Don't ask where people go

Chapter 312 of the same name

Chapter 312 of the same name
The corners of Fang Zilan's lips hooked slightly, "With the words of the Empress, I feel relieved."

"Master Fang, wait a minute." Fang Ziqin folded his hands in front of him, and said solemnly: "I am just a harem woman, and I have no intention of interfering in the government affairs. The law is just to let everyone know what is in order, so as not to lose their sense of proportion. If Master Fang really wants a clear and canonical punishment, please go before His Majesty."

It's rare to hear Fang Ziqin claiming to be the palace, Fang Zilan knew it well, of course she had to give her a step down, "Empress, please rest assured, I will definitely not make embarrassment difficult."

After finishing speaking, she looked at the trembling Chen brothers and sisters who were kneeling in front of Deputy General Cao, and said lightly, "Mr. Chen, Miss Chen, I will give you two choices. One is to apologize now, as long as old Cao is willing to forgive you, I will let the past go. The other is to follow me to meet His Majesty and leave it to His Majesty to deal with."

As soon as she finished speaking, Chen Xu and Miss Chen quickly apologized, with a much more respectful attitude.Li Qianning who was on the side was stunned when she saw this, her face became more and more ugly.

"Boss, I forgive them." Deputy General Cao was moved in his heart, but he felt a little embarrassed on his face. He rubbed the back of his head and said, "I hope Mr. Chen and Ms. Chen will be more careful in their words and deeds in the future, and don't be so reckless."

Vice General Cao's words were generous and decent, Chen Xu couldn't hold back his face, he bowed his head and said: "What this general taught me is that I should restrain myself and take good care of my little sister, so I won't be so reckless again."

"Okay, let's get up." Fang Zilan reached out to help Ms. Chen stand up, but Ms. Chen felt ashamed and pushed her hand away.

Fang Zilan pursed her lips, turned to look at Li Qianning and said, "Princess Dejia, it's your turn."

"I..." Li Qianning took a step back, hiding most of her body behind Fang Ziqin, but Fang Ziqin didn't intend to help her, "Dejia, I apologize."

"Empress, what did you say?" Li Qianning looked at Fang Ziqin incredulously, "You asked me to apologize? Why do you..."

"I am the lord of the harem." Fang Ziqin interrupted Li Qianning unceremoniously, "De Jia, what do you think I should do?"

Li Qianning took a deep breath, turned her head and said stubbornly: "I don't."

"Dejia, there are rules in the harem." Fang Ziqin looked sideways at Li Qianning, and heard her snort, "Empress Empress, aren't you just taking advantage of my grandmother and queen mother's absence to take advantage of me? When they come back, Do you still dare to treat me like this?"

"Dejia, you should apologize if you did something wrong." Fang Ziqin said quietly: "You grew up under the knees of the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager, and you should be the most honorable princess in Dajing. But your words and deeds today, How can you look like a half-princess?"

Li Qianning bit her lips and did not speak. She only heard Fang Ziqin say: "Without the two ladies, the princess will be different from usual. It must be that the nurses around her have not taught them well. Someone, get the nurses around Princess Dejia Mama brought it to the palace."

"Empress, what are you going to do?" Li Qianning was uneasy in her heart, but she was still trying to be brave, "The nuns around me were all chosen by the empress, how dare you touch them?"

"Princess Dejia, I think you made a mistake." Fang Zilan looked like she was watching a play, and said, "The master of the harem is the Empress, not the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager."

Fang Ziqin glanced at Fang Zilan, she raised her eyebrows, her expression clearly indicated that no matter what happened today, she would hold on to the end.

Everyone around is whispering, the empress dowager and the empress dowager have been domineering for too long in the palace, if Fang Zilan hadn't said so, they would have almost forgotten that the current master of the harem is the empress in front of her.

