Chapter 384 Doubt
All the generals gathered in the palace, and when Fang Zilan arrived, everyone was already discussing the issue of the soldier system.She saluted and stood aside.After listening for a while, she became more and more puzzled.

Wei Changtai's treason was like a child's play, and everyone present knew this very well.The key is knowing that you will lose, why do you want to fight against it?Could it be that he was tired of living and chose a different way of death for himself?
But everyone in the room seemed to have ignored this issue. The focus of the discussion was mainly on how to correct the soldier talisman, why the lieutenant general failed to find out the problem with the soldier talisman in time, and how many lieutenant generals are required to be present when using the soldier talisman is more reasonable...

And so on, it can't be said that the cart is putting the cart before the horse, but there is always a strange sense of disobedience.

Fang Zilan calmed down, simply stopped listening to their words, carefully sorted out her thoughts, and finally found the strangeness.

It is inevitable for Wei Subaru to act quickly. After all, if this matter is not handled properly, it will be difficult for the Wei family to secure the Ministry of War, and it will be difficult to retain the control of the camp in the suburbs of Beijing. But he reacted so quickly, unless he focused on Wei Changtai from the beginning.

This point is a bit unreasonable, Wei Changtai is insignificant in the Wei family, it is impossible for Wei Subaru to send someone to keep an eye on it, if it involves Wei Yi, it makes sense.I heard that Wei Yi has held a grudge against Wei Subaru since he lost his position as Patriarch. It is normal for these two people to keep a close eye on each other. Then Wei Changtai...

Fang Zilan raised her hand and frowned slightly, leaving aside Wei Changtai's motives, who would be the one who tipped off Wei Subaru?Is it someone from within the Wei family, or someone from the other family and the Wei family who reciprocated?Or did Wei Subaru himself discover something unusual early on?
She thought for a while, and first ruled out the last possibility. Although she didn't have much contact with Wei Subaru, she could tell that although he was extremely sensitive, he was cold in his bones. worry.

"Duke Yue, tell me." Li Shengxuan's voice sounded suddenly, Fang Zilan was stunned, and subconsciously asked: "What?"

Standing behind her, Huangfu Xin coughed, and reminded in a low voice: "Lord Fang, Your Majesty asks you what you think of Wei Changtai's counterfeit military talisman conspiracy."

Fang Zilan didn't speak, Li Shengxuan looked at her with great interest, "Duke Yue didn't say a word, what are you thinking?"

"Please forgive me, Your Majesty." Fang Zilan bowed, "I was just wondering why Wei Changtai did this."

Li Shengxuan said in a low voice: "Did Duke Yue think of it?"

"Not yet." Fang Zilan shook her head, "I think this matter is strange, no matter who looks at it, the rebellion is impossible to succeed. In this case, Wei Changtai's move, in addition to taking his own life and dragging Wei into the water, also What's the benefit?"

All the generals present, even if they are not under the Wei family, are closely related to the military department in Wei's hands.Therefore, few people think about dragging Wei into the water.Now that Fang Zilan directly punctured her, she couldn't help but look at Li Shengxuan.

Li Shengxuan was thoughtful, "What do you guys think? You might as well express your own opinions."

No one spoke for a while, Xia Houzhang stood up after a while, and said: "There are such people in the Wei clan who have committed trouble, and they will inevitably be implicated. It is an oversight to say the least. However, Wei clan members are different , Duke Wei bears the brunt, as for the others..."

He didn't go on, Fang Zilan's heart trembled, according to Li Shengxuan's temper, except for the main criminal and the accessory criminals, the other people implicated would not be punished too severely.If Wei Yi took this opportunity to suppress Wei Subaru and fight for the position of Patriarch, it is not impossible.

"Master Xiahou's words are wrong." Huangfu Xin said neither humble nor overbearing: "Even though Wei Changtai's rebellion this time, even if he will definitely lose, if Wei Guogong didn't find out in time, I'm afraid there might be a disaster. Even if Wei Guogong is ignorant The mistakes can be offset by the merits and demerits."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes fell on Huangfu Xin, as if no one thought that he would stand up and speak for Wei Subaru.

"Although General Huangfu's words are reasonable, His Majesty has always had the final say on merits and demerits, rewards and punishments, so don't overstep." Fang Zilan raised a point lightly, but Huangfu Xin was unmoved at all, "Does Master Fang think that Is it the Duke of Wei's fault?"

Fang Zilan frowned slightly, "Why did General Huangfu say that?"

"I heard that someone from Mr. Fang's house got involved." Huangfu Xin said calmly, "I thought Mr. Fang wanted to insist on Wei Guogong so that he could be exonerated."

Fang Zilan took a deep breath, and before he could say anything, he heard a general next to him suspiciously say: "There are people in Mr. Fang's house involved?"

"Yes." Huangfu Xin nodded and said, "Shangguan Min from Mr. Fang's residence also went to Daying in the suburbs of Beijing."

Fang Zilan clenched her fingers into a fist, completely suspecting that she had fallen for Huangfu Xin.Before he opened his mouth, no one knew that Shangguan Min was in the camp in the suburbs of Beijing, so how did he know about it?
The situation is still unclear now, but Huangfu Xin jumped out to disrupt the situation, which just shows that he is also involved.But his actions were too deliberate. He deliberately brought up Shangguan Min, deliberately pointed the finger at her, and deliberately aroused her suspicion...

Fang Zilan only felt that her doubts were getting more and more, why did Huangfuxin take this muddy water?He could obviously say nothing, leaving himself, Huangfu Lin, and even the entire Huangfu family completely clean.

"Shangguan Min? Shouldn't he be in the north?" "Yes, why did Shangguan Min go to Daying in the suburbs of Beijing?"...

Sure enough, the sound of discussion filled the entire palace in an instant.The people who heard the news were like boiling water that exploded, almost overflowing.

"Quiet." Xia Houzhang suddenly raised his voice, and forcibly suppressed everyone's voices, "What's the proper way to be noisy?"

Everyone quieted down, but you still looked at me and I looked at you, and did not stop making eye contact.

Li Shengxuan looked calm, looked at Fang Zilan steadfastly, and asked: "Is what Huangfu Xin said true?"

"I don't know." Fang Zilan said frankly: "I believe in Shangguan Min. If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I don't believe that he would participate in the conspiracy."

"What is Shangguan Min's identity, you know better than anyone else." Li Shengxuan asked, "If he is indeed involved, what do you intend to do?"

"If Shangguan Min is really involved, I will kill him with my own hands." Fang Zilan said with a stern face, "Then come and apologize to His Majesty."

As soon as she finished speaking, there was another burst of discussion.After all, her words are equivalent to confirming that Shangguan Min is not in the northern border and has something to do with her.

However, she didn't pay attention to everyone's reaction, and asked to herself: "General Huangfu, your father didn't accompany Tiancheng Mountain, so I don't know where he is at this time?"

Huangfu Xin pursed his lips, "My father has been in poor health recently, and I think he should be taking a nap at this time. Mr. Fang, don't speculate for no reason and destroy my father's innocence."

"Really?" Fang Zilan snorted coldly, "Dare to ask General Huangfu, no one else knows where Shangguan Min is now, how did you know that he is in the camp in the suburbs of Beijing?"

 There are too many doubts, and the follow-up will be solved~
(End of this chapter)

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