Chapter 383
Fang Zilan looked around, with a wide field of vision and lush water and grass, which was completely different from the deep forest and dense trees in the mountains.She sighed in her heart, Tiancheng Mountain really deserves to be a royal hunting ground with the reputation of ten steps and one view. The scenery in the four places is different, but they are all excellent.

She lay leisurely on the grass, looking at the sky high and the clouds wide, she felt indescribably happy.

It's a nice place, but it's a shame it's never open to the public.

Thinking of this, she involuntarily closed her eyes.There was a whistling wind in the ears, the horseshoes shook the ground, startling the birds.

someone is coming.

Fang Zilan opened her eyes suddenly, but did not get up.The visitor reined in his horse and stopped not far away, got off his horse, and said in a loud voice: "Master Fang is so leisurely, it is enviable."

Hearing the sound, Fang Zilan smiled softly, "Ayu, you are accompanying His Majesty, why come to find me when you have time?"

"Your Majesty went hunting in the forest." Zhuge Yu came over and sat beside her, "Why doesn't Sister Lan go?"

"I haven't recovered from a long illness, so I won't join in the fun." Fang Zilan sat up and stretched her waist, "What's more, this year, General Huangfu Xin from the Huangfu family and General Dugu Ming from the Dugu family are here, and young people should be allowed to come out. Showing off is what it is.”

"Sister Lan's words..." Zhuge Yu smiled and shook his head, but did not continue.

Fang Zilan asked, "What do I say?"

"It's very arrogant." Zhuge Yu said concisely, Fang Zilan shrugged helplessly, "I'm just telling the truth. If I make a move, they will have nothing to do."

Zhuge Yu was noncommittal, Fang Zilan said to himself: "Spring hunting is a ritual, I'm not interested in this kind of thing that is more formal than content, just go through the motions. Fortunately, the scenery of Tiancheng Mountain is good, I am happy to enjoy the scenery, and it is not boring. "

Zhuge Yu still smiled lightly, and changed his voice calmly, "I heard that Sister Lan's house has a new general, is it General Zheng Yan? Why haven't you seen him?"

"Zheng Yan's temperament is a bit colder, and he doesn't like excitement. He said early in the morning that he would not participate in hunting if it is not necessary." Fang Zilan said, looking in a certain direction, and said in a low voice: "Now he should be nearby, and I'm the same, stealing half a day's leisure."

"Sister Lan is accompanied by someone, so I don't worry." Zhuge Yu nodded slightly, "When the son of Zhongzheng went to Baiye Temple to offer incense, there was no one to accompany him, so he was injured and healed for a long time."

He paused, his voice lowered a bit, "Even Shizi's wife was frightened, and she was lingering on the sick bed, so far she can't leave the house."

Fang Zilan didn't respond, just asked casually, "Have you asked the doctor to see it?"

"I've seen it, and the imperial physician in the palace has also gone several times, but it still hasn't improved." Zhuge Yu looked at Fang Zilan with deep eyes. So sick?"

"Ah Yu is so curious, why don't you ask the masters in the monastery?" Fang Zilan didn't answer the question instead, Zhuge Yu calmed down and said, "Of course I asked, so I knew that Sister Lan was there that day."

"It's not easy to be a loyal son. A Yu should be more careful when he checks." Fang Zilan half-jokingly half-seriously said: "Don't fold yourself into it."

"Thank you, Sister Lan, for reminding me. I'll make a note of it." Zhuge Yu gave a polite salute, and Fang Zilan waved his hand and said, "It's just chatting, Ayu, why are you so serious?"

Zhuge Yu didn't speak, Fang Zilan laid his hands behind his head and lay back again, and said quietly: "Calculated, it's the seventh day of the Spring Hunting so far, and we have to return in three days, right?"

"Yes." Zhuge Yu suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Mr. Wen followed Sister Lan for a follow-up visit two days ago. How was the result?"

