Don't ask where people go

Chapter 313 Night Tour

Chapter 313 Night Tour
When Fang Zilan took Mo Han and Deputy General Cao out of the palace, it was dark and the crowds in the market gradually increased.

"Is there any event tonight?" Fang Zilan looked at the crowd in twos and threes on the street, and couldn't help slowing down.

Mo Han followed Fang Zilan closely, and said: "Chongyang has always been a festival of reminiscence, which is more than solemn but lacks excitement. But if this year is like the Mid-Autumn Festival, coupled with post-war celebrations, I think it is indispensable to visit the Lantern Market and Flower Market."

"Let's go back to the mansion first, pick up Awan and Cong Rong, and then come out together." Fang Zilan said and walked back to the mansion quickly, but just as soon as he entered the mansion, he heard from the housekeeper that Awan had gone out with Cong Rong.

"Miss Awan said that Mrs. Fang, you may not be able to return until late at night when you go to the palace for a banquet. She wanted to see the lanterns, and she was afraid that she would miss the time, so she took Miss Cong out first." The housekeeper said as if remembering something, and asked The servant came out with a food box, "This is the crispy Fangzhai pastry sent by His Royal Highness King Yucheng, I kept it on my own initiative, Master Fang, look..."

"It's just a cake, you can keep it if you keep it, it doesn't matter." Fang Zilan took a piece and tasted it, and couldn't help admiring: "It tastes good. Mo Han, Lao Cao, you should try it too."

After the two of them tasted the dim sum, Fang Zilan said, "Let's go, let's go out to have fun."

"Boss, I won't be with you guys anymore." Deputy General Cao waved his hand, "Today's festival, I want to go and see my acquaintance brothers, some of them are still patrolling the city, I'll go with them."

"Alright." Fang Zilan took the food box, "You take this and share it with the brothers."

Vice General Cao hesitated to take it, "Boss, this is not very good, after all, this is for you from the prince..."

"What's wrong." Fang Zilan stuffed the food box into Deputy General Cao's hands, "Since the prince gave it to me, it's up to me how to deal with it. Take it."

"Thank you, Boss." Deputy General Cao held the food box, and Fang Zilan instructed: "There are many people outside, so take it easy."

"Don't worry, Boss." Vice General Cao turned and left, Mo Han looked at his back, "Don't you need someone to accompany Vice General Cao?"

"No need." Fang Zilan patted Mo Han on the shoulder, "Let's go, let's watch the lanterns and enjoy the flowers."

After they left the mansion, they wandered aimlessly along the street, and within a short distance, they saw Murong Qing and Tao Zhiwei, and Meng Tingyang followed closely behind, fearing that they would be scattered.

"Master Fang." Murong Qing beckoned to Fang Zilan, and she walked through the crowd, "Master, Mrs. Shizi, what a coincidence."

Murong Qing smiled, his pale face became a little more angry, "Today is a festival, I heard that there is a night market, so I just came out to join in the fun. But Mr. Fang, did not enter the palace for a banquet?"

"The son is really well-informed." Fang Zilan said calmly: "The banquet is boring, so come out for a walk."

The smile on Murong Qing's face faded a bit, "Master Fang is joking."

"Since the son is fine, then I will not disturb the son and his wife's play." Fang Zilan bowed her hands, and then pulled Mo Han away without giving Murong Qing any chance to say anything.

After the two walked a certain distance, Mo Han asked curiously: "The one just now is Miluo's loyal prince and wife?"

Fang Zilan hummed, turned to the street vendor and said, "Excuse me, take two bunches of candied haws."

"Okay." The vendor picked two bunches of candied haws and handed them to Fang Zilan, "Guest officer, take them away."

Fang Zilan paid the money and gave Mo Han a bunch. He was stunned, "Sister Lan, when did you like eating candied haws?"

"Brought by A Wan." Fang Zilan took a bite, and the sugar juice wrapped in the candied haws seemed to be so sweet that it seemed to penetrate into the bottom of her heart, but the sourness that followed made her frown, "Why so sour?"

