Chapter 385
Huangfu Xin took a deep breath and said: "Your Majesty, although Shangguan Min was brought into the capital by me, he has a special status, so I sent someone to secretly monitor his every move, and only then did I know that he went to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing. After entering, he never came out again."

As he spoke, he glanced at Fang Zilan, and then continued: "I think he was either colluding with Wei Changtai, or he lost his life. But Shangguan Min is Master Fang's apprentice, no matter how poor his skills are, Wei Changtai will take care of Master Fang's face." , and won’t kill him easily.”

Fang Zilan suppressed his emotions and asked, "Why does Wei Changtai want to look at my face?"

"Mr. Wei has always been aloof and desolate. He has received many courtesies from Mr. Fang, let alone other people? I'm afraid no one would dare not look at Mr. Fang's face as a military general in Beijing, right?" Huangfu Xin pretended to be curious: "Don't you know Mr. Fang? "

Fang Zilan clenched her fists tightly, she could tell that Huangfuxin's words were baseless, and she insisted on dragging herself into the water.However, based on the fact that her apprentice, Shangguan Min, is in Daying in the suburbs of Beijing, it is difficult for her to win the trust of others.

Li Shengxuan heard this, although there was no expression on his face, there was a wave in his heart.

At first glance, Huangfu Xin's words were aimed at Fang Zilan, but they were actually meant to listen to him.

Although Fang Zilan does not have monstrous authority, she has a power that no one can match.The things she has done are spread all over the world and praised by thousands of people.More than in the capital?Even if it is placed in the frontier, there are probably very few people who will not sell her face.

Great merit overshadows the master, and virtue prevails over the emperor, which has always been tolerated by emperors.Even if he can tolerate it, others can't tolerate it either.


Li Shengxuan looked at Huangfu Xin. When he was in Qiluo City, he had seen this little general line up troops and charge to kill the enemy. He would not be such a malicious tongue-twister.

It's not that he is conceited, but he knows that the battlefield can best see human nature - between life and death, the choice of a person is the most real, and it is worth a thousand words, which is why he trusts Fang Zilan.

In the current situation, it is hard not to doubt, what role did Huangfu Xin and even the Huangfu family play in this rebellion?
Compared with Fang Zilan and Li Shengxuan's thoughts, although everyone present was not thinking deeply, they were still surprised.

A conspiracy brought out the Dukes of Wei, Yue, and Huangfu Xin whose purpose was unknown.It is not a trivial matter to think about the involvement of three of the nine noble families.

This pool of water was not something that a small family with a weak force could wade through. Everyone immediately fell silent, and for a while a needle could be heard in the palace.

After an unknown amount of time, Fang Zilan's voice resounded, "Since General Huangfu has used Shangguan Min to drag me into this matter, I think I will not be allowed to justify it at will."

"Master Fang, I..." Huangfu Xin was about to speak, but Fang Zilan blocked her back, "Forget it, Shangguan Min is my apprentice, and he was not strictly disciplined, so it was my fault that he was taken advantage of by others, and I don't want to absolve."

After she finished speaking, she took a step forward, saluted respectfully and said: "Your Majesty, I invite you to return to Beijing to help Duke Wei."

Before she finished speaking, everyone was in an uproar.

This time the rebellion was big or small, whether Wei Subaru returned to Beijing to put down the rebellion was to make up for his mistakes, or to clean up the family, it was justified.

As for Fang Zilan, although she looks like the one who was dragged into the water, it's hard to say whether she instigated Shangguan Min and now treats him as an abandoned son, or if she really doesn't know anything about it.It's just that he took the initiative to ask for Ying. No matter how he heard it, he wanted to smooth out the traces before Sheng Jia returned to Beijing and save Shangguan Min.

Of course Fang Zilan knew what everyone was thinking, so she said every word very seriously, "After this counter-rebellion is over, if anyone in my house is involved in it, no matter who it is, I will personally bring his head to see His Majesty Afterwards, I will be dismissed and investigated, and I will leave it to His Majesty to deal with."

Huangfu Xin looked at Fang Zilan steadfastly, his face full of disbelief, "Master Fang, you..."

Before he could speak, Li Shengxuan said without anger, "I agree. General Huangfu, and everyone present, do you have anything else to say?"

A simple sentence, but it seemed to be pressed down by a thousand-weight force, so that everyone couldn't straighten their backs, and they didn't dare to raise their heads, and shouted "Your Majesty is wise" while saluting.

Fang Zilan took the order to leave, and took a deep look at Huangfu Xin before leaving.However, to her surprise, Huangfu Xin's face was indescribably ashamed.

Drag her into the water, but don't want her to return to Beijing to get involved?This major general of the imperial family is a bit interesting.

I just don't know, is this in his mind, or Huangfulin's plan by that old fox?

Even if Shangguan Min regarded Huangfu Xin as a friend, she would not believe that a little white rabbit could be raised in the fox den, but it was just a fox in white rabbit skin.

It's just a pity for that silly boy Shangguan Min, if he knew that he was cheated and used by his friends, how would he react?
Fang Zilan thought this way, people had habitually led the horse by the rein, and only after getting on the horse did he realize that something was wrong—the horse was disobedient.

Just when she was wondering, Zheng Yan's voice came from behind, "Lord Fang, that's my horse."

Hearing the sound, Fang Zilan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she got off her horse neatly, looked at Zheng Yan and said, "Why didn't you remind me?"

"No need." Zheng Yan spoke concisely as always, Fang Zilan pursed her lips, ignored him, and walked straight to her horse.

However, the moment she got on the horse, she suddenly heard Zheng Yan's voice again, "I believe Shangguan Min, he won't."

It was still a cold voice with no ups and downs in the tone, but to Fang Zilan's ears, it was very lively.She didn't look back, and drove away.

Zheng Yan rode behind Fang Zilan not far away, and suddenly heard her say: "After returning to Beijing to fish out that stinky boy Shangguanmin, let him ask you to be the second master."

Zheng Yan was stunned for a moment, but did not answer.Fang Zilan didn't mean to urge him, but just sighed, "You brat is good at everything, but he is too easy to deceive."

"Rare." Zheng Yan said these two words almost abruptly. Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment at first, and then reacted.

Indeed, rare.

When Shangguan Min was young, he learned about the twists and turns of his life experience, experienced the disaster of family destruction, and later experienced the Sanyuan Village incident. He watched his aunt die tragically. The only male who survived.

He was looked down upon by the world, guarded by the court, and countless gossip and rumors tried to hurt him.

Even so, he did not bear hatred and live as a dark and twisted person.On the contrary, he has a rare heart of innocence and lives an extremely bright life.

Thinking of this, Fang Zilan couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips. In fact, she should have thought that Shangguan Min is not someone who is easy to deceive, but is willing to be deceived.

If someone can trick him into camp in the outskirts of Beijing...

She suddenly remembered Huangfu Xin's words, yes, it probably has something to do with her.

Thinking about it this way, Huangfu Xin's words may not only be as simple as dragging her into the water, but may also be a reminder that Wei Changtai or the people behind the scenes are targeting her.

Her initiative to invite Ying is very likely to be in the hands of the people behind the scenes.Is that why Huangfu Xin has that look?Shocked, mixed with a little worry?

 Shangguan Min: I am really not a foolish apprentice who is easy to deceive!
(End of this chapter)

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