Don't ask where people go

Chapter 382 Preparation

Chapter 382 Preparation
The days are getting warmer day by day, and it is already spring and March in a blink of an eye.

The annual spring hunting is just five days away, and a group of people from various governments and ministries have started preparations early. Compared with the busyness of everyone, Fang Zilan looks particularly leisurely.

"Lord Fang, all the necessary things are ready, do you think there is anything else you want to buy?" Xiao Xuan'er handed over the list in her hand, Fang Zilan took it, and put it on the table, "I don't worry about your work, Nothing to see."

"Although Tiancheng Mountain is only two or three days away from Beijing, it's still more than half a month for Chunshou." Cong Rong was helping to count things, and said while busy: "There must be no less things that should be prepared."

Fang Zilan smiled helplessly, "You two, why are you more concerned than me?"

While the three were chatting and joking, Awan ran in bouncingly, holding a large box of medicinal materials in his hand, and said excitedly: "This time the medicinal materials have dried well, I think the medicinal effect must be good."

Fang Zilan coughed lightly, and said, "Awan, you are going to accompany me, do you still need to bring so many herbs?"

"That's too much?" Awan talked about each medicinal material and its use one by one in a serious manner. Fang Zilan felt a headache, and hurriedly said: "Stop, you can bring whatever you want, can't I leave it alone?"

Xiao Xuan'er and Cong Rong couldn't help laughing, Fang Zilan suddenly remembered something, and asked: "How are Lao Cao and Zheng Yan's preparations going, have you asked?"

"General Zheng..." Cong Rong hesitated and didn't know what to say, but Fang Zilan knew it in her heart, "I'll ask in person later." She stood up and walked out.

Zheng Yan is the new general in her family. Originally, she didn't intend to support the generals and soldiers, but she couldn't help Lao Cao to worry too much. She always felt that after she established her own family, no one in the mansion would protect her.

So under Lao Cao's efforts, her family has all the generals and soldiers in her mansion, which looks majestic.

Lao Cao was very satisfied, and she also felt very good. After all, Zheng Yan's skill is so good that there is nothing to say, and it is no problem to knock down three Shangguanmin.Moreover, he is meticulous, capable and extremely capable. The government soldiers were handed over to him, and they were trained to look good in less than ten days.

However, although Zheng Yan has many advantages, but he has an unsmiling and iceberg face that is cold on the outside and even colder on the inside, coupled with the unique murderous aura of a member of the army, the servants and maids in the mansion are scared to detour when they see him.

The deterrent effect is enough, but it is also a bit too much.Even Awan kept silent when she saw him, she was extremely cute, let alone other people.

Thinking of this, Fang Zilan sighed involuntarily, and didn't know who Lao Cao had dealt with in the past half of his life.Not only can we dig out Lu Chang's background, but we can also find a person like Zheng Yan who is full of skills, but does not show his talents and has no rank.

Sure enough, her vision was still good.Back then, the two lieutenants she brought out from Daying in the suburbs of Beijing, one was in charge of the northern border, and the other was independent in the capital, which is great.

She felt emotional in her heart, and her steps slowed down a little.

Not far away, Zheng Yan was sitting in the pavilion, Shangguan Min was talking to him for some reason, gesticulating with great interest, but his face remained expressionless.

If it hadn't been for these days, Fang Zilan would almost have thought that Zheng Yan wasn't listening to Shangguan Min at all.

Fang Zilan walked over, Zheng Yan immediately stood up and bowed, "Master Fang."

"You don't need to be too polite." Fang Zilan waved her hand, motioned Zheng Yan to sit back, and then sat down herself, saying: "I have nothing to do, just came to ask you how your preparations for spring hunting are going, if you need anything, feel free Just open your mouth."

"Ready." Zheng Yan said concisely, Fang Zilan nodded slightly, "That's good."

Zheng Yan didn't speak, and was very quiet for a while. Fang Zilan was a little embarrassed, and said without words: "These days, Shangguanmin's morning classes are all up to you. I don't know if this child is lazy?"

"Never." Zheng Yan answered quickly, but after two simple words, there was no further text.

Fang Zilan pursed her lips, looked at Shangguanmin, he reacted abruptly, and said, "Master, don't worry, I have always been diligent and will not be lazy."

"How can you praise yourself so much?" Fang Zilan smiled a little more, and Shangguan Min followed suit, and continued: "Master, I was just talking about the bow and crossbow made by Master Lu with General Zheng, but I didn't expect General Zheng's opinion to be quite I am ashamed to be unique.”

"Really?" A flash of surprise flashed in Fang Zilan's eyes, and Shangguanmin nodded, "Yes."

The two talked lively, but Zheng Yan was completely unmoved, not even raising his eyelids.

Shangguan Min laughed dryly, feeling that his praise was like a pile of sand that would be blown away by the cold wind named Zheng Yan.

Fang Zilan felt bored, and after a few words with Shangguanmin, she claimed that something was wrong, ended the conversation hastily, and went back to the room to rest.

As soon as she returned to the room, she saw Awan running in, approaching her mysteriously, and said in a low voice, "Fang Zilan, I have something to ask you."

"Tell me." Fang Zilan nodded slightly, and A Wan hesitated for a moment before asking, "Will my master also go to the Spring Hunt this time?"

"Probably." Fang Zilan said lightly, "Why did you suddenly think of asking this?"

"What do you mean should be?" A Wan glared at her angrily, "You can confirm it for me."

Fang Zilan looked at her amusedly, "You are so righteous in asking for help, you are really not sincere."

A Wan took a deep breath, "I don't care, will you help or not?"

"Do you have something to do with Wen Ya?" Fang Zilan asked without answering, and A Wan said in a soft tone: "Last time when you were stimulated and passed out, I suddenly had an inspiration and thought of a new prescription. But this prescription is more risky. I am afraid that I will accidentally kill you with medicine, so I want to discuss it with my master first."

Fang Zilan stared fixedly at the person in front of her, making her feel hairy, "Why are you staring at me like that?"

"I'm afraid you'll kill me with medicine." Fang Zilan raised her hand and pinched her face, "You, besides practicing medicine, can you think about other things?"

A Wan grabbed her wrist, trying to stop her movement, "For example?"

Fang Zilan interjected: "For example, Chunshou has many eyes, even if Wen Ya is gone, how will you meet him?"

"I've thought about this a long time ago." A Wan said happily: "When the time comes, you pretend to be sick, and I say I can't be cured, so naturally you can invite Master over."

"Chunshou, do you want me to pretend to be sick?" Fang Zilan gritted her teeth, thinking that this kind of time is always a good time for generals to show off, but her little Awan is fine, and she actually wants her to pretend to be sick?
A Wan didn't know why, so she wondered, "Can't you? Anyway, with your body, I won't allow you to go hunting."

Fang Zilan was so angry that she hummed, and Awan had an innocent face, "If you don't agree, forget it, I'll think of another way."

"Okay, I promise you." Fang Zilan sighed, "You have arranged everything, so what objection can I have?"

 In the next chapter, Haruna is going~
(End of this chapter)

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