Don't ask where people go

Chapter 421 Buying Love

Chapter 421 Buying Love
Fang Zilan didn't know how she got out of the Yuzhang Palace, she only felt that her steps were extremely heavy, and what she repeated in her mind was the last words of the Empress Dowager, "If Mr. Fang thinks that he has meritorious deeds, he can be honored for a lifetime and despise the majesty of the royal family. Then how will the people of the world have reverence for my Dajing royal family in the future?"

For a while, she couldn't refute such words.It was she who forgot that it has always been a taboo to make great achievements.

Even if Li Shengxuan didn't care, even if she was a woman, even if she had never been proud of her merits, but as long as she had the slightest intention of rebelling, she would be considered a traitor at any time and would be dragged into the water and trampled to death.

She walked slowly in the imperial garden, looking at the garden full of purples and reds and luxuriant branches and leaves, she knew in her heart that the prosperity in front of her eyes would not last long after all.

Flowers are not happy for a hundred days, and people are not popular for a thousand days.Trapped in the capital, she has to face the hidden dangers and discords under the bustling city without seeing the vastness of the surroundings. She doesn't always feel safe and sound as long as she thinks about it.

"Ah!" The woman's exclamation stopped Fang Zilan's thoughts, and she walked over quickly to help the woman who fell on the ground, only to realize that it was Qiu Shui.

"Master Fang!" Qiu Shui grabbed Fang Zilan's hand first, and then let it go quickly.She took a step back and stood firm, said: "I was reckless, please don't blame Mr. Fang."

Fang Zilan raised her hand, and quietly hid the piece of paper that Qiushui gave her in her sleeve, "Miss Qiushui thinks there is something to worry about, so she is in such a hurry. I have nothing to do, so Miss Qiushui can go to work on her own."

"Thank you Master Fang for your understanding." Qiu Shui saluted and left in a hurry.

Fang Zilan pursed her lips, Qiu Shui sent her a message in such a cryptic manner, it was probably not a trivial matter.There are many people in the palace, so she can't wait to see it after returning home.

However, before she could move out of the palace, she heard Li Shengxuan's voice, "Fang Zilan!"

Fang Zilan turned around, only to see Li Shengxuan striding towards him, and said anxiously: "I heard that you went to Yuzhang Palace with the badge of the public minister, will the Empress Dowager make things difficult for you?"

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Fang Zilan took a few steps back, saluted respectfully, and opened the distance between Li Shengxuan and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for King Yucheng's request for the marriage. But now the Empress Dowager has made up her mind. The decree bestows marriage..."

"What did you say?" Li Shengxuan interrupted her uncontrollably, and she barely raised the corners of her lips, "Your Majesty doesn't need to worry about this matter, I..."

"How are you doing?" Li Shengxuan took a step forward, which only increased his sense of oppression.

Fang Zilan didn't dodge, met his burning gaze directly, and asked, "What does Your Majesty want from me?"

Li Shengxuan's expression froze, Fang Zilan smiled and said in a low voice: "If I resist the order and refuse the marriage, will Your Majesty kill me?"

"I won't." Fang Zilan replied firmly, but Fang Zilan clearly saw a trace of hesitation in his eyes, "Although your majesty will not kill me, you can't let me go easily, right?"

Li Shengxuan took a deep breath, but Fang Zilan didn't give him a chance to speak.She raised a smile, and said coldly: "For Your Majesty, I stole the will, and for the sake of Dajing, I fought in all directions. I was injured and sick, and half my life was glorious, but I couldn't even take charge of my life. This is, I Is it the result of betting your life?"

"Lord Fang, please be careful!" Xia Houzhang said anxiously, but Li Shengxuan remained silent. He watched Fang Zilan approaching him step by step. Xia Houzhang originally wanted to stop him, but he stopped him.

However, Fang Zilan did not stop, she walked over while rubbing Li Shengxuan's shoulder, and left the palace city without looking back.

