Chapter 386
Fang Zilan and Zheng Yan hurried back to the capital with only a few bodyguards.On the way, the two made a total calculation and decided to divide the troops into two groups and act separately.

The news of Duke Yue's return to the capital will soon be reported from Tiancheng Mountain to the capital, so Fang Zilan took the clear path and returned directly to the mansion, while Zheng Yan was familiar with the camp on the outskirts of Beijing, secretly investigating and waiting for opportunities to act.

There is no tense atmosphere in the capital, and it can even be said that it is no different from the past.Fang Zilan felt strange as he led his horse through the city.

No matter how fast Wei Subaru moves, Wei Changtai won't have time to do anything, right?They all rebelled, so there must be some plan and something done, right?

However, after she returned home, she asked Mo Han and Xiao Xuan'er and found out that Wei Changtai's treason was like a joke.

At first, Wei Changtai used the false military talisman and indeed deceived several lieutenants in the camp in the suburbs of Beijing, so he took the opportunity to change several defenses in the city, but it stopped there.

Wei Subaru's subordinates are not stupid, even if Wei Changtai is holding a soldier talisman, they still murmur in their hearts, not to mention changing defenses.Without His Majesty's imperial decree, and without Wei Subaru's warrant, it was the first time that this happened.

Therefore, the lieutenants of Daying in the suburbs of Beijing made some calculations in private, and immediately sent a letter to Tiancheng Mountain quietly.

Hearing this, Fang Zilan frowned and said: "Since Wei Changtai can think of changing defenses, it's not without a plan. How could he not think of blocking the road from the capital to Tiancheng Mountain?"

"I also find this strange, so I asked Miss Xiao to investigate." Mo Han answered, looked at Xiao Xuan'er, and only heard her say: "This is the most strange thing about this matter. The roads to Tiancheng Mountain were all sealed by Wei Changtai's confidants, and none of them were broken through, and when the people from Daying in the suburbs of Beijing were delivering letters, they met Duke Wei who was returning to Beijing."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan had a flash of inspiration, and blurted out: "It's Huangfu Xin!"

"What?" Mo Han and Xiao Xuan'er said in unison, Fang Zilan asked instead, "I ask you, when did Shangguan Min go to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing?"

"Shangguanmin went to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing?" Mo Han looked surprised, Fang Zilan was taken aback, "Don't you know?"

"Sister Lan, on the third day after you left Beijing, a general came to the house, saying that there was a letter from the northern border, asking him to go to the posthouse." Mo Han said while recalling: "Shangguan Min hastily went Yes, and then sent a letter back saying that there was something wrong with the ultimatum he was traveling with, and he had to return to the northern border ahead of time..."

He stopped abruptly as he spoke, and Fang Zilan was furious, "What's the matter with you? The visitor asked Shangguan Min to pass, regardless of his identity, and you let him pass?"

"The general took the document to prove his identity..." Mo Han changed his voice as soon as he opened his mouth, "Could it be..."

"What did you think of?" Fang Zilan asked anxiously, and Mo Han hurriedly said: "I was on the corridor that day, and I saw that general come looking for Shangguanmin. When Shangguanmin took something out, his expression changed when he saw it... I thought it had something to do with the northern border, so I didn't think about it."

"It's the handle." Fang Zilan settled down, "Wei Changtai or the Huangfu family must have got some handle to blackmail Shangguan Min and force me to join them."

"Huangfu's family?" Xiao Xuan'er frowned slightly, "Master Fang, you mentioned General Huangfuxin just now, what's going on?"

Fang Zilan briefly described what happened in the Tiancheng Mountain Palace, Mo Han and Xiao Xuan'er both looked dignified.

After a while, Mo Han finally opened his mouth and said: "If Huangfu's family conspired with Wei Changtai, it would make sense for Huangfu Xin to use Shangguan Min to provoke Sister Lan to return to Beijing. After all, Shangguan Min is in their hands, and they are waiting to use this You join the gang. But why did Huangfu Xin release Wei Guogong back in advance? Could it be that they are sure that Wei Guogong will join them?"

"Leaving aside the reasons, let's say that Mr. Shangguan is Lord Fang's apprentice, and they are still useful in his hands." Xiao Xuan'er had a clear look of disapproval in her eyes, "But Lord Wei is alone, and no one has ever Things can make him worry, such a person..."

She didn't continue, but Fang Zilan and Mo Han knew her meaning very well, and all three of them fell into silence for a moment.

"Master Fang." Cong Rong's voice came from outside the door, Mo Han stood up, walked over and opened the door, "Miss Cong, you..."

"Mr. Mo, I have something urgent to see the boss." Cao Hong, who was following Cong Rong, interrupted Mo Han eagerly, stepped aside and let them in.

"Boss!" Cao Hong rushed to Fang Zilan, but hesitated and did not speak.

"You all go out first." Fang Zilan waved her hand, and Mo Han, Xiao Xuan'er and Cong Rong all left.

Fang Zilan said lightly: "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Master Wei heard that you are back, boss, let me come over." Cao Hong's face was a bit worried, "Shangguan Min was detained by them in the camp in the suburbs of Beijing."

"I know about this." Fang Zilan's expression was gloomy, and Cao Hong was stunned, "Boss, do you know?"

Fang Zilan nodded, Cao Hong touched the back of his head, "Then there is one more thing, boss, do you know?"

"What's the matter?" Fang Zilan couldn't help frowning, Cao Hong leaned in front of her, and said in a low voice, "I heard from my acquaintance in the camp that the person in charge of Shangguan Min held a picture every day and forced him to ask him what the picture was. What's the meaning."

"What picture?" Fang Zilan's voice was very soft, but Cao Hong still heard it. He whispered, "Plum branch."

Fang Zilan's hands hidden in her sleeves were clenched into fists, thinking that it was the plum branch pattern that tricked Shangguan Min to go to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing.But when did he know that Meizhi was related to him?

Before she could think about it, another thought popped up.They deceived Shangguan Min with the plum branch pattern, but they didn't know what the pattern represented, which meant that Wei Changtai didn't know the relationship between the plum branch pattern and her, but someone who knew the inside story told him...

The answer is ready to come out, Ji Ningtian.He stood behind the scenes and planned such a farce-like rebellion.

No, his real purpose is not to rebel, but after the rebellion...

Drag Wei Shi into the water and find someone to replace him, just like what she did to Shangguan's family.

But she is already in the position of Yue Guogong, does Ji Ning Tianming have other chess pieces available?Or is it that Ji Ningtian doesn't want to replace Wei Shi, what he values ​​is Wei Subaru's big camp in the suburbs of Beijing?
Not without this possibility.The most important place in the capital, at the foot of the emperor, whoever controls the camp in the suburbs of the capital will have the absolute right to speak.

However, due to the guard against her by Li Shengxuan and other noble families, even if Wei Subaru no longer manages the camp in the suburbs of Beijing, she may not take over...

By the way, Huang Fulin!

If Ji Ningtian persuaded the Huangfu family to join forces, everything would make sense.Why would Huangfuxin know all the news, and secretly inform Wei Subaru to let him return to Beijing early?Just because if there is a rebellion, the whole camp in the suburbs of Beijing will be damaged, and what Ji Ningtian and the Huangfu family want is a perfect teacher who can be manipulated by them.

 The truth is finally pieced together...

(End of this chapter)

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