Don't ask where people go

Chapter 340 Verification

Chapter 340 Verification
"I don't think so. Even if the prime minister is putting on a show, the Xiahou family may not be willing to let His Royal Highness Xiang give him this face." Fang Zilan's expression faded, "Even though some things seem to be very clear, as long as there are still doubts, There must be secrets. Qianjinfang not only seeks the truth, but also asks for hidden secrets."

"Master Fang is right, I will let the sisters in the workshop continue to investigate." Xiao Xuan'er nodded slightly, Fang Zilan changed her voice, "Is there anything else?"

Xiao Xuan'er took a sip of tea, and said: "The Huangfu family came to Beijing this time, and General Huangfulin brought his son Huangfu Xin with him for the purpose of getting married."

"Get married?" Fang Zilan thoughtfully said: "Huangfu Xin is indeed old, which family does General Huangfu Lin plan to marry?"

"Gongqing's family has always been married among the nine families. Ordinary officials' families, the Huangfu's family also looks down on them." Xiao Xuan'er thought while saying: "Nowadays, there are Gongqing's families with daughters waiting to be married in Beijing. family, Wei family and Su family, but..."

"The descendants of the Pei family are weak, so they definitely won't be willing to let their daughter marry far away in the north." Fang Zilan said, "Then only the Wei family and the Su family are left. The Wei family and the Huangfu family are both generals, and Huangfu Xin married the Wei family. The daughter doesn't help much either, presumably it's more likely to be married to the Su family."

"But the Su family has been declining these years, and the most popular person in the court is no more than Lord Censor Su Yun..." Xiao Xuan'er suddenly stopped talking, Fang Zilan looked at her and said, "What's wrong?"

"It suddenly occurred to me that Ouyang's family also had a daughter who was waiting to be married, Miss Ouyang Zirou." Xiao Xuan'er laughed at herself, "This Miss Ouyang often goes to and from the workshop, and she doesn't look like a rich family. Forget about her identity as the first daughter of the Ouyang family."

Fang Zilan was stunned, "Zi Rou is the daughter of the Ouyang family?"

"Yes." Xiao Xuan'er smiled and said, "Ouyang's family only has one son and one daughter, and they are regarded as the jewels of the Ouyang family. That's why Miss Ouyang is so free."

"Zirou is very knowledgeable about the art of forging weapons. If she gets married, she may be buried." Fang Zilan sighed softly, and Xiao Xuan'er said softly: "I'm afraid Miss Ouyang can't help herself. The reason why I suddenly think of her is because A few days ago, His Majesty wanted to set up a special position for her in the Ministry of Industry."

A flash of astonishment flashed in Fang Zilan's eyes, "Your Majesty really has this intention?"

"Yes." Xiao Xuan'er looked rather regretful, "But before others spoke, Ouyang's family rejected His Majesty simply because it was inconvenient for women in the boudoir."

Fang Zilan's face turned cold, "If the Ouyang family has this attitude, it's not impossible to marry Zi Rou far away to the north."

Xiao Xuan'er shook her head, "However, Mrs. Ouyang loves Miss Ouyang very much. Rejecting His Majesty is not only for the sake of her daughter's boudoir reputation, but also to keep her by her side. If she really married to the North, she might not want to part with it."

"The boudoir has a good reputation?" Fang Zilan smiled indifferently, Xiao Xuan'er pursed her lips and said, "Master Fang never cared about it, but not all women can be like Master Fang. It is not easy for women to stand up. His reputation has been ruined, especially if he is a wealthy family, who may prove his innocence by death, how dare he make a mistake?"

Fang Zilan was silent for a moment, and then said: "The person I asked you to investigate, how is the investigation?"

"Most of the officials in the government office have clean family backgrounds, but three of them were seconded by Mr. Pei Xiaoze from the Ministry of Household Affairs and have connections with the Pei family. Here are the details." Xiao Xuan'er took out a document from her sleeve and handed it Passed over, "One more thing..."

Fang Zilan took the paperwork, "Speak up if you have something to say."

"It has something to do with Vice General Cao." Xiao Xuan'er said, waving his hands, "Vice General Cao's background has nothing to do with it, it's just that after the Battle of Miluo, His Majesty rewarded him. Although he is still called a Vice General, he is actually a general who can stand alone. Now He is still staying at Lord Fang's residence..."

Fang Zilan understood, "Although there are generals and soldiers registered in the palaces of all the princes and ministers, if Lao Cao is a family general, his reputation is too high."

"That's the truth." Xiao Xuan'er echoed: "A few days ago, after confirmation by the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Rites, they sent people to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing to inquire about related matters, and also asked Vice General Cao himself. He said that he would follow your arrangement, Mr. Fang. But he is a general after all, and if such words reach the ears of those who care, troubles are inevitable."

"I know about this matter." Fang Zilan's expression was gloomy, "I will personally ask for an order in a few years to settle this matter."

Xiao Xuan'er couldn't help asking: "How will Mr. Fang solve it?"

Fang Zilan raised her hand and frowned slightly, "My government office is short of a military commander who leads the whole government. Although the position is not very high, I will not wrong Lao Cao."

Xiao Xuan'er said casually: "It's just that, Vice General Cao is no longer a member of Mr. Fang's house."

"What good is it in my house?" Fang Zilan changed the topic while adding tea, "Speaking of which, Cong Rong, have you checked?"

"I checked, and it is indeed as Miss Cong said, there is no problem." Xiao Xuan'er pondered for a while and said, "But the sisters who went to Qingshuizhuang to investigate found a strange thing."

Fang Zilan looked a little serious, "What is it?"

Xiao Xuan'er frowned slightly, "Everyone in Qingshui Village remembers Miss Cong, but they can't tell."

"What is unclear?" Fang Zilan was full of doubts, and Xiao Xuan'er said: "I also find it strange. The sisters who checked did not speak clearly. Just in case, I want to check again."

"It's okay to check, but you must not show your face." Fang Zilan thought, "You find someone to take the portraits of Cong Rong and other women, and let the people in Qingshuizhuang identify them. If you can't tell, I'm afraid it's not just Cong Rong, Qingshuizhuang also has problems."

Xiao Xuan'er clasped her hands and said, "I'll make arrangements now, and I will definitely live up to Mr. Fang's entrustment."

"You tell the sisters in the workshop to pay attention to safety." Fang Zilan was faintly worried, and Xiao Xuan'er said in a low voice: "The sisters in the workshop have a sense of propriety, please rest assured, Master Fang."

Fang Zilan waved her hand, "You go."

Xiao Xuan'er got up and left, Fang Zilan also stood up and walked to the door, and said loudly: "Shangguan Min, just now the waving part was not strong enough, try again."

Shangguan Min froze in place, "Master Fang, aren't you talking to Sister Xiao?"

"You still care about what I'm doing." Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, "Shangguanmin, you're good at dual-purpose."

"Didn't you teach me Master Fang?" Shangguan Min said with an innocent face: "I have seen all directions and listened to all directions. I did nothing wrong."

Fang Zilan dragged his tongue and said deliberately: "Then what did you hear?"

"I didn't hear anything." Shangguan Min said confidently, "What's more, what do I hear when you girls talk?"

Fang Zilan smiled helplessly, "Okay, keep practicing your gun. Also, what do you call me?"

"Fang Da..." Shangguan Min suddenly stopped, and changed his words: "Master!"

Fang Zilan responded, and before she could say anything, the butler came in a hurry, "Master Fang, the Ministry of Rites is here."

 The turmoil and the secret investigation go hand in hand, Fang Zilan: It is not easy for a worker to rest...

(End of this chapter)

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