Chapter 392
There was no fear on Fang Zilan's face, the plum sword in his hand was out of the sheath, and he met the man face to face, but he only felt a shock in his mouth, and the man was not injured at all, he just took a few steps back and stood still.

Fang Zilan's heart tightened, the black armor on that man's body was so indestructible, could it be made of black iron?
But before she could think about it, the man walked towards her again.Seeing that it was inevitable, she simply jumped off the horse, tapped her toes, and stood in a pool of blood.

Seeing this, Wei Subaru raised his eyebrows and showed a playful smile, but he didn't give any instructions.

After two rounds, the black armor on the man's body suddenly split open, and the blood gushed out bright red. Rao Wei Subaru couldn't help but exclaimed, clapped his hands and said, "Master Fang is really amazing."

Fang Zilan shook off the blood from the tip of the sword, and said coldly: "I didn't intend to hurt your life, so I'm not going back quickly..."

Unexpectedly, before she finished speaking, she saw that person walking over tremblingly, as if she hadn't heard what she was saying at all.

"Wei Subaru, tell your people to back down!" Fang Zilan's expression became colder, and Wei Subaru remained unmoved, "Master Fang, kill him if you want to, and leave when you're done."

Fang Zilan was shocked by his indifferent attitude, her face froze, she took a sword flower in her hand, and put the sword behind her back.

Wei Subaru slightly hooked his lips, "It's very good that Mr. Fang retreated in spite of the difficulties..."

However, before he finished speaking, Fang Zilan flew towards him, like a ghost, so fast that people had no time to react.

"Wei Subaru, taking the head of a general among the three armies is my specialty." Fang Zilan's voice sounded in Wei Subaru's ear, like an ice edge falling to the ground, chilling.

"I'm standing too close to Mr. Fang." Wei Subaru replied leisurely, without seeming to be threatened at all.

The next moment, a dagger went straight at Fang Zilan, a quick and ruthless move, obviously leaving no room.

Fang Zilan dodges unhurriedly, and quickly passed several moves with Wei Subaru, and it was hard to tell the winner.

Just as the two were fighting fiercely, a voice suddenly broke in, "Lord Fang, please save me!"

The speaker's tone trembled extremely, revealing indescribable panic and instinctive desire to survive, it was Wei Changtai.

Fang Zilan took a few steps back abruptly, distanced herself from Wei Subaru, and then she saw Wei Changtai's appearance clearly—her hair was disheveled, her face was in a state of distress, and the water stains on her body seemed to... peed her pants?
She frowned slightly and said, "You are Wei Changtai?"

"Exactly." Wei Changtai rolled and crawled into the pool of blood, and moved towards Fang Zilan with all hands and feet, "Master Fang, please save me, I don't have a problem with exile, as long as you put I'll take it out..."

He babbled almost incoherently, "My nephew... no... Duke Wei... he's crazy... we're all going to die here..."

Fang Zilan glanced at Wei Changtai sympathetically, thinking that he was a good person, and was almost insanely frightened by Wei Subaru.It's no wonder that seeing his relatives and confidants tortured and tragically died in front of his eyes made him go crazy.

Wei Subaru still didn't respond, he just said softly: "Don't worry, uncle, you won't die here."

Wei Changtai's eyes widened like a frightened bird.Seeing this situation, Fang Zilan was about to speak, but Wei Subaru said to himself: "I will hand you over to His Majesty."

Hearing this, Wei Changtai seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, but Wei Subaru's next words made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave, "However, other people except you..."

He didn't continue, Wei Changtai kowtowed like garlic, "Master Wei Guogong, I beg you, give them a good time! Please, please..."

Wei Subaru watched Wei Changtai's head bleed, and the smile on his face became wider, "Uncle, the first thing Wei taught me is to bear the consequences. When you are manipulating soldiers to rebel , you should think about today."

"Bear the consequences?" Wei Changtai sneered, "My consequences should be determined by His Majesty, why should you deal with them arbitrarily according to your temperament? You bastard, why didn't the eldest brother kill you?"

Wei Subaru still had a smile on his face, "Uncle, even if you didn't tell me, I already knew that the frightened horse was written by my father and you."

Wei Changtai felt as if he had been hit in the head, and said in a daze, "When did you know? it you..."

"No." Wei Subaru interrupted his words, and said with a smile: "What's the use of me doing such boring things?"

"Boring..." Wei Changtai repeated the word, and said in disbelief, "How is it possible..."

Fang Zilan was at a loss when he heard it at first, but gradually he heard some clues. He thought that because Wei Subaru's mother was a barbarian slave girl, he was often treated harshly by the Wei family. With the idea, together with his uncle, he made a startled horse.

But judging from her fight with Wei Subaru just now, it is impossible for a mere frightened horse to fall to him, unless it was... a child?

Thinking of this, Fang Zilan couldn't help but sneak a glance at Wei Subaru. When he knew that his biological father and uncle wanted his own life, how would he react?Will it be as calm as it is now?
Wei Subaru half-closed his eyes, looked at the dark clouds all over the sky, and said, "It's a pity you didn't manage to kill me."

pity?Fang Zilan was stunned, and Wei Changtai was also stunned, "What did you say?"

"There are many people in the world who want me to die, but unfortunately none of them can do so." Wei Subaru said quietly: "I am looking forward to it, who can kill me?"

He said and looked at Fang Zilan, "Master Fang, do you want to give it a try?"

Fang Zilan pursed her lips, took a deep breath and said, "Master Wei, if you want to die, you don't have to wait for others to do it. I don't intend to be your enemy, but I don't agree with what you did today."

"I thought Lord Fang would stand by my side." Wei Subaru said thoughtfully, "My uncle sent someone to detain Lord Fang's good apprentice, Lord Fang doesn't want to know why?"

Fang Zilan snorted coldly, "If Wei Changtai is willing to speak, I will listen with all my ears."

Wei Changtai was in a dilemma, he was afraid of Wei Subaru's viciousness, and he was also afraid of offending Fang Zilan by revealing the plum branch pattern, if the two really stood on the same side, he would have no chance of survival.

So he muttered for a long time, tremblingly said: "I...I just want to use him to blackmail Mr. Fang, to force Mr. Fang to help me plot against..."

Fang Zilan had such an expression as expected, but Wei Subaru was noncommittal, "Really? Then what are those shredded papers taken out of the belly of my uncle's cronies?"

"It's nothing..." Wei Changtai shook his head like a rattle, and Wei Subaru explained, "My uncle's cronies were questioning Mr. Fang's good apprentice before my people broke in, but for some reason they suddenly swallowed it." A piece of paper, I asked them to dissect the confidant, took out the paper to have a look, but it was all debris, nothing could be seen. I wonder if Mr. Fang has any idea?"

"Master Wei has already guessed it, why bother to ask?" Fang Zilan's brows were covered with a layer of frost, "Or, Lord Wei also wants to take advantage of me?"

 Everything happens for a reason, it can only be said that everyone is not a good person...

(End of this chapter)

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