Since Fang Ziqin became the head of the harem, although she has always been low-key and obedient, in fact, everything that should be controlled is in her hands. As for being low-key in the eyes of others, she has the right not to know, as long as she lives her life quietly it is good.But if someone commits a crime in front of her, she will never tolerate it.

"You..." Li Qianning flicked her sleeves angrily, and walked in front of Deputy General Cao, "I'm sorry for what you just said."

Deputy General Cao was stunned for a moment before realizing that he was apologizing to him, and quickly waved his hands and said, "Princess Dejia is serious."

"It's not serious." Fang Zilan smiled with crooked eyebrows, "Princess Dejia, we accept your apology."

Li Qianning was so angry that she turned her head and was about to leave. Fang Ziqin said nonchalantly behind her: "The Chongyang Palace banquet is about to begin, please move to the Wanfu Palace."

Everyone went to Wanfu Palace in twos and threes. Fang Zilan walked behind and looked at the woman behind Fang Zitong. Her naked eyes made the woman stop involuntarily. She turned to her and said, "Master Fang, why are you staring at me?"

"Sorry, I'm just..." Fang Zilan hesitated to speak, but Fang Zitong heard the voice and came over, "Master Fang, this is my little sister Fang Zilan, who has the same name as you and looks somewhat similar. You two, when It's really a fate."

Fang Zitong's words attracted many people's attention. After all, from the name Fang Zilan, many people thought it was Fang Zilan, the concubine of the Xiangfu.However, the two Fang Zilans appeared at the same time today, and all suspicions were self-defeating.

Fang Zilan couldn't help laughing, "It seems that Miss Fang and I are really destined."

"However, my little sister is not as good as Mr. Shang." Fang Zitong said meaningfully: "My little sister doesn't like to see people, she is a sick child raised in a deep boudoir. If her father didn't force her to come today, she might not even have the door It won't come out."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan lowered her eyes slightly and said, "In front of Mr. Fang, Second Sister, don't make fun of me."

Fang Zilan understood most of it in her heart, presumably after she fell into the water and disappeared, Fang Chongzheng found someone to pretend to be her in order to deceive people.I just don't know whether this is Fang Chongzheng's own idea, or Ji Ningtian's instruction.

"Master Fang?" Fang Zitong stretched out her hand and waved it in front of Fang Zilan, she came back to her senses, bowed her hands and said: "I was rude, I hope the two Miss Fang will not take offense."

Fang Zitong didn't say anything more, and left with that Fang Zilan.

"Sister Lan." Mo Han walked to Fang Zilan's side, and asked tentatively, "She is..."

Fang Zilan said softly: "There are many people at the palace banquet, let's talk about this matter when we return home."

"Okay." Mo Han nodded, and together with Deputy General Cao, Fang Zilan entered Wanfu Palace.

Li Qiyou, Pei Juanqing, Zhuge Ming, and Wei Subaru had already arrived, and they greeted everyone. After chatting for a while, Li Shengxuan came, said a few words of greeting, and then officially started the banquet.

Fang Zilan felt that most of the eyes of the crowd were focused on her, making her sit very uncomfortable. Just as she was about to focus on the food in front of her, someone came to toast her in front of Li Shengxuan.

She bit the bullet and refused on the grounds that she was not suitable for drinking due to old injuries. The people who were going to toast to her all looked at each other in blank dismay, so they had to talk about other topics, overshadowing the toast.

Li Shengxuan saw that Fang Zilan's interest was waning, the protagonist was not interested, and he didn't like this kind of occasion very much, so the palace banquet ended before it lasted too long, and all the adults were also told by him that there is no curfew in Beijing tonight, so they should communicate with the people The words of Tongle and the like were dismissed.

 About the Palace Banquet——

  Fang Zilan: Palace banquets are not suitable for me.Fresh clothes and angry horses, seeing all the flowers in Chang'an in one day is what I should do~
  Li Shengxuan: Arrangement.There is no curfew, everyone has fun with the people, and if you visit the capital or something, the palace banquet will be over...

(End of this chapter)

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