in her heart, I realized that she said these four simple words easily, but I couldn't say them."

Have no regrets?Zhuge Yu chewed these four words secretly, unable to calm down for a long time.When it comes to achieving the goal, whether it is Li Shengxuan or him, it is not an exaggeration to say that they have no regrets.But if we talk about the process, unscrupulous means are unavoidable, under the principle of success and failure, and the many mistakes covered up, who is really not ashamed?

It's not that Li Shengxuan doesn't know, on the contrary, in the supreme position, he understands better than anyone else, but is more stubborn than anyone else.How can he not be a wise king like this?
Zhuge Yu thought about this, and said whatever he thought: "Whether you are innocent or not, in Zhuge Yu's heart, Your Majesty is a wise king."

He said every word with dignity, "Grandfather once said to me that as a king, among the people, he thinks about the thoughts of the people and does the things of the people. The so-called Mingjun not only understands the people, but also understands himself. Your Majesty's words today are well-deserved."

After he finished speaking, he bowed down solemnly, then turned and left.Li Shengxuan stared fixedly at his back, unable to react for a long time.

A few days after Mo Bin, Mo Han and his son entered Beijing, Li Shengxuan sent someone to Fang Zilan's mansion to announce the decree and lifted her confinement.As soon as the person proclaiming the decree left, the father and son of the Mo family came to visit the door.

At that time, Fang Zilan was supervising the servants in the yard to take care of the flowers and plants. Mo Bin was standing not far away, either advancing or retreating, but Mo Han came over curiously and asked, "Sister Lan, what are you asking them to do? "

"This clump of bluegrass didn't grow well in spring, so I asked them to clean it up and plant chrysanthemums instead." Fang Zilan beckoned Mo Han to look at it, "I fell in love with this kind of chrysanthemums when I was admiring flowers in Xiguan City in Chongyang last year. Just a while ago, when I had nothing to do to study flowers and plants, I heard that a businessman from the western region brought a batch to Beijing, so I bought them and planted them. When the Double Ninth Festival comes, there will be chrysanthemums in my house to enjoy. Take a look. , isn't it good?"

Mo Han looked at it with a puzzled expression, "Others are planting flowers and plants in spring, sister Lan, you are planting flowers and plants in summer, I'm afraid it will be difficult to survive in the future."

"Take care of it carefully." Fang Zilan shrugged indifferently, with an indifferent expression, "Anyway, I have spent all my money, so why don't you give it a try? Maybe you can survive."

Mo Bin watched the two of them talk to each other, put himself aside, and couldn't help calling out Mr. Fang.

Fang Zilan seemed to notice him just now, and shifted her gaze to him, "General Mo is looking for me, what's the matter?"

"I..." Mo Bin moved his lips, as if he had made up his mind, and said, "I'm here to thank Mr. Fang."

"Thank me for what?" Fang Zilan frowned slightly, Mo Bin was stunned for a moment, and then blurted out: "In Mushan Pass..."

"General Mo has made meritorious deeds with his own ability, so don't thank me." Fang Zilan interrupted him unceremoniously, "General Mo is still needed at Mushan Pass. If you have nothing to do, you might as well go back earlier to avoid accidents again. What's wrong. After all, the opportunity to turn meritorious deeds into crimes is not always available."

Mo Bin lowered his head and said, "I know Master Fang doesn't like me, it's just that Han'er..." He stopped in the middle of speaking, and Fang Zilan's brows suddenly tightened when he heard this, "What's wrong with Mo Han?"

Before Mo Bin could answer, Mo Han said by himself, "Sister Lan, I want to stay in the capital and be by your side."

"What did you say?" Fang Zilan looked at Mo Han with a cold expression, "Don't mess around, go back to Mushan Pass with your father." She pushed him beside Mo Bin as she spoke.

Seeing this, Mo Bin breathed a sigh of relief, and just as he was about to say something, he saw Mo Han walking back relentlessly, "Even if Sister Lan drives me away, I will stay."

Fang Zilan's face was stern, and he said in a cold voice: "Do you know that if you stay, you will only lose your life for no reason?"

 Is Li Shengxuan's revelation true or false?Can Mo Han's revealed wish come true?Let's see the decomposition next time~
(End of this chapter)

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