A cold light flashed in her eyes, she used to be the most open-minded when she was alone, but now there are Mo Han, A Wan, Xiao Xuan'er, Zheng Yan, and Cong Rong in her house.She wasn't alone anymore, what would they do if something happened to her?
She walked back to the mansion with heavy steps. Seeing her coming back, Xiao Xuan'er hurriedly told her the news that she had just received - several stewards of the Fang family were affected by the previous investigation and were sentenced to exile, and Fang Lihui's left and right arms were broken.

However, she didn't listen to anything, and just took out the note that Qiu Shui stuffed her, which said that the Ministry of Di Rong was about to send the two princesses to make amends.

No wonder the two empresses in the palace had changed so much, and they were so eager to ask Li Qiyou to marry her, so the reason was to prevent these two princesses from falling into Yucheng Palace.

Ready to get married?What did they take her for?Now that things have come to this point, they don't care about anyone's face.

Thinking of this, Fang Zilan stood up abruptly, Xiao Xuaner stared blankly at the person in front of him with a stern expression, even Mo Han who came over after hearing the news was startled, "Sister Lan?"

Fang Zilan ignored them, and walked out of the mansion on her own, Mo Han asked behind her: "Sister Lan, where are you going?"

"Buying Huan." Fang Zilan casually tossed the ball of paper to Mo Han, leaving these two words behind and disappeared.

After Mo Han saw the contents of the paper clearly, combined with Fang Zilan's words, he couldn't help but gasped, and quickly chased him out.

Xiao Xuan'er also heard something was wrong, and followed Mo Han, "Mr. Mo, what's wrong with Mr. Fang?"

"It's too late to elaborate." Mo Han looked anxious, "Miss Xiao, do you know where all the fireworks in Beijing are located?"

Xiao Xuan'er was stunned for a moment, then said softly: "Young Master Mo, come with me." After she said that, she took Mo Han to Fengyue Lane behind Zhuque Street, where all the well-dressed people were there, but they all did nothing. Get drunk and come here for pleasure.

Mo Han came to this kind of place for the first time, and his whole body was as stiff as a puppet. Xiao Xuan'er led him through the crowd, avoiding several soliciting women, "If Mr. Fang really came here, I think he is going to buy a small groom."

"Xiaoguan?" Mo Han frowned slightly, he had heard of Xiaoguan before, they were all young men who sold their looks, they were rarer than ordinary prostitutes, but it was also a profession for fun.

However, before he could think about it, Xiao Xuan'er dragged him into a flower house, "I just inquired about it, and they said Master Fang entered this house."

Mo Han showed surprise on his face, and couldn't help but said: "Miss Xiao, you..."

Xiao Xuan'er hummed, and stopped him, "Before I entered the Duke's Mansion, I was a member of Wanhualou."

"Sorry, I didn't intend to spy on the girl's past..." Mo Han looked ashamed, Xiao Xuan'er smiled slightly: "Mr. Mo doesn't need to be like this, the most urgent thing is to find Master Fang first."

Before she finished speaking, she heard Fang Zilan's voice, "I really can't catch anyone's eyes. I saw that the kid who played the piano when he entered the door was pretty good. Send him here."

"Master Fang, you have a really good eye, but the child has not been delivered for long, and he hasn't been trained well, I'm afraid..." The flattering voice was replaced by a metallic sound, after which Fang Zilan said without anger: "I want it Man, do you dare to say no?"

"Master Fang, spare me, I'll send him here right now." After a trembling voice, a middle-aged woman pushed the door and came out, but as soon as she reached the door, she saw Fang Zilan throwing something. What, "You can find someone to take this brand to the Duke of Yue's mansion to get the money."

The woman took a closer look and was so frightened that she could hardly hold it, "Master Fang, this... this is a gift from the emperor... the token of the public servant..."

"It's just a dead thing. If I want to be happy, I can drink it as wine, so why not?" Fang Zilan glanced at the woman, she was silent, and ran away with small steps holding the Gongqing token.

Seeing this, Fang Zilan snorted coldly, and finally his eyes fell on Mo Han and Xiao Xuan'er who were not far away, "It's all here, come in and sit down."

 In order to refuse marriage, Fang Zilan: Do you know how hard I worked?
(End of this chapter)

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