Don't ask where people go

Chapter 339 Movement

Chapter 339 Movement
Before Shangguan Min could react, Fang Zilan asked Deputy General Cao to help her find a bunch of small stones and placed them in front of her, "I accept the teacher's ceremony, you go over there and continue practicing guns. I will use these stones to attack you later , if you can't hide, you don't need to eat today."

"Ah?" Shangguan Min was stunned, and asked, "Are we going to avoid them all?"

Fang Zilan picked up a small stone, "As long as you can avoid one, you will win."

Shangguan Min looked blank, and Fang Zilan threw a small stone to play with, "If you stand here and let me hit you, I have no objection." As soon as she finished speaking, the small stone was thrown out of her hand.

Shangguan Min couldn't dodge in time and was hit in the arm, so he quickly raised his gun and stood back up again.

Wen Ya looked sympathetically at Shangguan Min who was waiting in full force, "I'm afraid this child won't be able to eat today."

A Wan said gloatingly: "Who told him not to learn well, and Xu Canjun, why don't you teach him how to drink? General Huangfu Xin even listened to his slip of the tongue after drinking, so he's just like a gentleman, otherwise he wouldn't have anything else." Fate?"

"Although that's what you said..." Deputy General Cao pleaded, "But Shangguan Min is also pitiful after all, why don't you take it easy, Boss?"

"Shoot softly?" Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows with a half-smile, and hit the small stone in her hand.

Deputy General Cao turned his head away, not daring to speak casually, for fear that Fang Zilan would be even more merciless if he said one more intercession.

After ten small stones, Shangguan Min's moves were obviously messed up.

Fang Zilan picked out small stones, and said: "If the enemy doesn't move, I won't move. If you mess up your own position, wouldn't you give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of?"

Shangguan Min paused for a moment, took a deep breath, and became much more stable in every move.

"Children can be taught." Wen Ya nodded slightly, and A Wan came over with the soup, "If Shangguan Min can't hide, wouldn't you really have to practice for a day?"

Fang Zilan didn't answer, but looked at Deputy General Cao and said, "Old Cao, help me find some small stones, this pile is not enough."

Hearing that Awan was silent, Wen Ya smiled and said, "Master Fang's habit of venting his anger on others is not good."

"Do I have it?" Fang Zilan innocently threw another small stone, and took A Wanduan's medicine cup with her hand.

Wen Ya said nonchalantly: "Xu Can's army is far away in the north, Master Fang can only vent his anger on Shangguan Min, can't he?"

"If I don't learn well, who's to blame?" Fang Zilan gulped down her drink, frowning from the pain of the medicine, "Even if you drink alcohol, you have to do it in moderation. What can't be solved in the world, you have to get drunk and talk to strangers? "

Shangguan Min listened to the conversation of several people intermittently, and raised his voice: "Lord Fang, I know I was wrong."

Fang Zilan hummed, took a small stone and threw it out, Shangguan Min was still hit straight.

The two fought and hid until dinner.

In winter, it gets dark early, and when the twilight merges, Shangguan Min is still not able to escape even a small stone.

Fang Zilan threw the last small stone, stood up and said, "Forget it, let's have dinner."

Shangguan Min lowered his head and said in a low voice, "I'm not going."

Fang Zilan's legs and feet felt numb after sitting for a long time, she stomped her feet lightly, "Why, are you not convinced?"

"Come back tomorrow." Shangguan Min suddenly raised his head, with obvious unwillingness in his eyes.

"Okay." Fang Zilan's figure was unstable, Shangguan Min walked over quickly and held her arm, "Master Fang, you..."

"It's okay." Fang Zilan pushed Shangguan Min's hand away calmly, "Since I have taken you as my apprentice, then these are nothing. Don't worry, I will be fine."

Shangguan Min bit his lips, "Master Fang, I will not let you down."

"I know." Fang Zilan's lips curled up slightly, and she said word by word: "All along, you have never let me down."

