Don't ask where people go

Chapter 391 Execution

Chapter 391 Execution
Fang Zilan remained silent. Before seeing Wei Yi, she thought that Wei Subaru was trying to avoid conflict with him and save unnecessary trouble.It can be seen that after seeing Wei Yi, she felt that she was wrong.

Such as Wei Yi, even if there are ten or hundreds of Wei Subaru, they will not pay attention to it, and there is no need to use the soldier talisman as an excuse to ask her to make a special trip.In other words, Wei Subaru just didn't want her to go to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing, so he just found something for her to do.

What happened in Daying in the suburbs of Beijing?Shangguan Min is still in it...

"Fang Zilan..." A Wan's voice pulled her back from her thoughts, she collected her expression and said, "Forget it, let's go back to the mansion first and see if Zheng Yan is back."

"General Zheng?" Awan asked curiously, "Where did he go?"

"I asked Zheng Yan to go to Daying on the outskirts of Beijing to investigate the situation." Fang Zilan raised her hand and frowned slightly, "I don't know how he is doing."

A Wan hesitated: "Then we won't go to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing?"

"Not going for now." Fang Zilan weighed the soldier talisman in his hand, and Awan didn't say anything more.

After the two returned to the mansion, they found that Zheng Yan had not yet returned to the mansion. Fang Zilan, who heard the news, looked a little more solemn, "Wait, I'll go to Daying on the outskirts of Beijing myself."

"Sister Lan, please be safe and don't be impatient. If..." Mo Han was about to dissuade her, but she interrupted, "The soldier amulet is in my hands, and Lord Wei Mao is also in the camp in the suburbs of Beijing. Nothing will happen."

Mo Han hesitated for a moment, as if he had made up his mind, he said, "Then I will go with you."

"No need." Fang Zilan shook her head, "How many times have I been to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing, which one didn't look dangerous? But it's actually nothing, I retreated unscathed every time."

A look of worry flashed across Mo Han's eyes, and Fang Zilan comforted him, "It's cheaper for me to do things alone, even if something happens, I can run faster..."

"Sister Lan." Mo Han called her heavily, and she immediately said seriously: "Yes, nothing will happen. What's more, Zheng Yan has also gone, I have helpers, don't worry."

"But..." Mo Han opened his mouth and changed his voice, "Sister Lan, do you really trust Zheng Yan? What if..."

Fang Zilan had no expression on her face, "If there is such a contingency, there is no way to avoid it. Instead of waiting until the future in suspicion, it is better to find out now."

Mo Han knew that she had made up her mind, so she didn't say any more, but said solemnly: "I'm in the house, sister Lan, don't worry, be careful in everything."

"Okay." Fang Zilan patted him on the shoulder, turned around and led the horse away from the mansion, and went straight to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing.

In the big camp on the outskirts of Beijing, Shangguan Min, who was locked in a tent, felt numb to the endless screams and begging for mercy outside.

Three days ago, Wei Subaru led people into the camp in the suburbs of Beijing.At that time, he didn't know it was Wei Subaru, but he thought it was another lieutenant leading a group of people to break in. After all, this kind of thing had happened several times in just a few days.

As early as when he and Wei Changtai's people left the mansion, he knew that Wei Changtai wanted to use him to negotiate terms with his master, and he was detained here voluntarily, just to see how much Wei Changtai knew, that plum branch...

Thinking about this, Shangguan Min couldn't help sighing, who knew that Wei Changtai sent people to question him every day, obviously he didn't know anything.He regretted it at that time, but unfortunately it was too late, the camp on the outskirts of Beijing was heavily guarded, and there was no chance of escape.

However, several lieutenants in the camp on the outskirts of Beijing had their own ideas. On the second day after he was imprisoned, one of the lieutenants asked him insinuatingly. Two lieutenants did not obey the command and stayed in the capital.

When the news spread, the camp was naturally noisy for several days, but Wei Changtai was obviously not a strong person with iron and blood skills, and he didn't even kill chickens to make an example of monkeys. He punished some people symbolically. .

Shangguan Min hadn't figured it out. Although he had only seen Wei Changtai once after he was detained, it could be seen that he was not some ambitious and ruthless character.Such a person actually rebels, what is he trying to do?

And Wei Changtai was huddled in the camp on the outskirts of Beijing, as if he was waiting for someone.Who are we waiting for?It would be unreasonable to say that he was waiting for his master Fang Zilan.

Based on his understanding of Master, she would definitely not help Wei Changtai in rebellion, but the pattern of plum branches in Wei Changtai's hand...

Shangguan Min didn't dare to think about it anymore, but a thought still couldn't help crawling out in his mind - Master would be coerced...

There was another howl outside, which suppressed Shangguan Min's thoughts.He gritted his teeth tightly, and the sound in his heart was like someone hitting his head, and it hurt so bad just hearing it.

Master Wei Subaru is really too ruthless.

The goosebumps on Shangguan Min's body have not gone down since the moment he heard Wei Subaru's voice.Originally, he thought that Master was ruthless enough for slaughtering cities and villages, but she was giving people a good time, unlike Wei Subaru...

"Ah!" There was another scream, but it was extremely short, as if he died soon.

Shangguan Min was stunned. Could it be that he couldn't bear it anymore, or that Master Wei Subaru was out of interest?Before he could figure it out, he heard a sound of horseshoes, followed by a very familiar voice - "What is Master Wei doing?"

It's Master!Master is here!Shangguan Min was so excited that he was finally able to get out of this hell on earth!
Outside the tent, Fang Zilan was holding the horse's reins with one hand and a military talisman with the other, but she had no intention of getting off the horse at all.

Wei Subaru stood [-] feet away from her with arms folded, without even raising his eyelids, "Master Fang has taken the military talisman, so you want to point fingers at the camp in the suburbs of Beijing?"

His words were cold and piercing, mixed with the smell of blood all over the floor, Fang Zilan couldn't help holding his breath, retracted the soldier talisman, and subconsciously tightened the hand holding the horse's rein, but still trembling slightly.

Is this the real reason why Wei Subaru does not want her to come to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing?
Fang Zilan looked at the broken limbs all over the floor, and repeated what he said before, "What is Master Wei doing?"

Wei Subaru still didn't answer her, and said coldly: "Master Fang, I will return your people to the family, but you shouldn't have come here."

"Wei Subaru!" Fang Zilan's voice was sharp and stern, "Dajing has laws, why do you use torture without permission?"

Wei Subaru lowered his arms, straightened his sleeves, and said calmly, "So what?"

There was still nothingness in his eyes, but they were flushed red against the blood color, making them look more and more strange.

"Master Fang doesn't understand my rules, I can forgive him, but there will never be a next time." Wei Subaru said, glanced at the person who was shot by Fang Zilan and fell in a pool of blood.

Fang Zilan followed his gaze and looked over.If it was a person, if she hadn't heard the voice when she came, how could she believe that the whole thing in front of her was a man with blood and blood?
Peel the skin and cramps, remove the bones and extract the marrow.Wei Subaru used this kind of torture in the army, which is outrageous.

Seeing Fang Zilan standing there, Wei Subaru clapped his hands lightly, "Master Fang, please leave." As soon as he finished speaking, the executioner immediately walked over to Fang Zilan.

Fang Zilan stared closely at the person approaching. He was covered in black armor, with only a pair of eyes exposed. He didn't look like an ordinary soldier.

The armor on that person seemed to be extremely heavy, and blood spattered every time he took a step, like a ghost who came out of hell.

 Shangguan Min: I really didn't expect everyone to compete one by one. What kind of KPI is this to accomplish...

(End of this chapter)

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