Chapter 351
A few people in the Ministry of Rituals at the side all showed embarrassment, the rankings had been arranged long ago, and the documents had been delivered to each government. After such a long time, who would remember who these two unnamed generals were in front of and behind? Woolen cloth?

No one spoke for a while, Fang Zilan's face sank like water, "It's very good, since the adults can't explain why, then I invite the Minister of the Ministry of Rites to come and talk about it in person."

Before Wei Subaru had time to stop her, she heard her raise her voice: "I don't know where the Minister of Rites is? Why did something go wrong with the good position?"

Minister of the Ministry of Rites heard the sound and came over. It was Wang Quanrui, the younger brother of Wang Quanzhi, the head of the royal family in the northern region, and the celebrity in front of the Empress Dowager.

Although his eyes and ears are not as sharp as Fang Zilan and Wei Subaru, but fortunately he is not too far away, so he has listened more or less and knows the cause and effect.

"Lord Fang, calm down." Wang Quanrui bowed his hands and said, "The people below are not doing their job well, and the two generals are troubled."

"Master Wang, you don't need to tell me these nonsense. The ceremony is coming soon, and if something goes wrong, none of us can bear it." Fang Zilan said with a cold face, "Master Wang should sort out the ranking quickly."

"Yes." Wang Quanrui stood up straight, and shouted at the people beside him: "What's the matter with you, don't you hurry up and lead the two generals to their respective positions?"

Several people faltered and dared not respond, Fang Zilan snorted coldly, "Masters, could it be that you are busy with your affairs and have forgotten your rank?"

Hearing this, several people gasped. If something went wrong at this juncture, they would be doomed, and family members might be implicated.

Fang Zilan glanced at several people one by one, and sneered: "It's ridiculous that there are so many people in your ceremonial department, but no one remembers the ranks of the two generals?"

Everyone in the Ministry of Rites was silent, and Zhuge Yu came over at some point, "The ceremony will start in a moment, why don't you just stand in accordance with the court uniform."

"Boss..." As soon as Deputy General Cao spoke, he heard someone say: "Don't worry, my lords, I still remember the rank."

Fang Zilan followed the voice and saw Xue Haoyu running over in a hurry, "My lords, please don't blame me. The officer stood a little far away, so I couldn't arrive in time."

Fang Zilan's expression softened slightly, "Master Xue, don't gossip, hurry up and help sort out the important things."

Xue Haoyu cleared his throat and read out the correct position. Only then did Fang Zilan know that there was indeed a problem with the position of Deputy General Cao, and was moved several places back.

After everyone stood still according to Xue Haoyu's words, he saluted everyone and ran back quickly.At the same time, the servant's voice sounded, and Li Shengxuan and Fang Ziqin arrived.

"Lord Fang, don't delay, go back quickly." Wei Subaru looked at Fang Zilan, only to see her nod her head, and the two quickly returned to their original positions with light toes.

Fang Zilan let out a long sigh of relief, but luckily there was no danger.She lowered her head and kowtowed and saluted with all the officials, and finished the process of the ceremony.

After the year-end ceremony, all officials entered the palace to pay their respects as usual.Fang Zilan looked at the crowd who dispersed in twos and threes, and summoned Deputy General Cao, saying: "I'll go back to the mansion to rest for a while. After lunch, you take my token and take Guan Min to the Ministry of Industry, and take the craftsman who came to our mansion yesterday To my name."

"Okay." Deputy General Cao agreed, "Boss, won't you enter the palace to pay your respects?"

"I still have to save my strength to watch the New Year's drama in the afternoon, so please save it." Fang Zilan looked tired, "You go."

"Boss, you..." Deputy General Cao wanted to say something more, but Fang Zilan stopped him with a look.He turned his head to look, but saw Wang Quanrui standing not far from them, as if he had been standing there for a while.

Seeing this, Deputy General Cao stopped talking, turned around and left.As soon as he left, Wang Quanrui came over, "Master Fang, I'm sorry for today's facts, please give me some time, and I will definitely give you an explanation."

"Okay." Fang Zilan nodded slightly, "But I have something to say first, if Mr. Wang hasn't explained to me before the restoration of the court, don't blame me for going to the imperial court to sue you."

Wang Quanrui didn't expect her to be so easy to talk, he couldn't help being stunned, and bowed his hands and said: "Master Fang, please don't worry."

Fang Zilan hooked the corners of her lips, "You don't have to be like this, Lord Wang, I just don't think you would do such a stupid thing. Last New Year's Eve, the former Minister of Rites was dismissed from his post and exiled because of a problem with the props used in the New Year's Opera. Lord Wang Only then was he promoted to Minister of the Ministry of Rites. The lesson learned from the past was only one year old, and it was still the same New Year’s Eve, I think Mr. Wang will not forget it so quickly."

"What Master Fang said is true." Wang Quanrui lowered his head and did not dare to look at her, but only heard her say: "Then I will wait for the good news of Master Wang."

After she finished speaking, she left straight away. Wang Quanrui looked at her back with a meaningful smile on his face.

Fang Zilan went back to the mansion to rest for a while, and after lunch, she leisurely strolled to the tower of Miyagi.She arrived a little early, so she leaned against the wall to look at the stage below, and chatted with the upstarts from aristocratic families wearing costumes in twos and threes beside the stage.

This year's social drama is still organized by Yucheng Wang Li Qiyou, as expected, he is also below, as if checking the props.Things went wrong like that last year, this year he looks a lot more cautious.

"I didn't see the Duke of Yue in the palace just now, and I never thought that the Duke of Yue would blow the wind on the city." Pei Juanqing came slowly, "The Duke of Yue is just recovering from a serious illness, so it's better to take care of it."

"Thank you for the reminder, Duke Juan." Fang Zilan coughed, "Why didn't Duke Juan stay in the palace for a while?"

Pei Juanqing said softly: "Nowadays, only new faces are entering the palace to pay their respects. I really can't stay as an old man."

He meant something, and Fang Zilan responded in a lukewarm manner, "I heard that the Ministry of Officials has recommended many newcomers since it implemented reforms in the administration of officials."

"I heard?" Pei Juanqing glanced at her, "Is there no new person in the government office of Duke Yue?"

Fang Zilan nodded and said: "Of course there are a few, but I've been sick lately, and I really don't have the energy to pay attention to any newcomers."

"Really?" Pei Juanqing said noncommittally: "I heard that the newcomers in the yamen of the Duke of Yue made trouble in the mansion and disturbed the Duke of Yue's recuperation. The Duke of Yue should not be too conniving."

"The people in my government office, I will discipline myself." Fang Zilan looked a little cold, "I don't need to bother the Duke."

Pei Juanqing didn't speak any more, and after a short while other ministers also arrived one after another, after Li Shengxuan went up to the gate tower, everyone saluted one after another.

Soon the social play started, and Fang Zilan was not interested in watching it. After all, she was also a person who participated in the show once, and she still had an impression of every play.However, although the content of the social drama has not changed, the costumes and props are obviously more luxurious and exquisite. Looking around, it is golden and dazzling.

 No surprises, the beginning of the new year~
(End of this chapter)

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