Chapter 277 Back
"But if I leave the capital and return to Mushan Pass, will I be safe and sound?" Mo Han looked at Fang Zilan fixedly, her expression loosened a bit, "at least it is safer than you in the capital. In the southeast, except Rong King An, no one can easily attack the Mo family and you. And after this incident, King Rong An..."

She paused as she spoke, "He will restrain himself. But there are many powerful families in Beijing, and the battle will never stop. I am still taking one step at a time, and I have no ability to promise anyone, let alone protect anyone. Mu Shan Forget what I told you in Guan Zhong.”

"Sister Lan, I don't need your promise..." Mo Han was about to say something, but Fang Zilan stopped him, "Mo Han, the capital is not suitable for you, I don't want to watch you hurt yourself. Go back Just pretend you never knew me."

Mo Han took a deep breath and said vigorously, "Sister Lan, listen to me, okay?"

Fang Zilan didn't say a word, as if he acquiesced, he continued, "In the past, I heard about your life and death on the battlefield. I heard it from other people. At that time, I was thinking, if one day you and I can recognize each other, I will definitely I won't let you be alone again. I know that I can't help you, and even if I stay, it's your burden. But I'm not afraid, even if it's just an excuse, a living target in full view, or even a hostage, I will not give a damn about."

"I care." Fang Zilan's voice was almost inaudible, but Mo Han saw the shape of her mouth and couldn't help smiling, "From the moment I stepped into the capital, I never thought about getting out alive. I want to accompany you, even for a moment, and I want you to know that you are not alone in this world."

Fang Zilan sighed softly, "Fool, why would you want to die if you can live?" There was a little more inexplicable emotion in her eyes, as if she was asking him, and more like asking herself.

"What about you?" Mo Han asked without answering: "Is the one you chose really a way out?"

Fang Zilan lowered her eyes slightly, she still remembers that the person who gave her medicine in the dream asked her - do you want to destroy yourself?

Dreaming back in the middle of the night, this sentence would always flash in her mind inadvertently, and gradually she realized that it was actually true, and what she said to fight all the way was actually reckless.

In other words, she has been waiting for a certain day to end all this.

why?Is the end that Fang Zilan wanted in ancient times also what she wanted?she does not know.

The answer she was looking for was delayed, from why she traveled in the first place, to her life experience, past, memory... There are more and more mysteries in her body, making the truth more and more secretive.The further she walked, the more afraid she became, for fear that one day she would know everything and regret it.

Therefore, she couldn't answer Mo Han's question.This time, she couldn't do it no matter if she was deceiving others or herself.

"Sister Lan, you want me to live, so why don't I?" Mo Han sighed faintly, "If you are gone, I..."

He didn't go on, but Fang Zilan knew what he meant very well. They were each other's only relatives in this world.If you can't be by your side, what's the point?

When Mo Bin heard this, he couldn't help turning his back.For some reason, since Han'er fell into the water and was rescued, she seemed to be a different person.Since then, he has been uneasy, always feeling that Han'er is unpredictable, and has a strong premonition that Han'er will leave one day.

But I didn't expect that this would come so soon one day.

"Mo Han, if you do this, where will you put your parents and family?" Fang Zilan glanced at Mo Bin, her tone was cold, "Stop being childish, go back."

Mo Han turned her head away almost stubbornly, Fang Zilan hardened her heart and snorted coldly: "I just used a jade pendant to deceive others, why do you still rely on me now? Don't weigh yourself Two, can you really enter the gate of our Fangfu? Butler, see off the guests."

After she finished speaking, she walked towards the hall without looking back, and when Mo Han wanted to say something else, he was blocked by "Boss".

Hearing the sound, Fang Zilan stopped in her tracks. Looking back, it was Deputy General Cao. He trot excitedly and rushed to her, his eyes sparkling, "Boss, I'm finally back!"

Fang Zilan stared at him blankly, "Old Cao, why are you back?" She frowned before waiting for his answer after asking, "Did Master Wei drive you back because he didn't want to take you in? Chasing people away? Just wait, I'll go find him and have a good reasoning."

Seeing that she rolled up her arms and sleeves and was going to find Wei Subaru, Deputy General Cao hurriedly stopped her, "Boss, I came back by myself, Master Wei didn't chase me away."

Fang Zilan looked at him suspiciously, "What about your military status?"

"Of course it's still in our house." Deputy General Cao answered quickly, but he didn't expect Fang Zilan to slap him with a raised hand, which made his shoulder hurt, "Are you stupid? How many days have passed, and you don't even have a military rank It can’t be done. Tell me, Master Wei didn’t do it for you, or what happened?”

"I told Master Wei exactly what you said, Boss, and he agreed." Deputy General Cao said with a shy smile, "It's just that I want to wait and see for another two days, so..."

"Wait and see, why wait and see?" Fang Zilan interrupted him with a fierce face, "If something happens to me, you will be the first to be implicated without Mr. Wei's protection. What are you doing at this time? I really..."

She said she was about to hit Vice General Cao again, when she heard a voice sarcastically saying, "Are you afraid of something happening to you too? Why can't I see it at all?"

A Wan stood at the gate of the courtyard without a good mood, looking at the chaos in the courtyard, his brows were almost knitted together.Deputy General Cao saw her as if he saw a savior, "Miss Awan, you are back."

"I'm back." A Wan nodded, and walked over reluctantly, "Master Fang, you should be gentle. If you beat Vice-General Cao badly, I'll have to be healed. Yes. I can't stand your old man alone, and the family doesn't need other injuries."

Fang Zilan glanced at her helplessly, "What's the matter with you?"

"My master has been keen on doing good deeds recently. He doesn't charge money for medical treatment. He is nervous about eating. How can he have money to feed my mouth? He kicked me out without saying a word." , "I thought about it, I can't be a starving ghost, so I came back to find you."

"I don't have any money, you must be hungry." Fang Zilan put on a serious face, left everyone behind and went back to the backyard.

Deputy General Cao touched the back of his head, "Boss is angry?"

"Why are you so angry, she is so moved, she is hiding and crying." A Wan moved to Vice General Cao's side, "She is like this, the slap on you is probably just putting on airs, it must not hurt, right?"

Deputy Cao shook his head like a rattle, "It still hurts."

A Wan clicked his tongue, "Why is this person so indifferent? I'll show you later."

Vice General Cao was about to refuse, when A Wan looked at Mo Bin and Mo Han, "Why are General Mo and Master Mo here?"

 About crying——

  Awan: Pi is very happy~
  Fang Zilan: Who said I was going to cry?Why am I crying? #¥%...

(End of this chapter)

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