Don't ask where people go

Chapter 350 Location

Chapter 350 Location
"That's right." A Wan moved closer to Fang Zilan's side, "If you have accepted all the invitations, how can your body be able to bear the daily socializing? I'm afraid that after the first month, you will have to rest for a month if you don't talk much."

"Xiu Mu?" Fang Zilan said unhappily: "I slept for a few days before, and Mr. Yang came to the door with Mr. Wu. After the first month, there will be new officials in the government office, and they will be busy. How about Hugh?"

Awan sighed, "Then it shouldn't be a problem for you to reject a few unfamiliar companies, right?"

"Rejection is for sure." Fang Zilan looked at the invitations piled up into a hill with concern, "With my body, it would be good if I could manage the fifth day of my family well. Other prefectures, except Zhuge's, Except for the Wei family, Ouyang family, and the Fang family, please reject them all."

Hearing that Awan dug out the invitations of these families from a stack of invitations, and frowned after reading it, she said: "The day of Zhuge's family's banquet is connected with our family's, and it is on the fourth day. The Wei family's The day is also very close, it is the seventh day of the lunar new year."

"Even if I go, it's just a formality, and it's okay if the days are all gathered together." Fang Zilan took the invitation from A Wan and put it away properly, "A Yu and I have a friendship, and Master Wei is here in Qi Luo Cheng has saved my life, and I promised to help with Zirou's matter, but I have to go to save face for her, and I can't shirk it."

"What about the Fang family?" A Wan looked a little uneasy, "The third lady of the Fang family said that she has the same name as you, but you know what's going on in your heart. Who knows what the Fang family's intentions are for making such a move?"

"No matter what the Fang family's intentions are, I will go." Fang Zilan looked tired, "There are some things that cannot be avoided. Only when I go, can I know what the Fang family is going to do."

A Wan's expression turned serious, "So you went to Fang's house to check on the third lady?"

Fang Zilan hummed, she didn't want A Wan to know too much, lest she would be discovered by the people in the ghost gate and cause trouble for A Wan, so she might as well let A Wan misunderstand her like this.

"Since you've made a decision, it's useless for me to say more." A Wan stood up and said, "It's getting late, you should go to bed early."

After A Wan left, Fang Zilan took out the document Xiao Xuaner gave her from her sleeve, and put it together with the one Xue Haoyu had sent earlier.

For some reason, she always felt that this matter was not easy. Even if the Ministry of Rituals did not deal with her, they did not dare to make a fuss about the year-end ceremony.After all, if something goes wrong, the official position of Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites will definitely be lost. Whether he can keep his wealth and life is another matter.

Could it be that the Ministry of Rites has decided that she will swallow her anger because the year-end ceremony is related to the fate of the country, and won't make trouble?
But the rabbit can bite people when it's in a hurry, the Ministry of Rites has been targeting her for more than a year, do you really think she has a good temper?
She won't say anything tomorrow, but after the New Year's Eve...

Fang Zilan's expression was gloomy. She participated in the year-end ceremony for the first time, and she didn't know what it would be like. Let's wait until tomorrow.

The next day was New Year's Eve, Fang Zilan didn't sleep well at night, but fell asleep for a while after dawn.A Wan came in and yelled several times before pulling her out of the quilt.

While putting on Fang Zilan's court clothes, A Wan muttered, "Master Fang, you are really big-hearted, and you are still confused after sleeping. You must know that today is New Year's Eve, and you are going to the year-end ceremony. If you are late A great sin."

"It's too late." Fang Zilan half-closed her eyes and yawned, "You see, Miss Cong is not in a hurry."

On the other side, Cong Rong, who was tidying up Fang Zilan's sleeves, said, "Master Fang, I'm not in a hurry because I'm short-sighted, I don't understand anything, and I can't prioritize. Unlike Miss Awan, who knows everything. "

"Sometimes, it's useless to be anxious." Fang Zilan's voice was a little hoarse, "It's better to do everything in hand, and come faster."

A Wan shot Fang Zilan a hard look, "It's really that adults are not in a hurry, I just don't need to worry about it."

Cong Rong smiled, looked into the mirror and said, "Okay, Master Fang, let's see how it goes."

Fang Zilan tried her best, "It's good." As soon as she finished speaking, Xiao Xuan'er walked in.

"Master Fang, I'm afraid it's too late for breakfast at this hour. I made some porridge, you can use some." Xiao Xuan'er said, and put the pastry in her hand on the table.

"Miss Lao Xiao." Fang Zilan took a piece of pastry casually, "Has Lao Cao had breakfast? If not, send him some. The festival is not short, so we can't go hungry."

"Deputy General Cao got up much earlier than you, so you should worry about yourself." A Wan made up the bed and made some sarcasm.

Fang Zilan was blocked by A Wan's words, so she focused on eating and drinking, and heard her say: "Mr. Wen will deliver the medicine later, you can leave after taking the medicine."

"Okay." Fang Zilan wiped her mouth, waited for Wen Ya to bring the medicine, after she took it, she went to the altar with Deputy General Cao.

When the two arrived, it was less than three quarters before the start of the ceremony, so they were relatively late among all the officials.

"Boss, you are at the front, so go ahead." Deputy Cao Fang Zilan said: "My position is at the back, just stand there and go."

Fang Zilan was still worried, "Did you remember everything I told you?"

"Remember." Vice-General Cao grinned and said, "Show more salutes and less talk, Boss, don't worry."

"Okay, then I'll go first." Fang Zilan said and walked forward, but before she got to her place, she heard a noise from behind.

She looked back, but saw a military general pulling Deputy General Cao talking about something, surrounded by several people, all chattering.

"Master Fang." Seeing this scene not far away, Zhuge Yu called to Fang Zilan who was about to walk back, "The ceremony is about to begin."

"I know." Fang Zilan was about to walk there, Wei Subaru, who was a few steps away from her, followed, "As long as Master Fang is around, there will always be fun to watch."

Fang Zilan's expression froze, ignored Wei Subaru's words, walked over and said, "The ceremony is about to begin, what's the proper way for you to be so noisy here?"

The general who was holding Deputy General Cao let go of his hand, and saluted: "Master Wei, Lord Fang, please be clear, this is my position, but General Cao said it was his. We both hold our own opinions, so we have to ask The adults from the Ministry of Rituals will come and see who owns this position."

Deputy General Cao looked puzzled, Fang Zilan said in a low voice: "I remember that the document sent by the Ministry of Rites said that Lao Cao's location is indeed here."

As soon as she said this, the general turned pale immediately, "Lord Fang, you..."

"I don't plan to do anything." Fang Zilan interrupted him in a cold voice, "The ceremony is coming soon, and none of you present here must want to make a big fuss. Since the adults from the Ministry of Rites are all here, why don't you hurry up and clarify what's going on? "

 The truth is, the ranking is not against Fang Zilan, but against Vice General Cao

(End of this chapter)

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