Don't ask where people go

Chapter 288 Battle

Chapter 288 Battle
In the Miluo military camp, there was a young man sitting in an unremarkable open space in the camp. His face was very beautiful, his eyebrows flew into his temples like bright stars, his nose bridge was high and his lips were thin like blood.

He was holding the jug, clapping his hands one by one, looking at the moon while drinking, when suddenly a distraught voice came from behind him, "His Royal Highness Qi!"

The young man didn't look back, he just pointed to a nearby tent and said softly, "Jiang Hanze, I moved most of the food and grass for you before the night attack, how can you thank me?"

Jiang Hanze's face was dull, and he coughed twice. Then the boy turned around and gave him a sideways glance, "Are you injured?"

"Small injuries are fine, don't bother Your Highness to worry." Jiang Hanze lowered his head, but the young man became interested, "Is that the one who shot you on the tower today?"

Jiang Hanze nodded, and the young man laughed, "Interesting. I originally thought that there was no master in Dajing, and the one surnamed Shen couldn't even beat you, let alone other people? I didn't expect that there would be such a No. I stumbled, and if I do it again, I am afraid that I will die."

Holding the flagon, he stood up and said without anger: "You stay in the camp tomorrow, and I will meet that man."

"Your Highness King Qi is not allowed." Jiang Hanze dissuaded him, "That man is very skilled, if he hurts His Highness..."

"Hurt me?" The young man's expression darkened a bit, Jiang Hanze knew that he had made a slip of the tongue and immediately said: "Your Highness is well-known throughout the world, but His Royal Highness is precious, how can you easily be involved in danger? I ask myself to help His Highness."

"Jiang Hanze, do you think you haven't been injured enough?" The young man snorted coldly, "If you dare to step out of the camp tomorrow, our hall will break your leg."

Jiang Hanze broke out in cold sweat, and he answered yes, and was about to leave when he was stopped by the young man, "Also, you sent people out to spread the news, saying that our army's food and grass were burned, and King Zhongzheng secretly sent someone to escort the food and grass after learning about it." , come here before him."

"Your Highness, this is..." Jiang Hanze hesitated for a moment, and saw the young man smiling cruelly, "Since they dare to make fun of us, they should also taste the taste of being deceived."

In the Dajing barracks, Fang Zilan heard one of the deputy generals guarding the city say: "A few days ago, when General Shen had not arrived at Qiluo City, Jiang Hanze had attacked several times. Once, I saw a man who looked like a general beside him. , I just don’t know who it is.”

He was not sure, Fang Zilan frowned slightly and said, "Isn't it Murong Xun?"

"No." The speaking lieutenant shook his head, "That man looks very young, but he is very skilled. With just a few moves, our general fell into his hands."

Fang Zilan asked: "Is that person better than Jiang Hanze?"

Seeing him nodding, Fang Zilan quickly ran through all the disciples of Murong Xun she knew, but there was no one who could match her name.

"Apart from being young and capable, what other characteristics does that man have?" Vice-General Cao asked, and the Vice-General replied, "That man has an excellent appearance. I have never seen anyone as good-looking as him. But he is so proud Very, he never looked people in the eye when fighting us. After killing our general, he said something meaningless."

"Proud?" Fang Zilan repeated the word thoughtfully, feeling concerned, and immediately explained to them the arrangements for tomorrow, then went around and made sure there was nothing wrong, then went back to the tent to take a nap.

In the early morning of the second day, Fang Zilan selected several deputy generals to guard the city, while he himself led the troops out of the city to fight against the Miluo people.

The two sides stood still, and her eyes stopped on the body of the Miluo general. It really wasn't Jiang Hanze, but a good-looking young man, about seventeen or eighteen years old.

The boy sent someone to call for a battle, saying that he would fight her alone.She was not surprised after hearing this, and rode her horse to the front of the Miluo people, and said to the young man, "Who is coming, tell me your name."

"Woman?" The young man looked her over carefully from top to bottom, as if he hadn't heard her words at all, and asked casually, "Who are you?"

Fang Zilan raised her voice and said, "Dajing, Fang Zilan."

"Grand Duke of Jingyue?" The young man looked at her with interest, "It's you who destroyed the Gilded City?"

Fang Zilan did not answer, but raised the plum sword in his hand and pointed it at the young man, "I never fight against unknown pawns."

The young man smiled slightly, "Miluo, Mu Chuji." As soon as he finished speaking, he was already approaching.

Fang Zilan blocked his attack casually, but was shocked in her heart, Mu's family name is Miluo's surname, Mu Chuji?If she remembers correctly, it should be the younger brother of Miluo Xindi, the king of Qi, Mu Chuji.

"It's no wonder Jiang Hanze can't please you." Mu Chuji raised his eyebrows and curled his lips, "I'm going to attack you, I'm right this time."

Fang Zilan smiled coldly, and suddenly turned from defense to offense. The plum sword in his hand was aggressive, and went straight to Mu Chuji's face.But he dodged with one hand on the saddle in a calm manner, "My sister is so handsome, where did I learn from?"

"You're young, and you're glib." Fang Zilan backhanded a sword and stabbed him in the forearm when he sat back on the horse and was unsteady, "I think your skill with your hand may not be as good as your skill with your mouth just in case."

Mu Chuji didn't care about the injury on his arm at all, and said with a leisurely smile, "Sister, would you like to come back to Miluo with me?"

"The mourning of the Miluo country has not yet passed, so it's okay to add another stroke if you want." Fang Zilan's moves were fast and ruthless, full of hostility, "Are you right, Your Highness King Qi?"

"You..." Mu Chuji was overwhelmed by her overwhelming murderous intent, and with a stunning effort, the armor on his chest was cut, and he immediately took a few steps back.

Fang Zilan quickly caught up with him, without giving him a chance to breathe, and blood spattered everywhere amidst the flickering cold light.

Mu Chuji fell off his horse in order to avoid the critical point. The lieutenant behind him rushed up anxiously, but Fang Zilan picked him off the horse with a sword.

She shook off the blood on the sword, and said every word in a haughty manner, "Anyone who violates our capital will be killed without mercy." After she finished speaking, she raised her hand, and Vice General Cao led all the soldiers to swarm up,

The Miluo people charged forward and rescued Mu Chuji back in a frenzied manner, fought and retreated, defeated and returned to the camp.

Seeing the cheers behind Fang Zilan, she couldn't be happy at all.Now that Mu Chuji is seriously injured, and Jiang Hanze is also seriously injured, Murong Xun will definitely rush to the Qiluo city...

As a result, the Miluo army merged into one, menacing.Can you hold on for a month?

She spat in her heart, not allowing herself to think about such frustrating things again, and turned back to Qiluo City.

After returning to the city, Fang Zilan had no time to rest. First, he asked Deputy General Cao to count the casualties, and then went to General Shen's mourning hall to burn a stick of incense, "General Shen, don't worry, I will do my best to defend Qiluo City. One day , we will drive the Miluo people out of Dajing and regain their lost ground.”

After worshiping, she stood up and walked out of the mourning hall, and saw Vice General Cao rushing over, "Boss..."

 About Mu Chuji——

  Fang Zilan: The Miluo royal family still has a role?
  Mu·beautiful as a flower and unpredictable in depth·first·self-willed and romantic·Ji: Sister, meeting is fate.

  Fang Zilan: Please walk away gracefully!

(End of this chapter)

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