"It's pretty good." Fang Zilan said perfunctorily: "Mr. Wen said that my illness has been almost cured, but I still need to pay attention to rest and recuperate, and don't be too tired or anything."

Zhuge Yu breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good. Sister Lu Yulan, you looked a little scary before. Now that you are well, I can rest assured."

"I'm sorry, Ayu." While being polite to him, Fang Zilan thought to herself that Wen Ya said it was for her follow-up visit, but A Wan dragged her here to discuss the prescription.If it wasn't for Wen Ya's insistence, A Wan might not even let him take her pulse.

When mentioning the little girl Awan, Fang Zilan's expression was helpless.But thanks to Awan, the whole world now knows that she is not in good health. The spring hunting has been halfway through, and almost no one is looking for her, so she has a chance to take a break.In addition, with Zheng Yan by her side, even if she appeared in front of everyone, no one took the initiative to come to her side, which made her much cleaner.

"Although it's spring now, the weather is changeable, Sister Lan still needs to pay more attention." Zhuge Yu said with concern: "I see that Sister Lan's clothes are thin, don't catch cold."

"I think the weather is good today, so I threw the cloak in the saddle bag." Fang Zilan looked around, and said nonchalantly: "My horse is very playful, and I don't know where to run wild now, and I should take care of it later. I'm back."

Zhuge Yu coughed lightly, "Sister Lan's heart is wide..."

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by a rush of hoofbeats, followed by Huangfu Xin's anxious "Master Fang".

Fang Zilan sat up and looked back, only to see Huangfu Xin jumped off the horse and walked over quickly. After a quick salute, he breathed a sigh of relief, "Master Fang, I finally found you."

"What is General Huangfu looking for?" Fang Zilan stood up and straightened her sleeves.

Huangfu Xin looked serious, and said: "Wei Changtai took advantage of His Majesty's departure from the capital to manipulate military amulets and privately transfer soldiers and horses from the camp in the suburbs of Beijing, with the intention of rebelling. According to reports from spies, Shangguan Min was involved, and the situation is unknown."

"What did you say?" Fang Zilan and Zhuge Yu said in unison, with suspicion in their eyes.

Huangfu Xin said solemnly: "Now the Duke of Wei Guo has ordered to capture Wei Changtai and reorganize the camp on the outskirts of Beijing. He has already returned to Beijing first. His Majesty ordered all the accompanying generals to go to the Xinggong, please Mr. Fang to go there as soon as possible."

Fang Zilan nodded in response, "Okay, I'll go there now."

"Sister Lan, your horse..." Zhuge Yu had just finished speaking when Fang Zilan whistled, and a fine horse appeared and stopped in front of her.

Fang Zilan got on the horse neatly, shouted, "Zheng Yan, go to the palace." Then she ran towards the palace without looking back.

She hadn't ridden far before Zheng Yan followed on horseback.Zhuge Yu looked at the backs of the two and remained silent.

Huangfu Xin saluted, "Master Zhuge, take your leave." Then he also rode his horse to chase after him.

"Lord Fang, Shangguanmin..." Huangfu Xin's voice came from behind, Fang Zilan didn't look back, and said word by word: "I trust him."

Huangfu Xin stopped talking, Fang Zilan only felt uneasy.Of course Shangguan Min would not rebel. If he was involved, he would most likely be used by others.

But Wei Changtai is Wei Subaru's uncle, and has nothing to do with Shangguan Min.And is Wei Changtai out of his mind?To actually manipulate the soldier talisman to plot rebellion, even if you think with your toes, you know that it is impossible to succeed...

No, something is wrong.

Fang Zilan's hand holding the rein gradually tightened, that's right, Wei Subaru moved too fast.

As soon as Tiancheng Mountain got the news, Wei Subaru had already returned to Beijing, as if someone had tipped him off in advance.

 Fang Zilan: Another day of stealing and failing, when will Shangguan Min be able to grow up?
(End of this chapter)

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