In the early morning of the second day, Fang Zilan woke up very early, saying that she wanted to guide Shangguan Min's morning class.Shangguan Min was even more diligent, and went to practice before dawn.

Awan's eyes were sleepy, she put on a piece of clothes indiscriminately, looked at Fang Zilan who was dressed neatly, and complained endlessly in her heart.However, before she could say anything, Xiao Xuan'er knocked on the door.

"Miss Awan is working hard, so I might as well take care of Mrs. Fang and share some of the burden." Xiao Xuan'er smiled, "After all, I'm too idle every day, and I really feel sorry for it."

A Wan looked at Fang Zilan, then at Xiao Xuan'er, and finally said, "Then there will be Sister Lao Xiao."

Fang Zilan took Xiao Xuan'er to the outside of the pavilion, greeted Shangguan Min, then walked in and sat inside.

Xiao Xuan'er lowered her voice, "Lord Fang, don't you need to avoid Shangguan Min?"

Holding the hand warmer in her arms, Fang Zilan watched Shangguan Min walk into the open space and start practicing, "His hearing is not that good, so don't worry."

While boiling water, Xiao Xuan'er said, "Master Fang has been ill for a few days, many things have happened in Beijing, but I really have no chance to report them."

"I told you to report to me the news of Jingzhong during my daily morning exercises, but I stopped my morning exercises due to this illness, no wonder you." Fang Zilan said softly: "Let's hear what happened in Beijing. ?”

"The Ministry of Officials has pushed a lot of newcomers to the various ministries, and most of these newcomers are from poor families and disciples of the Prime Minister." Xiao Xuan'er turned on the charcoal fire, "But although they are disciples of the Prime Minister, there are many of them who are like Wu Sheng. A scholar who was born in a prefecture and county, and later became a scholar in the prime minister's residence."

Fang Zilan pondered for a while, and said: "Are there no objections from all the governments and ministries?"

"Someone participated in the performance before, but Master Zhuge Ming dismissed it in front of His Majesty in the court hall." Xiao Xuan'er saw that the water was boiling, and started to cook tea, "Now all the governments and ministries know that this is His Majesty's responsibility." What's more, there will be a group of newcomers who will take office after the next year, and the governments and ministries will be very troubled, and they are all deciding the list, regardless of objections."

"This is interesting." Fang Zilan rolled up her sleeves, "Master Zhuge Ming paved the way for A Yu, and it is reasonable to refute the censor, but why did A Yu push the poor family and the Xiangfu students to the top, and got His Majesty's approval?"

Xiao Xuan'er poured a cup of tea and placed it in front of Fang Zilan, "It's not without reason. Dajing relies on the nine princes to build the country, and the emperors of the past have shown great favor to the families of the princes. The trend of forming cliques for personal gain is growing, if this situation cannot be broken, I am afraid that sooner or later the path of the poor family will be blocked."

Fang Zilan took a sip of tea, "I've heard a little bit about what you said, but what role did the Prime Minister play in this? It's really intriguing."

"Your Majesty has neglected the Fang family for a long time, but..." Xiao Xuan'er hesitated for a moment, and said: "In the two years since His Majesty took the throne, there have been rumors that His Majesty's neglect of the Fang family was deliberately done for the sake of the empress."

"For the empress?" Fang Zilan frowned slightly, Xiao Xuan'er nodded and said: "Yes, there is nothing in the middle palace, but His Majesty has never drafted a concubine, let alone favored others. Occasionally, ministers wrote letters, but they were all shelved. Your Majesty It is not an exaggeration to say that a sentence of affection is profound."

Seeing that Fang Zilan remained silent, Xiao Xuan'er continued: "I heard that when His Majesty was still His Highness King Xiang, in order to marry the Empress, he vowed to marry her only in this life, and he would not accept side concubines or concubines. Agree to this marriage."

 You need to be well-informed without leaving your home——by Fang Zilan

(End of this chapter)

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