Don't ask where people go

Chapter 287 Night Attack

Chapter 287 Night Attack
Fang Zilan faced the territory map, Zhou Lang couldn't see her expression, so he could only ask tentatively: "Master Fang has countermeasures?"

"Whether it is to send troops to rob or steal secretly, I am afraid that the Miluo people have set up traps, waiting for us to step in." Fang Zilan turned around slowly, facing Zhou Lang's gaze, "Does Master Fang want to Negotiate with Miluo people?"

"What are you talking about? Give them Qiluo City?" Fang Zilan's expression became colder, "Jiang Hanze can do such shameless things as snatching General Shen's body, is he a kind person? You follow General Shen and learn from him." got these?"

Zhou Lang's face was reddened by her words, and he lowered his head involuntarily.Seeing this, she sighed helplessly, "Old Cao, go find [-] martial arts masters who are not afraid of death, get ready, and follow me to attack the Miluo military camp tonight."

Deputy General Cao panicked, "Boss, aren't we throwing ourselves into a trap?"

"Even if you throw yourself into the trap, you have to do it in a well-organized way." Fang Zilan's lips curved slightly, "Since it is a surprise attack, at least the food and grass of the Miluo people must be burned to make enough money."

"Master Fang, do you mean to attack the west?" Zhou Lang reacted abruptly, and Fang Zilan nodded, "We split into two groups. I will first lead people to pretend to steal the body of General Shen to attract the attention of the Miluo people. The other group Take the opportunity to set fire to the food and grass, and when the Miluo people are in a mess, it is time for us to bring General Shen back."

As soon as she finished speaking, Zhou Lang couldn't wait to say: "I would like to go with Mr. Fang!"

Fang Zilan glanced at him, not very angry, "What are you doing with your injury like this? Are you going to hold me back?"

"I..." Zhou Lang wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Deputy General Cao, "Brother Zhou, take care of your wounds, I will go with the boss, and I will definitely bring General Shen back."

"Old Cao, you stay too." Fang Zilan said with a serious expression: "I need someone to take care of me, so you have to stay. And Zhou Lang, help me find one or two people who are good at being with General Shen and are also clever. , come with me, in case the Miluo people cheat."

"Okay, I'll go now." Zhou Lang took the order to go, Deputy General Cao looked at Fang Zilan and said, "Boss, what about me?"

"You let people go to fight, in the name of begging for the body of General Shen, and make an appointment to fight the Miluo people." Fang Zilan's face sank like water, "We have to do a good job on the surface, so that we can be more sure of sneaking at night. Then you go Choose people, equip them with weapons according to the situation, as well as sleeve arrows, bows and crossbows, and bring them to me when everything is ready."

After listening to the arrangement, Deputy General Cao left the big tent. As soon as he left, A Wan walked in, "What are you doing?"

"Nothing." Fang Zilan asked indifferently, "How is the wounded barracks?"

"Not very good." Awan's eyebrows were furrowed into knots, "The people of Miluo are more aggressive than the people of Jin, if not worse."

"When you see a doctor, you need to bring up any medicinal materials as soon as possible. I will ask people to find a way." Fang Zilan said as if thinking of something, and added, "We also store more commonly used wound medicines in case of emergencies."

A Wan stared at her blankly, "Fang Zilan, you look like you are facing a big enemy, which scares me a little."

"Afraid?" Fang Zilan sighed faintly, "If the court has been unable to come up with a solution, we will be besieged by the Miluo people sooner or later. Before we completely cut off contact with the outside world, the more supplies we have prepared The more, the longer it will last.”

Hearing this, Awan said in a muffled voice, "What about you? You are going to fight the Miluo people tomorrow?"

"I can't wait until tomorrow." Fang Zilan raised her hand and gently touched the center of her eyebrows, "I have decided to attack the Miluo military camp tonight."

When Jiang Hanze received the letter of challenge, a trace of surprise flashed across his face, as if he hadn't thought that Fang Zilan would dare to challenge him directly.He looked at the arrow wound on his shoulder, and his heart shuddered, who knows if this engagement is a cover?Immediately let the lieutenant general pass down the order, and the whole battalion must not relax its guard.

Until late at night, Jiang Hanze was still tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, and couldn't help reaching out to hold the knife placed beside the bed. Unexpectedly, as soon as he touched the handle of the knife, he heard someone outside shouting, "There is a night attack!"

Fang Zilan's figure passed by in a flash, and went straight to the tent where General Shen's body was parked.While going there, she secretly cursed, the vigilance of Miluo people is really not that good, she wandered around and even found General Shen’s body, but they didn’t find it, and in the end it was up to her to make some noises on her own initiative to yell. Call it a night raid.

The few people following Fang Zilan didn't know that she was deliberately attracting people, until they were surrounded, one of them couldn't help but leaned forward and asked in a low voice: "Master Fang, it seems that the Miluo people have been prepared for this battle. .”

"What needs to be done is that they have been prepared." Fang Zilan said and sent out a signal, and a dazzling white light flashed across the night sky.The Miluo people who surrounded them looked up subconsciously, and they were caught off guard by them in a blink of an eye.

Jiang Hanze, who came here after hearing the news, couldn't help frowning when he saw the signal. What does this mean?However, before he could think about it, he heard the report from his subordinate soldiers, saying that he had passed away.

Is it their real purpose to set fire to the food and grass in order to divert the tiger away from the mountain?Jiang Hanze didn't care much, so he had to call the deputy general to lead someone to put out the fire, while he ran to the tent where General Shen's body was, and bumped into Fang Zilan.

"Is it General Shen?" Fang Zilan stood in front of several people, only to hear the person behind him answer: "Yes, it is General Shen!"

Fang Zilan nodded slightly, but did not turn her head back, "You take General Shen and go first, and I will leave the rear."

"I want to leave, let's see if you have the ability." Jiang Hanze came very quickly, and the moment he saw Fang Zilan, he knew he had made the right bet—as expected, they came for General Shen's body.

"Want to keep me?" Fang Zilan took a step forward to separate Jiang Hanze's knife, and said with a contemptuous smile, "I'm afraid you are tired of working."

Jiang Hanze felt the power from the blade, and his wrist shook involuntarily.Fang Zilan took advantage of the opportunity to stab her with a sword, then dodged to avoid the spear attacking her from the other side, and took a few steps back.

She had no intention of fighting at all, seeing that they escaped with General Shen, she casually threw some medicine powder.After reuniting with the soldiers who set fire to the food and grass, they returned to Qiluo City under the cover of night.

Deputy General Cao, who was in charge of receiving them, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw them coming back, "Boss, how are you?"

"General Shen brought it back." Fang Zilan got on his horse and said cautiously: "Let's go, let's go back and talk about it."

After everyone returned to the camp, Zhou Lang held General Shen's body and cried for a long time. Fang Zilan didn't have time to pay attention to him, and only ordered "burial General Shen generously", and then asked Vice General Cao to count the casualties in the night attack, and called other lieutenants to enter the camp. Account discussion.

"Boss, six brothers were killed in this night attack, and eight more were injured." Deputy General Cao reported the general situation, and Fang Zilan nodded slightly, "I see."

"Lord Fang, our night raid burned the food and grass of the Miluo people. I think they won't do much in the next few days." One of the lieutenants looked serious, "However, the appointment tomorrow morning..."

He didn't go on, Fang Zilan understood, and said: "Jiang Hanze is injured, either he will fight with his wounds, or a different general will fight. Do you know if there are any other generals in the Miluo army who can be named? "

 If the night attack is successful, what will happen to the appointment?Let's listen to the next chapter to break down~
(End of this chapter)

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