Chapter 352 Back
Fang Zilan heard the two small officials standing at the bottom whispering:

"Although the New Year's drama is related to the national destiny, isn't this too extravagant?"

"Shhh, keep your voice down, don't let Lord Jue overhear. I heard that the household department paid a lot of money to please His Royal Highness King Yucheng in this social drama."

She couldn't help looking at Pei Yuqing when she heard this, but saw that he was unmoved at all, as if she hadn't heard of it at all.

"Why does Mr. Fang look so pale?" Zhuge Yu's deliberately lowered voice reached Fang Zilan's ears. She shook her head and said softly, "It's nothing, it's just a headache after the wind blows for a long time."

"You're still sick?" Zhuge Yu's voice became more concerned, and Fang Zilan hummed lightly.

After the social drama ended, Li Shengxuan left straight away, and all the officials dispersed one after another. Fang Zilan leaned against the city wall to slow down, and then walked down slowly.

"Boss." Deputy General Cao saw her figure from a distance, and waved his hand, "How are you, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I can hold on." Fang Zilan walked to him, her face turned pale, "Why did you come?"

"I'm worried. I came straight after I came out from the Ministry of Industry." Deputy General Cao helped her into the carriage. After she sat down, she lifted the curtain and asked, "Is anyone coming?"

"It's coming." Deputy General Cao added, "After Shangguanmin and I explained our intentions, the guards from the Ministry of Works immediately agreed to come, and the craftsman went through the process without saying a word. Now he is in our house. people.

"Don't say anything else?" Fang Zilan frowned slightly, "He agreed so easily?"

Deputy General Cao touched the back of his head, "Boss, what's the problem?"

Fang Zilan waved her hand, "Forget it, let's go back to the house first." After she said that, she put down the curtain of the car and sat down with her eyes closed.

The carriage drove into the mansion quickly, and Fang Zilan just got out of the car when a maid handed her a hand warmer. She took it and thanked her, then went straight to the front hall.

In the hall, Xiao Xuan'er and Cong Rong were busy setting the table for the New Year's Eve dinner. Shangguan Min stood aside as if he wanted to help, but he didn't know what to do.

Fang Zilan stood at the entrance of the hall, supported the door frame to stabilize her body, and said, "Shangguanmin, if you have nothing to do, go to Awan and help her take out all the firecrackers and fireworks."

"Master." Shangguan Min walked over to help her, but she waved her hand and said, "Don't pay attention to me, go."

Shangguanmin hesitated for a moment, Fang Zilan said helplessly: "Shangguanmin, if you don't set off the fireworks well at night, you can practice an extra hour in the morning class tomorrow."

"Okay." Shangguan Min nodded, finally showing a little joy on his face, "I'll go get ready now."

Fang Zilan watched his back disappear around the corner, and then walked into the hall and said, "Miss Xiao, Miss Cong, thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard." Cong Rong smiled, "Mr. Wen is really hard. He said he would cook a medicinal meal for you, and he occupied the small kitchen for almost an afternoon."

Fang Zilan was stunned, "It's this hour, Mr. Wen is still in the small kitchen?"

"Should still be there." The person who answered her was Xiao Xuan'er, "I passed the small kitchen when I went to the back kitchen just now, and saw Mr. Wen still busy with a servant."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan was puzzled, Wen Ya's medicine was never handled by others, and he always finished it by himself. Did the sun come out from the west today?

Thinking of this, she collected her expression and said, "You guys do your work first, I'll go to the small kitchen to see Mr. Wen."

After she finished speaking, she walked towards the small kitchen on her own, but when she approached, she couldn't help but froze in place.

Although the person standing in front of the stove was wearing the clothes of a servant, but his figure was familiar to her and engraved in her memory.

The feeling of almost peace of mind made her tense for a day suddenly loosen, and she staggered under her feet. She subconsciously grabbed the door, so she didn't fall over.

The next moment, the person who was originally standing in front of the stove walked over quickly to support her shoulders, a faint smile appeared on his bloodless face, "Lan Lan, I'm back."

Fang Zilan raised her head, stared at the person in front of her, her eyes were sore, "You..."

The Wheel-Turning King wiped her eyes, "Why are you crying?"

Fang Zilan grabbed his hand, looking anxious, "You can protect yourself, why save Mo Han?"

"If Mo Han gets hurt, you will be sad." The Wheel-Turning King smiled with a gentle expression, "I'm used to being hurt, and you are used to it, aren't you?"

"I'm not used to it." Fang Zilan took advantage of the opportunity to pull his collar, but was stopped by him, "Since I can come to see you, I will be fine, why do you..."

Fang Zilan's hand stopped in mid-air, took a deep breath to calm down, "Okay, I won't look at it, and I won't ask."

Wen Ya, who was standing inside, looked at the two of them, shook his head and said, "It's cold outside, so we'll talk when you come in."

Hearing the sound, Fang Zilan remembered that Wen Ya was still there, she closed her cloak and walked in, "I heard that Mr. Wen is making medicinal food for me, I don't know what he is doing..."

Her voice stopped abruptly, this light plum blossom fragrance is plum blossom soup!
She suddenly turned her head to look at the wheel-turning king, "" She said you several times in a row, but she seemed to be blocked and couldn't say the rest.Emotions surged up in the chest, there was anger and distress, but the most was sadness.

As if unable to hold on any longer, Fang Zilan squatted on the ground, crying loudly, "Why are you..."

The Wheel-Turning King dragged her up from the ground helplessly, she stretched out her arms and hugged him, leaning her head in his arms, "I'm not used to it, I'm also sad, I..."

Fang Zilan spoke incoherently, the wheel king pursed his lips, and finally raised his hand to hug her back.

Seeing this, Wen Ya walked out and stood with her back in front of the door.He looked up at the sky, and there were still large swathes of cloud gathering, and he thought it would snow again soon.

The burning firewood in the house made a slight crackling sound, and the fragrance of plum blossoms lingered, surrounding the two embracing each other.

After an unknown amount of time, the King of the Wheel coughed lightly, "Well, the plum blossom soup is going to be overcooked."

Fang Zilan let go of her hand slowly, said with a straight face, "I know everything."

"Mr. Wen told me." Zhuanlun Wang nodded honestly, Fang Zilan glared at him, "Aren't you afraid that I will pour out the plum blossom soup you worked so hard to make in a fit of anger, and won't let you make it again?"

The Wheel-Running King laughed softly, "It's possible not to let me do it again, but it's too bad..." He deliberately dragged his tongue, "You don't want to."

Fang Zilan made a gesture to hit him, but he didn't dodge or dodge and was punched by her, and then stepped back and coughed for a while while leaning on the stove, "Have you relieved your anger?"

"You are really..." Fang Zilan gritted her teeth and said, "I will let Wen Ya undo the Gu on you. I can die, but you can't die with me."

"If you die, I will not be able to live." The Wheel-Turning King said seriously, "My mission in this life is to live and die for you."

 Year after year, the old man's heart is still held
(End of this chapter)

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