Mo Han also coughed sourly, "Sister Lan, forget it, if it tastes bad, don't eat it."

"I knew I would keep two cakes." Fang Zilan muttered, "At this time, I will definitely not be able to buy Sufangzhai's cakes."

"Sufangzhai?" Mo Han looked puzzled, Fang Zilan explained: "The most famous pastry shop in the capital, when we came back from the northern border, the prince once mentioned it to me. At that time, I casually said what I wanted to eat. Yes. I didn’t expect him to be so caring and still remember this.”

Mo Han recalled the pastry he ate just now, "That box just now..."

Fang Zilan shook the candied haws in his hand, "It should be limited to festivals, so I definitely can't buy them now."

Seeing Fang Zilan talking and biting the candied haws like death, Mo Han couldn't help laughing, and was about to say something, but saw her stop in her tracks.

"Sister Lan?" Mo Han followed her gaze, and saw a woman in red pushing a young man in a wheelchair slowly towards their direction, which was particularly eye-catching in the crowd.

Seeing this, Fang Zilan's expression became colder. She grabbed Mo Han's wrist, turned around and walked in another direction, "Don't ask."

Mo Han obediently didn't ask any further questions, and let Fang Zilan lead him out several streets without saying a word.

It wasn't until Fang Zilan slowed down that Mo Han whispered: "Sister Lan, don't you want to see them?"

"Seeing them is definitely not a good thing." Fang Zilan snorted coldly, "I know what you want to ask, the son in the wheelchair is Yuning Wang Ji Ningtian, and the woman in red who is pushing him is Princess Wuqing."

"Sister Lan knows them?" Mo Han tentatively asked, Fang Zilan turned her head away, "Not only know them?"

Mo Han gently tugged on Fang Zilan's sleeve, "Sister Lan, it's rare that the capital is open at night, and thousands of lights are like daylight. When you are laughing and wandering, don't worry about anything."

"You're right." Fang Zilan relaxed, "Tonight we..."

"Look, the thousands of lanterns on the pagoda of Baiye Temple are lit up!" Fang Zilan's words were interrupted by the joyful voice of passers-by, she turned her head and looked over, and saw the Buddha lamps lit up from the top of the pagoda one by one, and the stars were shining brightly Gathering into one strand, the entire pagoda is illuminated like a torch, reflecting the light in the night sky.

"We have come to the vicinity of Baiye Temple." Mo Han's voice rang in Fang Zilan's ears, and she suddenly came back to her senses. It turned out that the place she was most familiar with in the past was close in front of her eyes.

"Go and have a look." Fang Zilan strode towards Baiye Temple, Mo Han followed behind her, seeing her eagerness, it seemed that there was something waiting for her in Baiye Temple.

However, when she reached the gate of Baiye Temple, Fang Zilan stopped abruptly. She looked up at the plaque of Baiye Temple. She did not step up to a step, but just stood quietly below.

"Sister Lan?" Mo Han waved her hand in front of Fang Zilan's eyes, but she still didn't respond, and said after a while: "Mo Han, you go in and burn incense sticks for me, so I won't go in."

Mo Han asked puzzledly: "Why?"

Fang Zilan remained silent, and suddenly thought of the self who, after her mother passed away, always looked at the Baiye Temple from a distance but never dared to approach it.With so much blood on her hands, even if she had a clear conscience, she would not be able to step into the pure land of Buddhism.

What's more, does she really have a clear conscience?How many innocent people died at her hands?For missions, for survival, and for various unspeakable reasons, she was once a murder tool.

Now, although he has done some things with all his abilities, his hands are stained with more blood, which cannot be washed off no matter what.She is not afraid of killing people all over her body, but she also knows that this is not the place for her to go.

At the end, Mo Han pursed his lips, "Sister Lan, what do you need me to do?"

"I..." As soon as Fang Zilan opened his mouth, he heard a crisp voice: "Why is Mr. Fang standing here and not entering the temple?"

 Will there be the answer Fang Zilan wants in Baiye Temple?How long can Fang Zilan keep the ghost secret from Mo Han?Stay tuned~
(End of this chapter)

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